Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 77: : The scary part of the poison king

In the tornado of sand and dust flying all over the sky, the desert dragonflies flying in mid-air kept emitting waves of dragon waves from their mouths. Although the power was much worse than the waves of dragons at the beginning, it was more expensive. The gas storage is short, and almost every second can release a wave, and the dense waves of dragons fall from the sky, bombarding the Abo monster below.

At this time, the snake pattern on the chest of the Abo monster still maintains the speed snake pattern. At this time, he was walking quickly on the sand, so as to avoid a large number of dragon waves in the desert dragonfly. The shadow appeared on the sandy ground, and then slowly disappeared under the bombardment of the dragon's fluctuations above his head. Unfortunately, under the influence of the wind and sand, Abo's movements would occasionally pause due to some piled up sand dunes. The dragon wave of the desert dragonfly has an opportunity to fall on him one after another, causing the Abo monster with the dragon attribute to scream in pain.

Fortunately, the Abo Monster's continuous combat ability is very strong. With its powerful regeneration ability and the use of the soul of the two skills of charging and swallowing, the Abo Monster has always maintained sufficient physical strength by consuming the food energy contained in the body. , but under such a high-intensity evasive action, Abo Monster's stomach that had just been full was now bursting with hunger.

However, if you observe carefully, while the Abo is frantically evading the attack of the desert dragonfly, a trace of stench of black gas has been emitting from Abo's body, and then under the wind of the sand tornado, it is involved in the entire sand tornado. Every corner of the building, and with the passage of time, a trace of abnormal black gradually appeared in the sand that was originally full of yellow.


"What's wrong with me, why is my head so dizzy all of a sudden." A yellow-robed woman hiding behind the rock wall to avoid the sandstorm covered her head weakly and said, just after speaking, the whole person fainted directly in the sand on the ground.

At this time, the somewhat white face of the yellow-robed woman showed a lot of black spots, and her lips also turned black and purple.

"Me too, I feel so uncomfortable." The other women in yellow robes also echoed weakly, and then, like the first woman in yellow robes who fell down, they lay on the sand and passed out. Fei's situation was similar, with a large number of black spots dotted all over her skin.

"This is poison, when did it get high, Sister Ailan, we..." Sophie had not fallen down with her relatively tenacious willpower, but when she wanted to drink the antidote, the inner However, the toxin erupted violently again, breaking her will in an instant, leaving her also plunged into endless darkness.

Obviously, they were all poisoned unknowingly. When they found out, it was too late. The toxins that had been accumulating burst out of them instantly, making them lose their ability to resist.

Even the flaming horses around them have similar symptoms at the moment, but their resistance is stronger than that of ordinary human beings in yellow robes. Judging from the speed of the black spots, they were not far from the end of the yellow-robed woman.

"What kind of poison is this, even a strong antidote can't resist it, it's impossible, I, my Steel Wing Case, actually, actually, actually like this..."

On the other side, the same number of people sheltering from the sandstorm on a rock wall also showed symptoms of Desert Rose and others, but he was the first woman in the yellow robe and others to discover signs of his poisoning, and quickly took the powerful antidote prepared in the space bag. He ate it, but found that the strong antidote could only slow the spread of the toxin, and could not take out the toxin at all. In the end, Case also stepped into the dust of the yellow-robed women, and fell on the sand with the same powerlessness, his life and death was uncertain.


"Hmph, there is no absolute home field advantage at all. The battle is supposed to be flexible and changeable. If you want to blame it, you are too stupid, and the toxin of the Abo monster can be used arbitrarily. This seems to allow you to occupy the Taking advantage of the sandstorm tornado has become your death cage before you know it, resistance is useless, just accept the fate of your death obediently."

Looking coldly at the creatures below falling down one after another under the effect of the poisonous gas released by the Abo Monster, Ryuzaki Shinji turned his head and said coldly to Rhodes who was shoving various antidote into his mouth.

"When was it arranged, so many powerful antidote can't be removed. Damn, I'm so unwilling." When there was something wrong with his body, Rhode realized the seriousness of the matter and looked at the hand that appeared in his hand. With the black spot, he immediately tried all the antidotes on his body, but was horrified to discover that no bottle could completely remove the toxins accumulated unconsciously in his body.

"Ow~~" A sad dragon groan appeared in the ear of Rhodes, who was struggling to support the spread of the poison. He quickly turned his head and looked with difficulty, and his eyes couldn't help showing a hint of despair. Then, his body finally couldn't suppress the poison Outburst, black eyes fainted on Vulture Na.

As if it was the last straw that broke the camel's back, as soon as the trainer Rhode fell, Vulture Na, who was also struggling to support it, couldn't support it anymore, and the heavy wings could no longer be flapped. It fell from the sky, but before losing consciousness, Vulture Na still faithfully protected Rhodes, using her body as a pad to prevent Luo from falling from the sky and dying.

Due to the non-stop flying in the air and the release of a large number of dragon waves, the desert dragonfly, which has been doing high-intensity aerobic exercise, is probably the creature that ingests the most toxins among the creatures in the entire dust tornado range. He has a very strong resistance to toxins, but under the action of a large amount of toxins that spread to all corners of the body through the blood, he can only resist powerlessly, and the toxins accumulated to a certain level explode in an instant, and immediately let this little king of the king level. The elf fell from the sky with black eyes, and was finally taken away by Abo, who had been waiting on the sand for a long time, with a highly poisonous ice fang.


With the fall of the desert dragonfly, the dust tornado that had been trapping the Abo monster gradually dissipated, and the blue sky and the scorching sun reappeared above the heads of Ryuzaki Shinji and Abo monster. At this time, most of the creatures in the sand tornado were The snake venom that has already hit the Aberdeen ~www.readwn.com~ is all dead and undecided on the sand.

"Oh~~, it seems that your fire lion's ability is good. You can actually use fire therapy to remove the toxin of the Aberdeen, but unfortunately you can't cast it on you. You already have the Aberdeen's snake venom. The toxin is not much, but unless you have my Aberdeen's snake venom in your hand, it's only a matter of time before you die."

Ryuzaki Shinji stood on the snake head of Abo, and looked down at Ailan who was being protected by the flame lion below. She and the flame lion were the only creatures who could maintain consciousness on the sand at this time.

"Woooooo~~" Huo Yan lion grinned at Abo and Ryuzaki Shinji in a low voice. She blocked Ailan behind her and watched the strong enemy in front of her vigilantly.

"Cough cough cough~~, run, Yan, what do you want? How can you give us an antidote?" Ai Lan spat out a mouthful of black blood, and stopped the flame lion who wanted to go forward and Ryuzaki Shinji desperately. , and then stared at Ryuzaki Shinji weakly and asked.

"..." Facing Alan's question, Ryuzaki Shinji didn't choose to answer, but looked at him silently, his eyes were cold and cold.

The scene in front of him began to blur gradually, the snake venom had spread all over Ailan's body, and Ailan gradually fell weakly on the sand.

A mournful roar appeared, and the flaming lion fell weakly.

"Lord Orina, please forgive me that I can no longer repay your kindness."

When Ailan's consciousness was about to disappear, a familiar figure stood in front of her.

To be continued......................

Thanks to Rising Sun Panda for the reward of 100 starting coins, and thanks to the fireworks for the 100 starting coins. Thank you so much for your support of this book.

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