Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 78: : Storm Feather

Under the scorching sun gradually approaching the west, on a hot sandy field filled with the breath of death, a grim man in a khaki hooded cloak was standing on top of a dark one-horned snake, and the man's icy eyes She was facing a yellow-robed woman on the sand in front of her.

At this time, the last line of defense for the yellow-robed woman was a flaming lion protecting her.

"I can't stay, these people must all die here, otherwise once the news leaks out, my existence will be discovered, I will no longer be able to move freely in the dark, and I will suffer from both Desert Fang and Desert Rose at the same time. The joint siege of the big forces." This was the only thought in Ryuzaki Shinji's mind at this time.

The Fire Lion was not originally the opponent of the Abo Monster. Now, without the command of the trainer, it is even more impossible to stop the Abo Monster and Ryuzaki Shinji. Recruit the highly poisonous Thunder Fang and directly take away the flaming lion.

In the end, the Fire Lion was only able to buy Alan a few minutes to survive.

"If you want to blame, it's your lack of strength, Abo, use the solution to wipe out their existence." Ryuzaki, who was standing on the head of Abo's snake, looked at the flame lion who supported Ailan before he was unwilling to fall. Shinji gave the order coldly.


Suddenly, "咻咻咻~~" a large number of air-breaking sounds appeared, and in a short time, a rain of feather swords fell from the sky, like a wall, between Ryuzaki Shinji and Ai Lan, magically. The dissolving liquid sprayed out by the Abo monster was blocked.

Not only that, after Feather Sword Rain blocked Abo Monster's solution, the invisible wall made of Feather Sword Rain began to move towards Ryuzaki Shinji and Abo Monster.

Like a thousand arrows, a large number of feathers injected with the power of the flight system shot down from the air like a sharp sword, and the arrows of all the feathers pointed directly at Ryuzaki Shinji's head.

At the critical moment, Ryuzaki Shinji directly used teleportation to disappear from the head of the Abo monster.

At this time, Abo, who was instructed by Shinji Ryuzaki, had switched the snake pattern on his chest from the speed snake pattern to the defensive snake pattern. At the same time, he used two "charge" tricks, which instantly strengthened his double defense to Extreme.

next moment.

"Qiangqiangqiang~~~" A sound of sword and shield collision sounded.

And all the feather sword rain fell on the Abo monster, but the Abo monster seemed to be fine, all the feather sword rain flying with the air blade can only leave one on his snake scale armor A trivial little white spot can't break the defense of Abo Monster at all.

After more than ten seconds, the enemy in the sky seemed to see Feather Sword Rain, but Ryuzaki Shinji and Aboguai had no choice but to give up the useless attack. In the next second, a powerful tornado formed by the energy of the cyan flight type suddenly came out of Ryuzaki. Appears in the sand between Shinji and Alan.

The strong wind swept up a large amount of sand and dust, blocking the vision of Abo and Ryuzaki Shinji in an instant.

Unfortunately, eyes are not Ryuzaki Shinji's only tool for collecting information. With this almost pervasive mental power, Ryuzaki Shinji has already seen clearly the location and appearance of the enemy.

"Hey, come and don't go indecent, Abo is aimed at the middle part of the storm and uses the most powerful dragon wave to force the enemy out." Ryuzaki Shinji, who used his superpower skill to move objects and stayed in mid-air Zimang flashed slightly in his eyes, and he immediately had spiritual communication to issue an order to the Abo monster below.

In the next second, the Abo monster, who was being hit by the wind and sand, immediately switched the defensive snake pattern on its chest to the attacking snake pattern. At the same time, a huge wave of dragons was released from its mouth, and I saw a purple energy poisonous dragon fluttering with its teeth and claws. The tornado that rolled up the billowing sand and dust in the front, the energy poisonous dragon ignored the obstacles of the heavy sand waves, and finally torn the tornado directly.

"Bang~" A loud explosion sounded, the turbid sand and dust fell slightly, and a huge explosion crater appeared on Ailan's original sand. However, above the explosion crater, there was a blue-green energy shield. The eagle was docked in mid-air, and at this time, Ailan and the flaming lion were on the body of the eagle.

The body is very large than the eagle, at least three or four times larger than the general natural evolution of the eagle. A pair of wings flattened is close to a terrifying 8 meters long, and the streamlined body is slender and straight. And a woman also wearing a yellow robe still did not see the slightest difficulty.

The slender and graceful colored feathers draped over the back of his head, and above the sharp beak were a pair of incomparably sharp eyes. At this time, Bi Diao was staring down at the Abo monster who was coiled up below.

The powerful flight force was constantly radiating from Bidio's body, causing the small cyclones that spiraled up around her to appear constantly. Stay in mid-air.

A low-level Heavenly King's peak-level aura was fully revealed from Bibi Diao's body. If you compare her aura carefully, Aboguai is even worse than her by a few points.

"Your Excellency, you have to forgive people and forgive them, so that we can meet each other in the future. Please hand over the antidote. By doing this, Your Excellency will be able to reap the friendship of my Storm Feather Orina."

After a few seconds of confrontation between Bi Diao and Abo Monster, a melodious voice like a yellow warbler came out from the mouth of the woman in yellow robe standing on top of Bi Diao's head. He looked at Shinji Ryuzaki who was parked in the air in front of him with interest.

The woman in yellow robe has a waterfall-like black hair, and her body is very tall and sexy, especially her **** long legs that are exposed outside. On the top, there is a pair of full-bodied, concave and convex front and back, the whole person is full of charm like a ripe peach, plus there are flaming red lips, big eyes like autumn water and delicate Qiong nose and other exquisite puzzle pieces spliced ​​together With her beautiful face, a charm that turned all living beings upside down suddenly radiated from her body.

"Divine organ?" Such a name suddenly appeared in Ryuzaki Shinji's mind when he saw the yellow-robed woman for the first time.

Although the beautiful woman in front of her claimed to be Orina, the leader of the Desert Roses, from the perspective of her appearance, it was almost 98% similar to the Divine Organ he had seen in Haibaogang before, but Ryuzaki Shinji earnestly agreed After comparing the figures of the two, he knew that the person in front of him was indeed not the Divine Organ he had seen before. To some extent, the woman named Orina in front of him was a mature version of the Divine Organ~www. readwn.com~ Your Excellency, please hand over the antidote quickly. "Seeing Ryuzaki Shinji's dazed look, Orina couldn't help showing a hint of disgust in her eyes, and then said a word to Ryuzaki Shinji, but this time, her voice was cold.

When Ryuzaki Shinji heard this, he suddenly came back to his senses and squinted at Orina. Then, with a flash of purple light in his eyes, he used teleportation to return to the top of Abo Monster's head again.

"Your friendship? Hmph, then tell me, what price does my friendship have to pay to get it?"

The next moment, Ryuzaki Shinji's voice transmitted by telepathy appeared in Olina's heart.



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