Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 79: : 1 person's deterrent

Looking at this beautiful and outrageous woman in front of him, Ryuzaki Shinji is also slightly pleasing to the eye. In all fairness, Orina is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. Christina and Divine Harmony and In comparison, it is like the difference between a shy flower bud and a brightly blooming flower. At present, it is incomparable, but apart from being a little stunned at the beginning because the other party looks like a divine organ, his eyes have remained clear from beginning to end. and calm.

"An enemy is an enemy, no matter how beautiful you are, it is useless to offend him or block his progress, and you will die." This is an important principle for Ryuzaki Shinji to treat the enemy.

"I didn't expect to kill such a Cheng Yaojin in the middle of the road. This is troublesome. I only have a king-level elf like Abaiguai in my hands, and the other party has three full of so many. Once she is in a hurry, If I release all of them, then I will only be defeated, and the Beagle with sharp eyes in front of me is not easy to deal with, even using teleportation to escape will take a lot of effort."

Ryuzaki Shinji understands that the opponent is very strong, at least above him at present, and if the opponent is really Orina, the leader of the Desert Rose, according to the information provided by Card before, Orina has at least Of these three heavenly king-level elves, the extraordinary low-level heavenly king peak-level Beagle that appeared in front of him was just one of them.

However, at this time, it is absolutely impossible to show weakness in terms of momentum. In the face of Orina's somewhat aggressive demands, Ryuzaki Shinji returned the original words unceremoniously.

It’s true that the other party is the owner of the three-headed Heavenly King-level elf, but he also has his own advantages. He is a superpower, and it is not too simple to leave the battlefield. At the same time, he is also a “lonely” King-level elf. Strong man, under the combination of these two conditions, any force that wants to offend him must think twice.

The lone powerhouses are unfettered and come and go freely. Once they offend them and still can't kill them, any force will have to bear their next series of anger. Maybe they can't pose too much threat to the powerhouses who are also Heavenly Kings, but The members at the bottom are different. In front of the solitary king-level powerhouses, trainers who are not of the same level are waiting to slaughter lambs. It is useless to come. They can kill them at will, and the members of the bottom are a force. And the most basic cornerstone of the organization, once there is a serious loss, this force will also exist in name only.

Therefore, at this time, the two identities of "Lone Powerhouse" and "Superpower" possessed by Ryuzaki Shinji gave him such an incomparably powerful deterrent when facing a force, and he was almost invincible. Earth, this is why he dares to show such strength in front of Orina, a Heavenly King-level trainer with three Heavenly King-level elf.

Hearing Ryuzaki Shinji in turn asking him for his answer, Orina frowned slightly, looking at Ryuzaki Shinji with a bit of displeasure. In front of this king-level powerhouse who appeared out of nowhere, she She didn't know each other at all, and at the moment she only had the crucial information that the other party was a Heavenly King Trainer and a superpower. Although it wasn't much, it was enough to make her feel extremely troubled.

If an ordinary Heavenly King trainer dared to talk to her like this, Orina would go up early in the morning to fight to the death.

After all, she has three Heavenly King-level elf, facing most of the Heavenly King-level trainers who usually have one Heavenly King-level elf, she can definitely suppress it steadily, and she is specialized in flying elf. The Heavenly King-level trainer has a very strong pursuit ability, so it is not difficult to kill the opponent.

At present, there are no less than 6 Heavenly King-level trainers who have died in her hands. It is precisely because of such a strong record that the Desert Rose led by Orina can have an absolute disadvantage in this situation. In the desert, it has become the top force known as the Desert Fang, which is the most powerful.

It's a pity that the enemies who appear in front of her now are a little different.

When Ryuzaki Shinji was able to evade all the feather sword rains of Bidiao through continuous teleportation, Orina had already realized that Ryuzaki Shinji was a superhuman with powerful strength and wanted to pass the normal Killing the opponent by means is simply an impossible task. Even if special means are used, as long as the opponent is a little vigilant, they will fail in minutes.

In addition, Ryuzaki Shinji is also a Heavenly King-level trainer, and judging from the opponent's tough attitude at this time, Orina guessed that in addition to the powerful Abo monster that the opponent has shown so far, he should It also has other heavenly king-level elves as the confidence.

In the end, her Heavenly King-level subordinates are facing the danger of death from snake venom. Orina has tried several powerful antidote to Ailan just now, but the effect is not satisfactory, and she cannot get rid of the snake venom in her body at all. , can only resist for a while, and when the antidote is over, the snake venom can still drive away Ailan's life, so, from the current point of view, she wants to let Ailan, an important king-level subordinate, survive, only to let Ailan survive. Ryuzaki Shinji, the owner of the Aboriginal monster, took out the antidote and walked away.

Based on the above considerations, Orina is also throwing a rat at Ryuzaki Shinji at this time, and she is very afraid and dare not offend Ryuzaki Shinji easily. Now she is a powerful Heavenly King-level trainer, but she is also a trainer with The leader of an organization with more than 30 members, as the leader, she can't just think about herself, but also needs to think about her subordinates. She herself is not afraid of Ryuzaki Shinji, but she is afraid that if she offends Ryuzaki Shinji, the other party will react to him. Her sisters started the battle, and now three valuable members have been damaged in this battle. Once Ryuzaki Shinji is used to deal with her or other members through this strange poisoning method, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"How do you want to be willing to hand over the antidote, tell me, make a condition, if I can do it, I will satisfy you." Orina stared at Ryuzaki Shinji coldly and said with a sullen face , Ailan's poisoning situation is getting more and more serious, and she can't drag it on any longer. Now she has to temporarily surrender to Ryuzaki Shinji.

Hearing Orina's soft words, Ryuzaki Shinji secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and the momentum on his body also slowly disappeared, he was also afraid, although Orina has not found Christina and others now, if Orina really chooses to do it, and he can only choose to abandon these people to escape alone. At that time, Orina will inevitably transfer her anger to Christina and others, then the few men he finally gathered will be finished. ~www.readwn.com~ He is going to be a polished commander again.

"I heard that Miss Orina has a precious resurrection grass in her hand. Can you give me this medical holy artifact? As long as it is given to me, I will immediately give this bottle of antidote in my hand."

The next moment, Ryuzaki Shinji squinted his eyes with purple awns, took out a small bottle containing double-bomb gas toxin antibody from his hand, and then used telepathy to face Oli, whose face suddenly became more ugly. Na said.

In this battle, he also inhaled the poison gas of Abo Monster, but it did not have the slightest effect. The result is obviously that Abo Monster's snake venom at this time is still not a mixture of double-bomb gas refining through various toxins. The opponent of toxins, so the bottle of double-bomb gas toxin antibody in his hand is a bottle of antidote that can almost detoxify.

"Impossible, change the conditions!!" Without any hesitation, Orina immediately rejected Ryuzaki Shinji's request with a cold expression, and a strong killing intent radiated from her, and she had a strong bond with her. Bi Diao immediately blew up a gust of wind, and in an instant, the wind and sand that had stopped suddenly appeared again.

At the same time, Ryuzaki Shinji also exuded a killing intent that was a bit stronger than Orina, and the Abo Monster immediately switched the defensive snake pattern on his chest to a menacing snake pattern, which matched his own intimidation characteristics. A powerful force emanated from him, and immediately caused the imposing manner of Bidio in front of him to drop a bit.

Neither side chose to back down.

The atmosphere of the battlefield became tense again for a while.

To be continued...

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