Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 80: : Exchange reached (more than 3,000 words)

What is Resurrection Grass? In the elf world, this is a proper life-saving artifact! No matter how injured the elf is, as long as there is enough breath and the amount of resurrection grass, the resurrection grass with powerful healing ability is enough to save him.

Don’t look at how awesome the Heavenly King-level trainers are in the human world outside, but in today’s central island where the Heavenly King-level elves are divided and the champion-level elves occupy a territory, at most they can only be regarded as barely in the middle of the pyramid. , that is, it has a certain self-protection and exploration ability. Even if the Tianwang trainer has a Tianwang-level elf, he can't guarantee that he can live safely through tomorrow.

It is precisely because the Heavenly King-level trainers have certain self-destruction and exploration capabilities on the island that a large number of non-Heavenly King-level trainers choose to follow and support them, because they need someone to provide them with a certain protection ability, and then safely transition to the Heavenly King. level, and the Heavenly King-level trainers also exploited these non-Heavenly King-level trainers, and used these cannon fodder to obtain more resources from the outside world to rapidly improve their power, although to a certain extent, the status and rights of both parties It is not equal, but the two are just taking what they need. One is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer, which is very fair and reasonable.

It's just that the status between the two is not static. As the strongest combat power in a force, the risks they face are far from being comparable to those of ordinary powerful members, whether it is guarding the station or developing resources for undeveloped resources. , Heavenly King-level trainers must take the lead and fight alone with those Heavenly King-level elves who hold precious resources. Only if they have battles, there will be damage. Trainers are immediately pulled from the throne of power by others.

There are many such examples. The most typical example is Argus, the leader of the Desert Fang at this time. He was taking advantage of the former leader's Heavenly King-level elf because he was seriously injured in the battle, facing the former leader of the Desert Fang. Initiated a challenge, and finally succeeded in counterattacking easily, using this despicable method to become the new leader of the Desert Fang, and therefore using the resources provided by the entire Desert Fang, quickly cultivated the second Heavenly King-level elf, and then promoted to today's One of the strongest trainers in the entire desert.

Orina's promotion to the leader of the Desert Rose is actually very similar to Argus taking advantage of the danger to usurp the throne of the Desert Fang leader. The only difference may be that she did not take advantage of the danger to usurp the throne immediately. She recovered and challenged again, but in fact she still took advantage of the opponent's previous serious injury of the king-level elf. There is no certain medical means. How can the elf's injury be cured completely, even if she survives, there will be hidden dangers, strength A certain degree of retreat is certain, so to a certain extent, Orina, like Argus, succeeded in counterattacking by relying on the decline in the strength of the former leader.

The lessons learned from the past are vivid in my mind. Orina is naturally unwilling to let such a thing fall on her head. Her current strength is largely improved by most of the resources obtained by the organization Desert Rose. So she knew how bare-handed the leader's position was.

What are all the trainers who come to the center island for? It's not just to find the opportunity to break through the heavenly king level. Each of them has experienced the tempering of the stormy sea area and successfully came to the central island. Each of them is an elite member of the trainer. Are the people here convinced? The answer is absolutely no. As long as there is any opportunity to climb up, they will never let it go easily. Among them, becoming the leader of an organization is a goal that none of them dream of.

Therefore, Orina knows that once she shows any signs of declining strength, some of those who are usually respectful and amiable to her, maybe someone will immediately jump out and attack her, thus taking her position as leader and harming her. The heart of a person is not necessary, but the heart of defending people is also necessary. How could Orina, a strange woman who climbed up to the leader of a party step by step, could not understand this truth?

The resurrection grass is a universal insurance specially prepared by Orina to prevent this from happening. This is a powerful guarantee that can keep her firmly on the leader's throne. In fact, she has the news of the resurrection grass in her hands, which she secretly revealed. Going out, in order to deter those who have been eyeing her leader's throne.

And now Ryuzaki Shinji wants to take this universal insurance away from her! This has completely touched the bottom line in her heart. No one is perfect. No matter how cherishing and generous Orina is to her team members, she also uses her own selfishness. The word resurrection grass is in the desert rose. There is a taboo in the middle, and anyone who wants to pay attention to it will be dealt with mercilessly by her in the end, because she knows that those people are traitors who secretly spy on her leader's throne, and these people are damned.

If it is really necessary to use the resurrection grass as an exchange condition to save Alan, then Orina has already defined Alan as a traitor in her heart. Since a traitor, she is naturally a damned person. Therefore, in Orina’s heart Ailan's life has never been more important than the resurrection grass. Although Ailan is a confidant she has carefully cultivated, this time she suddenly felt uneasy and chose not to follow him, and finally shot him from Longzaki. It was really second-hand, but in her heart, the value between the two still belonged to an unequal relationship.

"It seems that this woman is determined not to use the resurrection grass in exchange for the life of her subordinates. Hmph, it's a shame that this woman is so beautiful, but she is not ambiguous in her actions. She is really a ruthless woman, but that's right, I don't want to change it to me, hehe~~" Feeling the killing intent from Orina getting stronger and stronger, after thinking about it a little bit, he immediately knew what the other party was thinking at the moment, and he felt in his heart. Can not help but sneer.

"Since Orina is unwilling, then as Orina wants, I'll change the terms of exchange. The value of a Heavenly King-level trainer is self-evident, and I don't plan to open my mouth. It would not be too much to use a copy of the original thing as a quid pro quo."

Ryuzaki Shinji knew that it would be meaningless to drag it on. Instead, Alan would die and he would lose his bargaining chip, and it would completely anger Orina, so he simply took a step back and removed the murderous aura on his own. , and then said to Orina through telepathy.

Seeing that Ryuzaki Shinji chose to give in, Orina was a little relieved. If she changed the condition to save Ailan, she would definitely be willing. After all, there are less than two months left before the trial of the secret realm time, if there is one less Heavenly King-level trainer at this time, she will lose an arm, and her exploration power in the trial secret realm will be greatly weakened. At that time, the resources obtained will naturally be much less. As for As long as Ailan is alive, she will be able to get more for herself in the future. This can be regarded as a guaranteed profit.

"Hmph, this condition is okay, take it out, if your antidote is fake, I will definitely let it go." Orina still said to Ryuzaki Shinji in a strong tone, and at the same time from the body He took out a dry branch with a fiery red light from his space bag, and threw it to Shinji Ryuzaki below with some pain.

Before the dry branch had completely fallen, Ryuzaki Shinji used his superpower to restrain it, and then quickly took it in his hand. After a cursory observation, he put the red glowing dry branch into the space bag. , and at the same time used his super power to send the small bottle in his hand to Orina.

"It's really a convenient ability, and it's a **** aristocratic family. Sooner or later, I will make you look good."

Orina looked at the small bottle in front of him, which was beaten up by a layer of purple superpowers. A trace of deep hatred flashed through his eyes. She held the small bottle in her hand, opened the stopper, and put the The double-bomb gas toxin antibody was poured into the dying Alan's mouth.

As soon as the double-bomb gas toxin antibody entered Ailan's body, the black spots on Ailan's body suddenly disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, and Ailan's breathing, who had passed out, gradually became strong and steady.

"How about it, my antidote is okay. If there is nothing else, I will leave first, and there will be a period later, Orina**."

Ryuzaki Shinji had already seen through his mental power that the snake venom in Ailan's body had been eliminated by the double-bomb gas toxin antibody. This time he spoke directly. Then, a purple light flashed in his eyes, and a purple space crack suddenly appeared in the in front of him.

Unfortunately, just when he was about to use the Poke Ball to retrieve the Abo Monster and pass through the space crack, a few sharp feathers intercepted him.

Ryuzaki Shinji stared fiercely at Orina above his head, and said, "What do you mean? Do you want to provoke me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the terrifying murderous aura on his body that had been restrained came out again~www.readwn.com~, and with the threat of the one-horned serpent below him, it magnified several times in an instant, making him as terrifying as Shura.

Orina folded her hands to set off her majestic majesty. The wind blew her black hair up, and stood on the top of Shenwu Bijiao, whose whole body was wrapped in a layer of white airflow, like a storm queen. Looking at Ryuzaki Shinji.

Orina looked down at Shinji Ryuzaki arrogantly and said, "What's your name? Despicable man."


Thank you Kato Megumi cc for the 10 starting point coin reward, thank you for the 500 starting point coin reward for pursuing Longzheng, thank you Ryuguzi for the 100 starting point coin reward, and thank you Crimson Phantom for the 100 starting point coin reward. Thank you for your support of this book.


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