Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 81: : leave and gain

Hearing the question raised by Orina, Shinji Ryuzaki, who originally thought that the other party was going to use a real gun, was stunned, and the murderous aura on his body disappeared without a trace.

Ryuzaki Shinji looked at Orina who was posing as a queen in front of him, and a trace of doubt appeared in his eyes, and he thought: "This woman has a sick mind, why is it so misleading to ask other people's names? The battle is coming, and I almost started it."

Since the other party didn't choose to do it, Ryuzaki Shinji was not in a hurry to answer, and immediately put his hands on his chest, squinting his eyes with purple awns, looking at Orina, who was beautiful and indescribable in front of him, and said, "I am looking for When asking someone's name, shouldn't you sign up yourself first? By the way, I saw a person who looks almost exactly like you on the way back to this island. No, it's just a model, that is, he may be older than You are a few years younger, and your figure is not as good as yours. Her name is Divine Organ. Do you know him?"

The other party had an amazing similarity with the Divine Organ he had seen before, so Ryuzaki Shinji believed that the name Orina was not the other party's real name. He seemed to take this opportunity to confirm the other party's identity. If possible, He doesn't mind faking his identity to have a good relationship with this powerful Heavenly King trainer. It just so happens that he has an identity card named Sato Sasaki, which can be used to disguise his identity. In Kanto, due to the current champion Kamikaze and Sato Kona, one of the current Four Heavenly Kings, is a best friend, so the current relationship between the Kamikaze family and the Sato family is quite good.

Sure enough, there is a special relationship between Orina and Divine Organ, and the relationship is extraordinary. As soon as she heard the name Divine Organ, her face changed greatly, and her whole body suddenly became frosty, and her whole body was covered in ice. They all exuded a cold and biting murderous aura, revealing deep hatred in their eyes.

"Where is that person now? Tell me, or I'll let you die here." Orina stared coldly at Ryuzaki Shinji, and then uttered one after another cold words.

When Ryuzaki Shinji heard the words, the purple awns in his eyes were slightly bright, and he thought: "I thought it was a sister relationship, it seems to be an enemy relationship, and the degree of hatred is not generally high, but it is actually different from the current power in Kanto. The kamikaze family who is in full swing is against it, it is better to have less contact with this woman in the future."

"I don't know, the other party is a member of the alliance, and I was on a special boat for the alliance. I came from the temple, and I took the boat of the Shenao Temple. I came to this island one step ahead of them, but according to the strong strength of the alliance, on the way. The hardships and dangers of the island are not difficult for them. If you guessed correctly, she must have come to this island. As for which area of ​​the central island, I don't know..." Ryuzaki Shinji Without any intention of concealment, he directly stated everything he knew one by one. Of course, there was naturally such information that he was not familiar with the Divine Organ and concealed a hostile relationship.

After hearing Ryuzaki Shinji obediently tell the information she knew about the Divine Organ, Orina's face softened a little, but her delicate face was still very cold.

"It turns out that the people of the Kamikaze family also came to this island. It's very good. Since they are here, don't go back. I will definitely find all of you and kill them all. Kamikaze, I will also let you. This coward tastes the taste of someone who has lost a loved one." Orina turned her head away from Shinji Ryuzaki, then looked at the blue sky in the distance, and murmured in a cold voice.

"Miss Orina, since there is nothing else to do, then I should also leave. My name is Ryuzaki Shinji, I hope you can remember it well, that's all, there will be a period later." After stabilizing, Ryuzaki Shinji immediately used his superpower to recreate a space crack. When he took the Abo monster back into the pokeball and stepped into the space crack, he used telepathy to deal with Orina, who still didn't turn around to look at him. .

The next moment, a purple awn flashed across the air, and Ryuzaki Shinji disappeared.

Orina turned her head and looked at the empty mid-air, with a faint cold light in her eyes, thinking to herself: "Ryusaki Shinji, you are the first man who dared to threaten me in this desert, come down. Once we meet, I will never let you go so easily, so what about superpowers? As a lone ranger, in the face of absolute strength, you can only die with hatred."

"啾~~~" At the next moment, Bidiao, who understood Orina's intentions, immediately let out a long pleasing sound, flapped its huge wings, controlled the huge flight energy, and then headed towards the northwest at an astonishing speed. fly away.

A few minutes after Orina and Bi Diao left, suddenly, a purple space crack appeared where Ryuzaki Shinji had left, and the next moment, Ryuzaki Shinji's figure reappeared here.

Ryuzaki Shinji looked at Orina's direction away, and released the Abo monster, who had been starving at him, and said, "As expected of the leader of the great power, he really doesn't look down on my spoils of war. Ah, come out, Aberdeen, and enjoy your share of the spoils."

"Hisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss out~~" As soon as the monster Abo came out, he immediately walked swiftly to the place where the desert dragonfly fell. Still relying on Snake Xin's excellent sense of smell, he found the location where the desert dragonfly was buried by the wind and sand.

During the entire battle, Abo Monster has been recovering from his injuries by accumulating power and swallowing skills. Now, he basically consumed seventy-eighth of the food energy he obtained by digesting the blood-winged flying dragon and the three-headed dragon not long ago, and now he is hungry. The body of the desert dragonfly was found out of the sand, and regardless of the dust covered on it, he opened his mouth wide and ate the desert dragonfly into his stomach one bite at a time.

When the Aboriginal monster opened its belly and devoured the desert dragonfly, Ryuzaki Shinji was also searching for the bodies of Rhodes and others~www.readwn.com~ Among them, Ryuzaki Zhenji, a king-level trainer named Rhodes, was also searching for the bodies of Rhodes and others. Second, it is regarded as the focus of attention.

After Ryuzaki Shinji carefully searched Rhodes, he obtained two more formal items from Rhodes, an ancient man's token and a small rock glowing with earthy brown light.

This ancient person's token is no different from the ones in his hands. It should be genuine, and the small rock is similar to the fist-sized rock that Bangira gave him, and it should also be the origin of a rock system. thing.

"As the deputy leader of Desert Fang, he is really worth a lot of money. He directly contributed something to me. Now, my Yukira should be able to grow very vigorously." Looking at the baby's fist in his hand The size of a small rock with a weight of more than ten pounds, Ryuzaki Shinji's face immediately showed a happy smile.

As for the items on other people's bodies, apart from a rhizome fossil on the body of the Desert Fang named Case and a few dust-proof goggles on several members of the Desert Rose, Ryuzaki Shinji didn't find much to look at. eye stuff.

In the end, in order to destroy the corpses and destroy the traces, Ryuzaki Shinji ordered the Abo monster to eat all the corpses of everyone, even the elves on these people who still survived in the Poké Ball.

Of course, Abo was also very pleased with Ryuzaki Shinji's order, and quickly ate all the creatures on the battlefield that were poisoned by his snake venom.

A few minutes later, Ryuzaki Shinji used teleportation again to leave the battlefield that had ended.

After a strong wind and sand passed by, all traces of the battlefield were soon permanently buried by the wind and sand.

To be continued.........WeChat search public number: wmdy66, you are lonely, Miss Sister warms you with movies

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