Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 82: : their own thoughts

In a small rock belt 800 meters away in the eastern part of the Gobi, Christina and the others were in a hidden artificial cave. When Orina appeared, they followed the orders of Shinji Ryuzaki and left the Gobi quickly. Go find a hidden place to hide.

Christina stood at the entrance of the cave, looking anxiously at the bare rock in front of her. Since hiding in this cave, she has been standing here waiting for Ryusaki Shinji.

The big milk can on the side gently rubbed Christina's long white legs with its head, and made a "moo moo~~" sound to her to comfort her.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, Mr. Ryuzaki will definitely be fine, he is a powerful superhuman, and now without our drag, he will be able to easily get out of the battle." Christina squatted down and hugged the big milk tank The head said softly, but even so comforting herself, the worry in her eyes did not diminish.

Not long after Ryuzaki Shinji left her side, Christina suddenly felt that there were dangers around her, and she had no sense of security in her heart. At this time, she found that she could not leave Ryuzaki Shinji anymore. She knew that if Ryuzaki Shinji had an accident , these people around Ryuzaki Shinji gathered together by various means will immediately turn against each other, and her weak healing trainer will definitely be bullied and even die.

Christina looked at Card and Sinor who were sitting behind her from the corner of her eye, and when she noticed that their faces were a little uncertain, she immediately turned her eyes back and thought: "These people are still unreliable, Long Mr. Zaki, come back soon, I'm so scared, no, Christina, you must be strong, you can't rely on Mr. Ryuzaki all the time, after today, you must also join the team of training elves, as a dragon Mr. Zaki's right-hand man, you must share your worries for Mr. Ryuzaki."

Christina's eyes showed a hint of firmness. Since coming to this island, her situation has improved a little except after being begged by Shinji Ryuzaki, but now she finds that without Shinji Ryuzaki, she is nothing at all, and will only receive others. The bullying, I can't help but start to change the idea of ​​​​being a full-time healer trainer before, and start to want to part-time combat trainer at the same time.

More than 30 minutes have passed since Christina and the others left the Gobi, but Ryuzaki Shinji still hasn't returned, and the atmosphere in the cave can't help but quietly change.

"Although Ryusaki-sama was able to defeat Desert Fang's deputy leader Rhodes and Desert Rose's deputy leader Ai Lan with one enemy and two, but facing Desert Rose's leader Olina, it is still too reluctant, shouldn't she have been killed? It's dead, the other party is a king-level powerhouse specializing in flying elves. It's not easy to escape. Damn, what should I do if this man dies? Get up, and I also betrayed the Desert Fang, how can I survive in this desert in the future?" Card's face was very ugly, thinking that Ryuzaki Shinji would be defeated by Orina and hunted to death, his His face suddenly turned blue and white.

In fact, Card's situation was a thousand miles worse than Christina's.

Although Card is much stronger than Christina in combat effectiveness, in terms of team function, he is not as good as Christina. With a top-notch healing ability, Christina may be severely exploited due to low combat effectiveness. But there will never be any danger to her life, and over time, when other trainers gradually owe Christina's favor, and Christina has accumulated enough contacts, her status will only get higher and higher in a certain organization.

If Orina takes a fancy to and joins Desert Rose, an organization that only accepts female trainers, Christina's precious healing ability will definitely be reused and fully protected by Orina, and her status and resources will only continue to improve.

But Card is different. He has already betrayed the Desert Fang. As a traitor to the Desert Fang, it is impossible for other scattered organizations in the desert to take him in in order not to offend the Desert Fang, and his current combat effectiveness is not yet complete. Get up and roam alone in this desert, no matter how careful you are, once you are unlucky and encounter a quasi-king-level elf, or you are unlucky enough to encounter a celestial-level elf, he has no choice but to die.

Looking at Christina who was waiting anxiously for Ryuzaki Shinji at the entrance of the cave, and at Card with a cloudy face, Sinor, who was leaning against the wall frowned, thinking: "Hmph, this is the The sadness of the weak, there is no choice but to rely on it, but the matter is really unexpected. I can't think of this battle that was already over. In the end, Orina, the leader of the desert rose, appeared. Although the man's Abo is very strong, But in the face of Orina, who has at least three heavenly king-level elves, it is only a matter of time before he loses. I don't know if he can escape with his strange superpowers. It has been more than 30 minutes now, but still I didn't come back, it seems that I either lost and died or abandoned us and ran away alone, it's time to think about the next life."

Thinking that Ryuzaki Shinji might be defeated or abandon them to escape alone, Sinoer can't help but secretly anxious. As a trainer at the quasi-king level, in fact, she is not worried about Ryuzaki Shinji's safety, but Worrying about the remaining resurrection grass healing potion on Ryuzaki Shinji's body, the reason why she chose to follow Ryuzaki Shinji, on the one hand, was forced by the opponent's powerful strength, and on the other hand, it was the resurrection grass healing potion in Ryuzaki Shinji's second hand. , now that it is possible to lose and die, then these two considerations are completely lost, and she has no reason to stay in this team.

"The person who is most likely to have the healing potion of resurrection grass is this healing trainer named Christina. Just wait a few more minutes. If the man hasn't come back, do it immediately." Sinor turned his head and looked at the cave. Christina at the entrance of the cave showed a cold light in her eyes.

Bard and Barre, the two brothers and sisters, were also in the cave at this time~www.readwn.com~ Their hands and feet were **** with ropes by Card, and even their mouths were blocked by Card with rags , and was guarded like a prisoner by King Nido of Cad.

With such unfriendly treatment, it stands to reason that the two of them should hope very much in their hearts that Ryuzaki Shinji, who caused them such a tragic end, will never come back, but in fact, among the people in the cave at this time, except for Apart from Christina, there is no other person who hopes that Shinji Ryuzaki will return safely than these two brothers and sisters.

The thoughts of the two of them at this time are probably like this: "Come back quickly, that lord, if you don't come back, our two brothers will die here, God bless, please come back safely, my lord, I beg you Well, we don't want to die yet."

These two are both human beings. They had cheated the newly added Card when they were in the Desert Fang. If Ryuzaki Shinji didn't come back, Card would definitely kill him before he left. They killed them because of their strength, and the culprit behind Sinoer's disfigurement was actually them, and after they saw Sinoer's cold eyes from time to time, they both knew with their toes that if Ryuzaki Shinji didn't come back, West Noel will not let them go either.

Therefore, sometimes fate is so impermanent. Bud and Barre, who originally hoped that Ryuzaki Shinji would be defeated and killed by Orina, became one of the people who most hoped that Ryuzaki Shinji would return safely. .

I don't know if the sincere prayers of the two people moved God. When Card and Sinor gradually walked towards them with fierce eyes, a purple space crack protruded and appeared above the rocky ground in front of the cave entrance.

The next moment, Christina's eager figure slowly walked out of the open space crack.

To be continued...WeChat search public number: wmdy66, you are lonely, Miss Sister warms you with movies

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