Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 83: : Reprogrammed plan

Ryuzaki Shinji walked out of the space crack, and a burst of purple superpower fluctuations spread out from him. In an instant, the strange atmosphere in the cave disappeared.

As soon as Christina saw Ryuzaki Shinji came back safe and sound, she immediately stepped forward with a smile and greeted his return.

Sinor and Kade were like two sculptures, stunned in place, not daring to move, and a sharp and cold eye stared at the two of them as if they were on their backs.

At this time, both of them were deliberately targeted by Ryuzaki Shinji's mental coercion, and the whole head was as uncomfortable as cracking, but they didn't dare to show it.

When Bud and Barre saw the situation of Card and Sinor, they breathed a sigh of relief and looked at each other, showing the expressions of the rest of their lives.

A minute later, Ryuzaki Shinji will lift the mental pressure.

"Let's go, it's getting late, it's time for us to go back to the station." Ryuzaki Shinji first nodded to Christina, who was surprised in front of him, and then said coldly to the others with telepathy.

As soon as he finished speaking, Ryuzaki Shinji just walked outside with Christina.

After Ryuzaki Shinji and Christina walked some distance, the pressure on Sinore and Card's head gradually disappeared. They looked at each other with a wry smile on their bloodless faces. Let King Nido take Bud and Barre, and then step up with Sinor and walk in the direction of Ryuzaki Shinji.

Ryuzaki Shinji didn't show any slack in his practice because of the promotion of the Abo monster to the king level. He maintained his usual habits. He still chose to hone the elf in his hands by marching in the scorching sun, and let them continue to pass through with a large number of wild animals. Pixie fights to quickly increase his strength.

"It seems that apart from Christina, everyone else can't be trusted for the time being. Yes, they are all rebellious guys. It's too difficult to make them completely reconciled, but it was originally a relationship of mutual use, Just bear with them for a while, there will always be times when I need them to work for me." Ryuzaki Shinji thought to himself as he walked on the sand.

In fact, Ryuzaki Shinji had been here more than ten minutes ago, but he did not show up for the first time. He has been using all-pervasive mental power to observe everyone in the cave. Christina said He was very satisfied with his emotions and behavior. After confirming that the medical trainer was completely at ease, he also had a sense of trust in this excellent medical trainer for the first time in his heart.

The performance of Card and Sinor disappointed him a little, but there was no big surprise. These two people did not follow him for a long time, and they really needed to be suppressed and tamed, especially Sinoer, the quasi-king of heaven. A female trainer at the pinnacle level is arrogant and arrogant, and wanting to completely control her is not something that can be accomplished overnight.

However, these things were only briefly mentioned in Ryuzaki Shinji's mind. Now he is thinking about another more important thing, the appearance of the secret realm of trials, the unexpected awakening of the Abo, and the original things that he obtained one after another today. The plan he made before was completely disrupted, and now he must carefully consider how to maximize his own strength next, whether it is Christina, Card or Sinor, these are his external strengths, Only when the elf in his hand becomes stronger is his strength.

The first thing to consider is this unexpected trial secret realm.

There are less than two months left in the Trial Secret Realm. Now he has three ancient tokens in his hand, and now his team has a total of four people (Bud and Barre are prisoners, not counting), Then, it is necessary to find an ancient person token to allow the entire team to enter the secret realm of trials together.

After all, many people are powerful. Judging from the fact that Desert Fang and Desert Rose did not hesitate to dispatch their deputy leaders to **** the tokens of the ancients, the benefits contained in the secret realm of this trial (there are many original things) are very huge, it can be said that A feast, in order to further enhance their strength, not only the powerhouses of various organizations in the desert will come, but those lone powerhouses with strange whereabouts will also appear one after another.

Under such circumstances, if one more person of one's own side can enter the secret trial realm, then this trip to the secret realm of trial can increase one's strength. At that time, not only the danger in the secret realm of trial will be greatly reduced. , At the same time, the success rate of finding and seizing treasures is also greatly increased.

Therefore, during this period of time, Ryuzaki Shinji must also give top priority to finding the token of the ancients. He has a hunch that this trip to the secret realm of trials will be very interesting.

The second consideration is the problem of resource exploration.

Since he was the main elves before, he has been secretly accumulating power since he entered the island, and he has no ability to attack the powerful elves that occupy various resources around him.

Now that he has been promoted to become a Heavenly King-level trainer, he also has Abo Monster, a powerful elf that was already at the peak level of a low-level Heavenly King as soon as he advanced. The heavenly king-level elves that cannot be provoked are no longer a big threat, and some of them are even more capable of hunting. It is time to plunder the resources from those heavenly-level elves, so that other small elves in his hands can be plundered. The elves improve their strength as soon as possible.

The third consideration is the question of the source material in hand.

Starting from the rock-based origin item that Bangira gave, to the origin item that has been snatched from others one after another, and finally the super-power orb at hand, there are already five items in total. Two pieces of rock origin, one ground origin, one fire origin, and one super energy origin.

As for the attribution of the two rock-type origin objects, Ryuzaki Shinji naturally used them on the quasi-god cub Yu Kira. Although it is still just an egg, he believes that the origin can be absorbed as soon as it is born. The potential of Yukira is definitely a lot higher than that of ordinary quasi-god cubs, which is a concrete manifestation of winning at the starting line.

As for the ground-based origin, Ryuzaki Shinji plans to use it on the Scorpio who is about to evolve. Now he only has the Scorpion, a ground-based elf, which can only be used on him. The potential of Scorpio's talent is not bad. , and the loyalty is also very good now, and Ryuzaki Shinji does not feel that it is a loss when used on him.

The latest dry branch obtained from Orina is a fire-based object, if Ryusaki Shinji guessed correctly~www.readwn.com~ This dry branch should be the sacred tree of the plane tree in the fire-breathing basin A branch, Ryuzaki Shinji just observed it slightly, and immediately felt the huge fire energy from it.

Ryuzaki Shinji had no hesitation in his heart for the ownership of this fire element, and when he first obtained it, he thought that he was going to use it on a loyal hellhound like Dairubi.

In the end, the super orb was obtained from Dark Lugia. This original thing has been used by Ryuzaki Shinji to help cultivate spiritual power, but in fact, this approach is completely a wasteful behavior. Ryuzaki Shinji is a super power user, but now he has no super power elf in his hand, which has to be said to be a very embarrassing thing.

Although Ryuzaki Shinji has been paying attention to various elves in the vicinity during his time in the desert, he is also actively looking for super-power elves, but it is a pity that super-power elves are indeed very precious. A type of elf, in the desert, almost all the elf of the ground type and the rock type, or the flying type elf such as the supersonic bat and the cross-shaped bat, or the desert Naia. Grass-type elves can be seen everywhere in the desert. As for super-power elves, Ryuzaki Shinji has not even found a shadow until now.

But Ryuzaki Shinji knew that as long as he obtained a super-power elf, with the help of the super-power orb and the abilities of his super-powers, the power of this super-power-type elf would definitely increase by leaps and bounds in a short period of time. Ascension, when the time comes, he will definitely add another capable general in his hands.

"You must get a super-type elf as soon as possible, otherwise, my super-power person will be too cheap." Ryuzaki Shinji thought helplessly.

To be continued.....WeChat search public number: wmdy66, you are lonely, Miss Sister warms you with movies

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