Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 85: :Cerberus

Argus lost both his confidants Os and Rhodes this time, especially Rhodes, a heavenly king-level trainer. His control over the entire Desert Fang will inevitably decline, and he has lost four pieces of ancient people at the same time. The token will also greatly affect the entire Desert Fang’s subsequent exploration of the Trial Mystery Realm, which will indirectly lead to a significant reduction in the benefits he obtains from the Trial Mystery Realm, so he is really angry this time.

Seeing that the squad leader did nothing now, he couldn't even find a single hair on the enemy, Argus' anger rose up, and he killed the unlucky guy who was blocking the muzzle with an axe. To vent his anger, Argus didn't care about the other party's little actions at all. His hippo beast would stand by at his feet at any time, and he didn't worry about capsize in the gutter at all.

It is a pity that Argus finally ordered his men to continue to find the traces of Ryuzaki Shinji and others, which was doomed to no avail. At this time, Ryuzaki Shinji and others took shortcuts and almost returned to the Gobi where their temporary residence was located.

Because he has the elf of the heavenly king level, Ryuzaki Shinji doesn't have to choose to take a long way to avoid the area occupied by some heavenly elf as usual, relying on the low-level heavenly king peak level of the Aberbeast. With the power of the king, and there is no intention of showing hostility or staying, these heavenly king-level elves are too lazy to pay attention to Ryuzaki Shinji and others, so they pass through the territory of a large number of heavenly-level elves unimpeded along the way, and then Return to the temporary residence several times faster than usual.

After Ryuzaki Shinji routinely introduced Sinor about the temporary residence, he asked her to build her own residence in the rock wall of the Gobi like Card, while Bard and Barre, Ryuzaki Shino The second still handed them over to Card for guarding.

Finally, after everyone gathered for dinner again, Ryuzaki Shinji and others also ushered in the time for free activities in the evening.

Among the residences where Ryuzaki Shinji lived, at this time, there were only Ryuzaki Shinji and Dairubi.

"Woooooo~~" Dai Ruby rubbed his head against Ryuzaki's thigh, and made a low-pitched murmur. The little black short tail flew up, and the moment Ryuzaki Shinji took out the reddish twig, he immediately sensed the huge and pure fire energy inside, and it was transmitted from his body. A strong sense of desire kept urging him to eat the dead branches quickly.

Ryuzaki Shinji gently touched Dai Ruby's little head. This little black dog has lived with him for several months since he was born, but in just a few months, his strength has grown. Reaching the pinnacle of the elite, he is only one step away from the quasi-celestial king.

However, at this time, Ryuzaki Shinji was a little hesitant. Now if he uses the sycamore tree branch in his hand for Dairubi, he will definitely be able to break through the threshold of the quasi-celestial king, and will also evolve into a new form and combat power. It will definitely increase in an instant, but the problem is that Dai Ruby's rise is too fast, and there is not much time for precipitation. He is afraid that it will cause Dai Ruby's foundation to be unstable and damage his future advancement potential.

After thinking twice, Ryuzaki Shinji decided to choose a more compromised method. He took out the simple and simple long sword, and then used him to cut the plane tree branch into four pieces. After the plane tree branch was cut, an extremely strong fire energy It splashed out from the gap in the form of light particles. After staying in the air for a few seconds, these fiery red light particles merged into the energy between heaven and earth. After leaking a lot of energy, the gap gradually turned into a color similar to tree bark. , and the signs of energy leakage in the sycamore branches gradually disappeared.

"Give it, little glutton." Ryuzaki Shinji threw two of the sycamore branches to Dairubi, who immediately jumped up to eat it, and then landed on the ground with a beautiful backflip.

Although cutting the sycamore tree branches into pieces will cause some energy leakage inside, but Ryuzaki Shinji believes that this is the safest way to cultivate Dairubi today, and he chose this method without hesitation.

"Boom~~" Dai Ruby landed on his limbs again, and a crimson flame immediately wrapped Dai Ruby's whole body. At this time, Dai Ruby also closed his small eyes, as if he was seriously comprehending. .

The temperature of the red flame that appeared at the beginning was not high, that is, hundreds of degrees Celsius, but after a few minutes, the red flame gradually turned into a pure blue flame, and the temperature also rose to several hundred degrees Celsius, and then a few minutes passed. After that, the pure blue flame gradually turned into pure black, and the temperature broke through the one thousand degree Celsius mark, and gradually advanced to the ten thousand degree Celsius mark. At this time, Ryuzaki Shinji couldn't bear the terrifying high temperature, and he could not bear it. Don't withdraw a good distance, and turn on the psychic shield to resist.

During the period of time when Dairubi was surrounded by flames, a trace of stench of black material also infiltrated from Dairubi's pores, and then gradually burned into ashes as the temperature of the flame gradually increased, and during this time Inside, Dai Ruby's aura gradually increased, and soon, the energy fluctuations in his body broke through the level of the quasi-celestial king, and smoothly entered the level of the quasi-celestial king.

"It seems that the power of the fire element in the phoenix tree branches is strengthening his body. According to the current aura, he has entered the level of a quasi-celestial king, so it is time to evolve, alas~, this little guy is still too strong, he should I was stimulated by the power displayed by the Abo monster today, but it doesn't matter, he has accumulated enough, as long as he does not forcefully break through to a higher level, everything is not a problem." Ryuzaki Shinji used his mental power to answer Darubi's situation was detected, while secretly thinking.

Sure enough, when Dairubi's breath gradually stabilized at the level of a quasi-king, white light of evolution began to appear from his body, perhaps because of the source of power and a large amount of fire energy contained in the plane tree branches in his body. Dairubi's light of evolution was gradually dyed with a deep red, but it didn't take long for this deep red to blend with a trace of black and become black-red.

Bathed in the light of black and red evolution, Dairubi's body began to be remodeled little by little~www.readwn.com~ A little by little, it transformed to a higher level of life, and the four became more slender and tall. Originally, there was only one bone ring on the limbs and feet, and the torso became stronger and stronger. The number of bone armors on the back increased to three, and there was also a skull and bone armor around the neck. Skull collar, the original black short tail is stretched a little bit, a real Cerberus tail appears, and finally the head, the head part gradually increases with the body, and the mouth is elongated, which should be above the head. The bone armor disappeared, followed by two sharp white bone corners.

This is not over yet, a ray of red light drilled out of Dairubi's body, and finally stopped on the bone armor on his body. When the light disappeared, mysterious fiery red patterns were engraved on the bone armor, as if the finishing touch. In general, the appearance of these fiery red veins suddenly raised the power of Heluga by a level, and the aura on his body instantly made the low-level quasi-celestial king climb to the intermediate-level quasi-celestial king.

The light of evolution disappeared, and a handsome and mighty hellhound appeared in front of Ryuzaki Shinji.

After Dairubi successfully evolved into Black Ruga, he and Ryuzaki Shinji looked at each other, Ryuzaki Shinji suddenly understood, and opened the stone door of the residence with his superpower, and Helujia walked out of the residence at the first time, and then quickly climbed Climb to the top of the highest rock in the Gobi.

"Ow~" Heruga let out a loud and long howl at the crescent moon in the sky.

The next moment, wisps of boiling black flames emerged from the bone armor on his body, and scarlet rays of light appeared in his eyes. In an instant, Dairubi had become a real hellhound burning the flames of hell. The power belonging to Cerberus climbed to the peak in an instant.

To be continued...WeChat search public number: wmdy66, you are lonely, Miss Sister warms you with movies

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