Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 86: : forbidden area

Under the silver moon in the desert, on the top of the lonely cliff, a hellhound covered in **** flames was roaring at the silver moon with red eyes and raised his head.

Accompanied by bursts of loud howls, the power of the Cerberus also spread along the spread of sound waves. The body spreads all around, and any creature that is slightly weaker than the Hellhound can't help trembling in place when it hears the Hellscream and feels this dark fluctuation, and then turns around and hurries away from the Gobi. .

"It seems that in the process of evolution, the skills inherited in his genes were activated, and there was a sound of evil fluctuations, which should be a special type of evil-type move and roared loudly (reducing the opponent's special attack ability by 1 level). Such a frightening voice, Heluga, who possesses this move, is destined to be the best in group battles from now on. This kind of move that weakens the opponent's special attack on a large scale is simply a magical skill in group battles. The elf of the voice, unless he can overcome the Cerberus power on Heluga, he can only be shocked and wait to die on the spot." Ryuzaki Shinji thought secretly.

On the top of the peak, Ryuzaki Shinji stood silently behind Heluga. As the person closest to Heluga at this time, he was the most able to appreciate how terrifying the roar of Heluga was. His superpower shield could not resist this evil energy fluctuation, and when he heard this sound, even the determined Ryuzaki Shinji was slightly shocked.

Ryuzaki Shinji understands that the evil fluctuations emanating from Heruga's body at this time are enough to make ordinary elves feel fearful, not to mention the Hellscream containing evil fluctuations, which makes people listen to it. Can not help but be afraid.

In Cad's residence, the stunned camel who was arguing with Cad at this time was curled up in a ball, trembling on the sand, the fear hidden in his blood made him unable to resist the reverberation in his ears with his will. Horror howl.

"What happened? What kind of elf made this cry? It makes people feel cold when they hear it. It's so uncomfortable." Card frowned and thought, hesitating, while comforting the stagnant fire camel. After a while, he finally gave up the idea of ​​going out to investigate, and continued to comfort the sleepy fire camel.

As for Bard and Barre, whose mouths were covered by rags in the corner, Card didn't even look at them.

In Christina's residence, at this time Christina and the big milk tank were shrunk in the corner, hugging each other and shivering. On the originally clean rock surface, some broken medicine bottles fell everywhere, and the medicine inside was also shattered. Sprinkled all over the place.

In Sinor's residence, there was no one in it at this time.

"Sure enough, that Dairubi has evolved. What kind of monsters are the elves in this man's hands? Once they evolve, they can have such terrifying abilities. The power of this roar is so terrifying, even mine The three gophers are all shocked." Sinor was standing on the sand wearing a white pajamas at this time, she raised her head and looked at the black Luga who was roaring at the silver moon at the top of the rock peak and thought solemnly.

Beside her right foot, the body of a three-gopher was trembling uncontrollably.


After Heluga continued to roar for a few minutes, the wave of evil and the burning black flame emanating from his body gradually disappeared, and the red glow in his eyes that revealed madness and madness also gradually disappeared, and the eyes regained clarity, and then Heluga disappeared. As if he had exhausted his energy, all four of them were soft and fell to the ground.

Seeing this situation, Ryuzaki Shinji hurriedly stepped forward and was relieved to find that Heruga had only lost his strength and passed out temporarily. Since he was unable to perceive the subtle spiritual connection he usually had with Heruga, he felt He has noticed the abnormality in Heluga. Heluga just now was clearly affected by the violent emotions hidden in his bloodline, which is why the irrational behavior just now appeared.

"Sure enough, it's still too early, although it's a good thing to be strong, but if you don't have the corresponding willpower to control it, it's another matter, alas~~, no matter if you are the former Darubi or the current Heluga Well, you are the first elf that I hatched by Shinji Ryuzaki, I will continue to nurture you with my heart, now come back and rest well, Hei Lujia." Ryuzaki Shinji gently touched the size of Hei Lujia's After his head, he took out the Poke Ball from his body and put He Luga back in a coma.

What Ryuzaki Shinji was worried about still happened. Due to the short time of birth, although Heluga has experienced a lot of battles in the desert, he has grown up quickly, but in fact, his mind is still not fully mature. The willpower is not firm enough. After the evolution, the bloodline of the Cerberus has been completely awakened, and it has begun to subtly affect the original character of Heluga. If his prediction is correct, not long after that, the previous one has always liked to circle around his feet. The little black dog is gone, replaced by a ruthless and cruel hellhound.

"Roar~~" A roar suddenly appeared from outside the Gobi, and in the next second, several more roars appeared, followed by a burst of roars.

"Sure enough, I'm still here. I, the master, have to wipe your **** for you." Hearing the roars of wild elves coming from outside the Gobi, Ryuzaki Shinji's eyes suddenly narrowed. Appeared in his hand, followed by a flash of purple light in his eyes, and disappeared in place using teleportation

Soon ~www.readwn.com~ the power and roar that Heluga had just unscrupulously released began to ferment.

Indeed, those wild elves who were weaker than Heluga naturally retreated, but those wild elves who were not far from Heluga's strength regarded his behavior as a serious provocation, and one after another Not far from the direction of the Gobi came.

Among the wild elves who came to trouble Heluga, there were a few heavenly king elves who were lone rangers.

Under the leadership of these heavenly king-level wild elves, the wild elves who were hesitant at first because of the dragon's might in the Gobi now entered the Gobi with confidence and boldness, and followed the heavenly king-level elves to send out A loud roar.

In the dark night sky next door, the cross-shaped bat was holding Ryuzaki Shinji in mid-air. Ryuzaki Shinji was looking at a large number of wild elves below with purple awns. Deeply cold.

After these wild elves completely entered the range of the Gobi, Ryuzaki Shinji threw the pitch-black pokeball in his hand.

"Alright, tonight, I will make this place a forbidden place in the eyes of the wild elves nearby. Come out, Abo, kill as much as you like, and use your fangs and venom to turn them all into your food. "

The next moment, a white light emanated from the elf ball, and a black one-horned snake suddenly appeared in the eyes of many wild elves.

In an instant, the power of the Heavenly King and the mighty dragon radiated from Abo Monster.

The footsteps of all the wild elves suddenly stopped, and then, a large number of wild elves began to run back in a hurry.

In just a few seconds, there were less than a dozen wild elves left in the Gobi.

To be continued.... WeChat search public number: wmdy66, you are lonely, Miss Sister warms you with movies

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