Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 87: : siege

In the Gobi where the silver moon shines, the Abo monster rolls up on the sand and faces the crowd of wild elves by himself.

"Hisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss out~~" The icy snake letter sounded, the awe-inspiring Heavenly King's might suddenly radiated from him, and a wave of black energy also spread out from him at this moment, and the icy scarlet snake's eyes were facing A group of wild elves glanced at it, and the big snake stared and launched.

In an instant, the illusion of a giant snake biting one after another appeared in the hearts of many wild elves, causing panic in the eyes of the wild elves. Some wild elves who were a little less timid turned around in a panic. They fled, and as soon as these fleeing wild elves appeared, those wild elves who also showed fear in their hearts also followed suit. For a time, there were less than a dozen wild elves left in the original team of nearly a hundred wild elves. .

However, the dozen or so wild elves left behind were all fierce-breathing ones without exception. Among them, there were three of the heavenly king-level elves.

The three heavenly king-level elves are all at the lower level of heavenly kings, namely Chuanshanwang, Longlongyan and Gala Gala.

The Heavenly King-level Mountain King is obviously much more special than the average King of the Mountains. His body size is at least three or four times that of the average King of the Mountains. The hard and sharp bristles on his back are engraved with a large number of non-lethal black veins, which are khaki-yellow. His skin is covered with various scars, showing his battle-hardened experience, and the sharp claws of his hands reveal a sharp light even under the dim light of the silver moon. The King of the Mountains immediately lay on the ground, the steel hair on his body stood on end, and looked at the Abo monster in earnest.

Heavenly King-level Rumble Rock also has many differences from ordinary Rumble Rock. Perhaps because of its extremely long life, the rock armor that wraps the core of the body has become extremely smooth, and it can still reflect one after another under the moonlight. The faint light came out, and similarly, the earth-brown patterns were engraved on his rock armor. If he could fully unfold his rock armor, a mark representing the rock system would be on these rock armors. When the Aberdeen appeared, he was not captured by the Aberbeast's aura, but rolled around directly behind the Aberbane, cutting off his Aberbane's back path.

There is a huge difference between the king-level Gala Gala and the Gala Gala that Ryuzaki Shinji had seen before. The most striking thing is the bone stick in his hand. The two ends of the bone stick in Lagala's hand actually exudes a faint green fiery flame. With his skillful swinging, the bone stick directly turns into a faint green fire ring, which is extremely eye-catching in the night. Also, unlike the normal Gala Gala’s khaki skin, this Heavenly King-level Gala Gala’s skin is abnormally black, and on the scarred bone helmet, a black shape similar to the word “fire” The imprint was engraved on the center of the bone helmet. At this time, this special shape of Gala Gala was suspended a few meters above the sand, while turning the bone rod in the hand of the person, he stared condescendingly at the Abo monster below.

As for the other eleven wild elves at the peak level of the quasi-celestial king, there are five Ronglongyan, three mountain kings, two Gala Gala in the same shape, and a mane rock werewolf in the form of a night. Obviously, the five The head Longlongyan is the subordinate of the Tianwang-level Longlongyan, the three-headed Mountain King is the subordinate of the Tianwang-level Chuanshanwang, and the two-headed Gala Gala is the subordinate of the Tianwang-level Gala Gala. They stayed with their leaders, and The Maned Rock Werewolf is the only wild elf who truly dares to face the power of the Abo-monster and choose to stay behind.

The front is the four-headed mountain king, the left wing is the five-headed quasi-celestial king Longlongyan, the right wing is the mane rock werewolf and the two-headed Galagala, behind it is the Tianwang-level Longlongyan, and the top of the head is the Tianwang-level Gala Gala. Saying that, these wild elves with rich fighting experience will automatically cooperate to surround the Abo monsters.

The two sides faced each other for more than ten seconds, but due to the reason that neither the three-headed Heavenly King-level elves nor the Abo Monster did anything, the other quasi-king-level wild elves also stopped in place and did not move, and the atmosphere suddenly became solemn and strange.

Finally, a minute later.

"Gala clack~~" The king-level jiala jila, who had the strongest desire to fight and the hottest temper, suddenly started, and the bone stick that had been turning for a long time in his hand suddenly stopped. The signature move, the Bone Boomerang, invested in the Aberdeen.

Although it is not clear what happened, the object of provocation did not appear. Instead, there appeared a heavenly king-level elf that he had never seen before, but when he saw other people besieged and did not attack, he was suffocating a nameless fire with nowhere to go. The venting gallahs don't care about the 3721, just go up and just do it.

The burning bone boomerang was under the power of a powerful spiral, and a small whirlwind suddenly appeared from it. With the sudden surge of the green flames at both ends of the bone rod, a small flame tornado was formed, and the flame tornado did not arrive. A scorching heat was already coming.

At the moment when the Heavenly King-level Gala Gala started, his two subordinates also launched an attack with a consonant heart, but they did not throw out the strange bone stick in their hands like their leader, but sprayed a faint green from their mouths. Spit flames to infuse your own flames into a flame tornado.

The small flame tornado was aided by the jet flames of the quasi-kings at the peak level of the two quasi-kings~www.readwn.com~ The fire became more and more violent, the temperature was rising, the dark green flame was instantly dark green, and the temperature also Breaking through the thousand-degree Celsius mark in an instant.

The terrifying flame tornado came fiercely, and Abomon's scarlet snake eyes also revealed a dignified color. The menace snake pattern on his chest instantly switched to a speed snake pattern. Facing the powerful blow of Gala Gala, Abo is not going to follow, and wants to dodge with extreme speed.

It's a pity that when the Abo monster's momentum changed, Longlongyan behind him showed a hint of cunning in his eyes, his squinted eyes flashed, and he immediately raised his right foot and stomped on the ground. The next moment, two thick rock walls pushed Abo monster behind He and the right wing were blocked, and he continued to slam on the ground, causing the surrounding ground to shake for a while. At the same time, his five Ronglongyan subordinates immediately followed suit, and jointly used the rock avalanche trick to create a rock wall. The left wing of the cypress was blocked, and then cooperated with the leader, Long Longyan, to perform a ground preparation trick against the surrounding ground.

The four-headed mountain king who was in the front also took the opportunity to use the insect-type missile needles. With the cooperation of a large number of missile needles as combustion accelerants, the flame tornado also burned more and more vigorously, carrying the monstrous flame power.

The front is an extremely powerful flame tornado, the remaining three sides are solid rock walls with a thickness of at least three meters, and the ground is shaking constantly. There is no other way than to face the flaming tornado of the gallah.

For a time, the Abo monster was approaching a desperate situation.

To be continued.....

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