Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 88: : infighting

Ryuzaki Shinji stopped in mid-air leaning on the forked bat, and had a panoramic view of the movements of the wild elves. Seeing that they were able to complete such a high degree of perfect cooperation in an instant, he couldn't help but reveal a hint of surprise in his eyes. Ah, but in addition to surprise, there was more irony in his eyes, and he thought to himself: "It's a pretty perfect match, but do you think this can really stop Abo's movement? It's too naive, the top of your head is empty. "

Sure enough, when there was no way to retreat on all sides and the ground was blocked to death, Abo Monster also set his eyes on the sky above his head, the scarlet snake eyes flashed, and the coiled body suddenly tensed. Then he pressed down hard, and immediately relaxed the next moment. Immediately afterwards, Abo's body was like a spring that was pressed to the extreme and suddenly relaxed. When the flaming tornado was about to come, it used its elastic force to jump to midair.

The sound of "Boom~~" sounded, and the flame tornado that lost its target slammed into the rock wall that was seamlessly connected on three sides. The flame temperature of thousands of degrees Celsius instantly burned the three sides of the rock wall red, and then the bearing surface quickly melted a drop of magma.

It is not clear what special material the bone rod is made of, and the bone rod at the center of the flame tornado is unharmed in the high temperature of thousands of degrees Celsius, and the rock wall that prevents it from flying forward is ignored. The bone rod and the rock wall collided one by one, and the solid rock wall more than three meters thick was immediately smashed by the quack bone rod to create a big hole.

The next moment, the most unexpected scene appeared. The bone rod that lost the attack target of the Abo monster finally hit the Tianwang-level rumbling rock that was caught off guard behind the rock wall.

"Keng~" A sound of sword and shield collision sounded, the bone rod collided with the Tianwang-level rumbling rock armor, and a large number of sparks suddenly splashed. Appearing on Long Longyan's rock armor, in addition to that, the powerful force contained in the bone rod also pushed Long Longyan's heavy body a distance of nearly 10 meters. For a while, a deep scratch appeared on the surface. on the sand,

"Rock~~" Even though the defensive ability of Tianwang-level Ronglongyan is extremely outstanding, he was hit by a powerful ground-type move called Gala Gala, which was passed as a Tianwang-level. As the owner of the rock-type attribute, he also After being greatly injured, the huge force that penetrated the rock armor and pointed directly to the inner core made Long Longyan in pain, and could not help but let out a painful cry.

"咻咻咻~~" The bone stick flew upside down in mid-air, but it seemed to follow some kind of peculiar rule. The bone stick in the mid-air flying upside down, suspended in Gala Gala and raised its hands again, unexpectedly. Violating the physical inertia, he made a turn in mid-air, and quickly flew back to the hands of the Heavenly King-level Galagala. When the bone rod returned to the hands of the Heavenly King-level Galagala, the two ends of the bone rod made a "Boom~" sound. Two groups of faint green flames rekindled.

"Gala cluck~~" The king-level garala who held the bone stick in his hand again raised his head and looked at the one-horned snake in the air in front of him, his face was very ugly, and his eyes were green. The flame ignited, and as soon as he gritted his teeth, the flames at both ends of the bone rod in his hand soared again, and he wanted to shoot down the Abo monster who was in the air with nowhere to go with another bone boomerang.

Unfortunately, when Gala Gala was about to throw a bone stick, a giant rock wrapped in earth-brown light rushed towards him aggressively. Behind this giant rock, there were four rocks of the same size. .

"I missed the wrong person, and I didn't apologize immediately!!" After a big loss, Tianwang-level Ronglong Yan was furious, and regardless of the relationship between the so-called "teammates", he directly attacked Tianwang-level with a rock crit. Lagala made it out, and usually shot three rock crits at most once. This time, it was also a lucky crit, and it came directly with a five-shot. (Rock crit, rock-based physical move, power 25, the effect is to attack 2 to 5 five times in a row.)

The Heavenly King-level Gala Gala was also unable to react for a while, and directly ate a rock crit that was secretly attacked by the rumbling rock, and then was crushed to the ground by the rock, but as soon as it hit the ground, Gala Gala immediately made an iron-headed trick Violently smashed the rocks on the body, and clenched the bone stick in his hand tightly, a layer of white light suddenly lit up from the bone stick, and used the bone stick to backhand a set of continuous tile-splitting tricks to hit all the rocks that the Rumble Rock continued to shoot. broken.

"Longlongyan~~" (You are playing with your bones, don't hurry up and apologize to me, or I will never finish with you!)

"Gahahahah~~" (You stupid stone, you dare to attack me, you don't want to live!)

When Tianwang-level Longlongyan did this, Tianwang-level Gala Gala immediately shifted the target of hatred and went to the bar with Longlongyan, and Longlongyan did not show weakness, and immediately quarreled with Gala Gala.

The two heavenly king-level wild elves actually ignored their common enemy, Abo, for a while, and they became infighting.

The leaders of the two sides are in such an infighting. Long Longyan, who is the peak level of the five quasi-kings of the respective subordinates, and Gala Gala, who are at the peak level of the two quasi-kings, naturally immediately returned to the back of their respective leaders to support their respective leaders and use each other. He looked at the two sides with hostile eyes, and then, the moment the leaders of the two sides shot each other, they immediately jumped up.

"Hehehe, well done, the relationship between these wild elves is not as strong as imagined, it is just a temporary alliance because of a common enemy, taking advantage of the distrust between them. , you can easily defeat them one by one, Abo monster. Forget about those rumbling rocks and gallahs, go and get rid of those mountain kings and the mane rock werewolves who don't know how to live or die, those are your supper tonight. Looking at Ronglongyan and Galagala who suddenly scuffled below, Ryuzaki Shinji sneered under the mask, and then gave orders to Abo Monster through spiritual communication.

"Sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssseded Aboguai, who wanted to watch the play on the side, he immediately focused his attention on the four mountain kings and the mane rock werewolves who had unknowingly evacuated some distance from the battlefield. After looking at the difference between Chuanshanwang and Maneyan Werewolf and Gala Gala and Longlongyan, it was immediately clear which side had better taste and weight. Head in the direction of the Mountain King and the Mane Rock Werewolf.

From the moment when he saw Tianwang-level Gala Gala and Tianwang-level Longlong Rock on the inexplicable bar, Tianwang-level Chuanshan Wang knew that something was wrong. The subordinate winked, and then quietly retreated.

As a lonely mane rock werewolf, he is also an old fritter. He originally wanted to come here to pick up some cheap ones. After all, they used to be a lot of people, so there was no such situation that they could not win. Now that the situation is not right, he is also Immediately smeared oil on the soles of his feet and slipped away, at this time he was about to slip out of the Gobi.

With a sound of "Shu~", Abo turned into an afterimage on the spot~www.readwn.com~ quickly caught up with the four mountain kings and the mane rock werewolf with a swift snake.

A gust of wind came from him, and the four mane rock werewolves running on the sand looked back, and they were so frightened that they immediately tried their best to escape from the Gobi. It was strange that the hideous figure stood in front of him.

The next moment, a mouth with a stench of blood came towards his face, and before the Mane Rock Werewolf could react, he lost consciousness.

"Guru~" With a sound, Aboguai swallowed the mane rock werewolf in one mouthful, then re-coiled his body, and then continued to look ahead with greed.

A few seconds later, four spheres that rolled over on the sand appeared in front of Abo Monster.

To be continued....

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