Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 89: : Sandstorm Assassin

When the Abo Monster ate the Maneyan Werewolf and was about to digest it, the Heavenly King-level Mountain King came late with a group of his subordinates. The Mountain King, who was originally not dominant in terms of race value, is now being used by the Abo Monster. With the addition of the snake pattern in his own speed, the huge gap between the two sides in terms of speed suddenly became apparent. Now, as long as Aboguai is willing, it is impossible for the Heavenly King-level Mountain King to escape his pursuit.

Seeing this situation, the Heavenly King-level Mountain King also knew that in addition to defeating the Abo, he would have no possibility of leaving the Gobi. He immediately changed from a retracted defensive form to a battle form, and the other three quasi-kings were at their peak level. The same is true of Pangshan Wang.

"Crossing the mountain through the mountain~~"

The King of the Mountains did not attack the first time, but also showed a good power of the King of Heaven, and then discussed with the Abo monster who showed an unidentified and disgusting look in front of him, although the King of the Mountains was not afraid of his own strong defense. Abo is strange, but the one-horned snake in front of him is obviously a very difficult existence. If the problem can be solved without fighting, it is better not to fight.

"Hisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssseded Aboguai he was unmoved, but continued to keep the coiled posture silently, spitting out the snake letter while secretly using the coiling skills to increase his attack power, Defense and hit rate.

Feeling that the originally stable momentum of Abo's body was gradually increasing, the Heavenly King-level Mountain King with rich combat experience immediately reacted, and he understood that Abo's monster was using transformation-type moves to strengthen itself, and his eyes suddenly flashed, and immediately With the strength of the hind limbs, it rushed towards the Abo monster like lightning, and at the same time, the sharp claws in the pair emitted a layer of dazzling white light.

The sound of "Keng~" sounded, and the sharp two claws of the Heavenly King-level Mountain King grabbed the hard pitch-black snake scales of the Abo, leaving one or two light white marks on it, although the first supply was unable to break Abo. The cypress monster's snake scales defended, but it successfully touched the additional effect of the tearing claws, and the originally dark and bright Shelin suddenly became a bit bleak.

The next moment, Abo Monster's counterattack followed closely. With a sound of "bang~", the Heavenly King-level Mountain King was knocked out by Abo Monster.

Unconditionally, the Mountain King can't get a single blow, and he also instantly changes his fighting form into a curled-up defensive form. Protected by the sharp bristles on his back, Abo Monster's fangs can't attack him for a while, so he has to use a poisonous tail to kill him. Sweep out.

At the same time, the three-headed Quasi-Tianwang Peak-level Pangshan King behind the Heavenly King-level Pangong King also changed into a curled up defensive form again for the first time, and then a rolling skill started from three directions, starting with the Abo monster and his own leader. The small area was centered on the rotation. For a time, under the three-headed quasi-day king's peak level, the mountain kings rolled back and forth, and the rolling sand also rose from the ground they rolled over. Soon, a small-scale sandstorm Will appear on the battlefield, and the billowing sand will shroud the Abo monster and the Tianwang-level Mountain King.

"Keng Keng Keng Keng ~ ~" The sound of the collision of gold and stone sounded continuously from the sandstorm.

After entering the sandstorm weather, with the protection of the night, the king-level mountain king with the characteristics of sand concealment immediately turned into a desert assassin with a strange and unpredictable whereabouts, coupled with the confusion of a large number of shadow clones and rich combat experience. Under the action, the Heavenly King-level Mountain King frequently appeared from unexpected places, and then used tearing claws or alloy claws against his body. Moreover, the Heavenly King-class Mountain King was not greedy for merit, and hit him with a single blow. Immediately before escaping, he hid, and for a while, he even pressed and beat the Abo monster at the peak level of the low-level Heavenly King.

In the night sky, Ryuzaki Shinji, who was standing in the air with the help of the cross-shaped bat, looked at the performance of the Panshan King at this time, and his eyes could not help showing a hint of admiration. Analyze bit by bit.

Ryuzaki Shinji thought to himself: "As expected of a heavenly king-level elf, Shayin's characteristics have been honed by this heavenly king-level mountain king, and with the sandstorm weather and shadow clone, his evasion ability is fast. It has reached an amazing level. Now, unless it is a skill that must hit, it is almost impossible for ordinary skills to hit the Mountain King at this time, and it is also combined with the tearing claws that have a high probability of reducing the enemy's defense power and a certain probability of enhancing their own attack power. Alloy Claws, his output ability is constantly improving, and this mountain king has become a terrifying desert assassin."

"But it's a pity, Abo is not a rock-type elf that can do whatever you want. The combination of tearing claws and alloy claws is obviously configured to deal with a large number of rock-type and ground-type opponents in the desert. Both the claws and the alloy claws have the chance to touch additional effects. In the face of the Abo monster with the poison attribute, your alloy claw is limited in power, and the Abo monster has the two skills of accumulating and coiling, which can steadily improve the defense. , your tearing claw can't reduce the defense of the Abo monster at all, and with the increase in the number of uses of the Abo monster's coiling skills, his hit rate has also been greatly improved, and the battle should be over. That's it." After seeing through the fighting style of the Heavenly King-level Mountain King, Ryuzaki Shinji shook his head again and thought.

"Hissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss out~~" Abo Monster still coiled up his body and silently endured the attacks from the Heavenly King-level Mountain Kings attacking him from every angle, and only moved slightly when the Mountain King wanted to attack his head. When he turned his body, when he found that he couldn't lock the opponent for a while, he kept this coiled posture, and then silently used the three skills of accumulating, swallowing and coiling. Under the action, he is like a reloaded mt that can continue to quickly recover blood, and is not afraid of the painless attacks of the Tianwang-level Panshan King, and with the increase of the number of Panshan King's attacks and the hit rate brought by the coiling skill As the level increased, the Abo Monster gradually kept up with the attack rhythm of the Heavenly King-level Mountain King.

In another place where the Heavenly King-level Mountain King used his shadow clone to confuse Abo, and then wanted to attack from behind ~www.readwn.com~ Abo's snake eyes flashed red, as if he knew it in advance, the last second The snake's tail, which just lit up with purple awns, swept away the Heavenly King-level Mountain King who had just jumped in mid-air and showed his fighting form in the next second, and the part that the snake's tail hit was the unprotected abdomen of the Heavenly King-class Mountain King.

"Bang~" A muffled sound appeared, and the Heavenly King-level Mountain King was kicked away by Abo Monster's poisonous tail. However, the defensive power of the Mountain King was not bad. Still alive and well, in the next moment, a large number of shadow clones were immediately activated from his body, and he attacked again with the characteristics of Sha Yin and a large number of shadow clones.

The confident Pangshan Wang thought that the Abo Monster hit him only because of luck, and he didn't take the Abo Monster's blow to heart at all. However, the battle was so fast that he didn't notice the sudden appearance on his abdomen. of a purple speck.

To be continued....

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