Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 93: : Treasure Fat Bones

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"It seems that your choice is very wise. Since you chose me, as long as you serve me wholeheartedly in the days to come, I will also treat you wholeheartedly in the days to come." The ghost is the seal of origin, Ryuzaki Shinji turned his head and looked at Geng Gui below and thought, there was a trace of complexity and joy in his eyes, although it was still a little vague, but through the seal of origin in his hand, he finally heard Geng Gui's innermost thoughts. sound.

Why is the hostile Geng ghost's attitude towards Ryuzaki Shinji always at a level of unemotional and vagueness? The reason is very simple. After all, the suffocating Geng Gui was once a Heavenly King-level elf. Although he had fallen to Pingyang before, he still had the heart of a Heavenly-king-level elf in his heart, just like the black tyrannical dragon. His pride is also disapproving of Ryuzaki Shinji, who has not yet reached the Tenno-level trainer.

"A trainer who is not even a king wants to order me? Dream it!!" This is the attitude that the savage Gengar has always expressed to the orders of Ryuzaki Shinji, but after all Ryuzaki Shinji It is indeed the trainer who brought him back from the ashes, and he is not an ignorant elf, so he will carry out the orders given by Ryuzaki Shinji on the surface, but secretly he is perfunctory and perfunctory, as long as he guarantees Ryuzaki Shinji There is no danger of life, and he has basically been in a state of paddling without effort.

And when the Abo ghost woke up and gave his origin imprint to Ryuzaki Shinji to make him promoted to the Heavenly King-level trainer, the sullen Geng ghost knew that he had lost the rhetoric that he had been proud of himself before. In front of Ryuzaki Shinji, he was no longer the proud king-level elf he used to be, and the days when he wanted to continue paddling and working without effort had come to an end.

After such a long time together, the savage Gengar, who has been acting as Ryuzaki Shinji's shadow guard, already knows his master's character very well. Although Ryuzaki Shinji appreciates his rich experience and outstanding abilities, In the previous situation of serious lack of combat power, he tolerated his behavior again and again, but now that Aboguai, a powerful combat power that has successfully advanced to the king level, has returned, Ryuzaki Shinji will never continue to tolerate him like this. A elf who secretly defied his orders was in his ranks.

What happens if you disobey an order? The suffocating Genggui is very clear, and it is clear from the tragic experience of the bat .

Therefore, when Abo Monster successfully played the desert dragonfly and the flaming lion between the palms of his hands, the hostile Geng Ghost immediately chose to end the quasi-king level, which is now almost impossible to gain, and began to use the huge heritage accumulated before. He began to move quickly to the level of the quasi-king's peak, because he also knew very well that only if he was strong enough and possessed a considerable degree of value, Ryuzaki Shinji would continue to choose to keep him by his side, and he would not be right. His previous behaviors that violated the yin and yang were settled in the autumn after the fall.

In less than half a day, he quietly rose from the level of the low-level quasi-king to the peak level of the quasi-king, and because he had the precious ghost energy core and a small amount of fat in his hand By sacrificing a large number of souls to the cursed talisman to obtain the power of the source of the ghost system, coupled with the previous experience of the advanced heavenly king level, the suffocating Geng ghost has the ability to become an advanced player anytime, anywhere without sleeping. The ability of the king-level elf.

As for why the savage Gengar chose to advance to the King level tonight, because he found something that could gain both the trust of Ryuzaki Shinji and amazing benefits.

Tonight's appearance of the Heavenly King Alola Gala Gala was the main fuse that made him choose the advanced Heavenly King. The power of the soul contained in the total number of souls obtained is several times larger. He believes that as long as he can grab this bone stick from the hand of the Heavenly King-level Alola Galaga in front of him, he will become a Heavenly King in the future. There is no need to worry about the huge soul power required by the advanced level, at least until it is enough for him to enter the advanced high-level king, he does not need to continue to search for a large number of souls.


Speaking of this, I have to talk about the origin of the bone stick in the hands of the king-level Alola Gala Gala. This is a bone stick that his mother, who is also in the form of Alola Gala Gala, left him a precious gift. It is accurate. In other words, this bone stick is a precious gift left to the strongest descendants by generations of Gala Gala strongmen or Alola Gala Gala strongmen, which is equivalent to an inheritance utensil.

Different from the fat bone, which is an exclusive prop held by the general Gala Gala, after generations of Gala Gala strongmen or Alola Gala Gala strongmen and other elves fighting and killing, this fat bone does not know. After absorbing the blood of powerful or weak elves, gradually, this fat bone gradually underwent some strange changes, and it began to possess the ability to devour and refine souls.

And after more than ten generations of Gala Gala or Alola Gala Gala, the power of this fat bone that devoured countless souls has become more and more terrifying, not only with the derivative of powerful soul whipping It also has the ability to stably transform the bearer into the form of Alora Gala Gala. Now after more than ten generations of Alora Gala Gala inheritance, this special fat bone is now attached with a powerful flame. Power.

It is precisely because of this bone that the Heavenly King-level Alola Gala Gala has changed from the ordinary Gala Gala to the current Alola Gala Gala, and several of his subordinates are also In this way, it is transformed into Alola, but perhaps it is because the fat bone is too violent. He also subtly affects the character of the bearer. Almost every generation of bearers is violent. They are also very violent and bloodthirsty. If they disagree, they will immediately use force to resolve disputes. Therefore, although the holders of each generation are quite powerful, they are almost all short-lived ghosts.

But even short-lived ghosts are short-lived ghosts with extremely strong strength. Since this fat bone has been passed down to recent generations, every holder has at least the strength of a low-level heavenly king, and now the heavenly king who holds the fat bone is at the level. Luo La Gala Gala's deceased mother was also a powerful elf of the high-level heavenly king level, so the hostile Gengar wanted to defeat the heavenly king level Alola Gala Gala, he had to show his strongest strength today.


The savage Genggui who had just completed his evolution and became a Heavenly King was imposing, with blue ghost fires and a black mist surrounding him, making his figure looming under the moonlight, with the pair of scarlet narrow and long His eyes made the atmosphere of the entire battlefield darken.

The power of the low-level Heavenly King's peak level at the first step made the Heavenly King-level Alola Gala Gala very unhappy, especially the pair of eyes of the other party that showed strong greed made him angry.

"Gahahahah~~" (You **** succeeded in angering me~www.readwn.com~ You are asking for your own death!!)

Seeing that the sullen Geng Ghost actually paid attention to the treasure in his hand, the Heavenly King Alola Gala Gala immediately turned red with anger, raised the fat bone in his hand at the sullen Geng Ghost, and said angrily.

"It's still the most comfortable form, I really miss it, little guy, what did you just say? Let me hear it again, hee hee~~~"

Hearing the angry clamor of the King-level Alola Gala, the sullen Geng Ghost suspended in mid-air stretched his hands and feet, twisted his waist, stretched his legs, and then used his fat right hand to make an ear-covering shape. Action, looking at the king-level Alola with disdain, he said.

The next moment, a black-green flame tornado flew towards the hostile Geng Gui.

At the same time, a large number of shadow **** wrapped in white ghost fire appeared in the sky behind the hostile Gengar, and then the hostile Gengar pointed forward with his fat hand.

A meteor shower suddenly appeared.

To be continued.....

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