Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 94: : Shadow stand-in

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"Bang bang bang~~~" A loud explosion sounded in midair, followed by white fireworks that were brilliant but somewhat poignant.

The King-level Alola Gala Gala used the bone boomerang to display the flame tornado and the many ghost fire shadow **** of the savage Gengar collided with each other. The flame tornado was amazingly powerful. The crazy bombing of the shadow ball rushed all the way. Although it became smaller and smaller due to the weakening of many ghost fire shadow balls, in the end, it still broke through all the ghost fire shadow **** and successfully appeared in front of the hostile Gengar.

However, just when the King-level Alola Gala was looking forward to watching the sullen Gengar being burned to ashes by his triumphant moves, the sullen Gengar who had stayed in mid-air was not yet able to be swept in by the flame tornado. , with a sound of "Pfft~", a large number of fragmented shadows burst out from the body of "Murky Geng Ghost", and then gradually disappeared in the moonlight, and the flame tornado displayed by the King-level Alola Gala Gala directly flew into the air. .

"Gahahahah~~" (What!)

Seeing this situation, the Heavenly King-level Alola Gala suddenly exclaimed, and then she moved her right hand forward, trying to retract the bone stick that was continuing to fly forward.

"Hee hee hee~~, are you looking for me?" The next moment, a shady voice appeared behind the king-level Alola Gala.

"Gahahahah~~" (Get out of my shadow!!)

As soon as the hostile Geng Gui finished speaking, the eyes of the heavenly king Alola Gala gleamed. At this moment, his left hand was enveloped by a layer of dark-green flames, and he directly attacked his backhand with a flaming fist to beat the thunder. The speed of the deafening force bombarded the shadow behind him with his scarlet eyes open.

"Bang~~" A sound of rock cracking appeared, and a deep dent was hit by its flame punch on the sand behind the Heavenly King Alora, and a large number of black-green flames were in the dent. The middle was burning.

"Dong dong dong dong~~" The sound of piling and slamming the pile appeared, and before the black-green flame in the dent was extinguished, the king-level Alola clapped the bone stick that had already flown back with both hands, and then again It is a violent hammering against the dent. With each hammering, a ring-shaped ghost-type energy wave oscillates out of the dent. The scope and depth of the scars also gradually increased, and the black-green flames burning inside were completely replaced by a layer of pure white flames.

At this moment, a layer of black ghost-type energy instantly covered the entire bone rod, and the dark green flames at both ends turned pale white instantly. For a while, the bone rod seemed to be activated, and a powerful ghost appeared. The energy fluctuations spread out from his body in a circular manner, and Gala Gala, who was holding the bone stick that had become ghostly at this time, had scary red eyes, and the word "fire" in the center of the bone helmet marked this. He was also burning with black flames, and the breath on his body was also rising every day. In just a few seconds, he rose from the low-level heavenly king level to the low-level heavenly king pinnacle level, and it kept rising, and finally reached the intermediate level of heavenly kings. The level slowly stopped.

For a ghost-type elf like Gengar, the King-level Alola Gala has never encountered it. On the contrary, because he is holding this fat bone with powerful soul power, he is often hit by some inadvertently by the bone rod. The ghost-type elf attacked by the soul fluctuations emanating from it, among them, Gengar is one of the ghost-type elf he has dealt with the most, so he knows very well that the elf can split shadows and like to sneak in. These characteristics of other people's shadows, the initial bone boomerang moves and showing surprise are just his tricks to confuse the opponent. The real ultimate move is the flame fist that is ready to go and the follow-up shadow bone skills.

"Ah~~" With the rapid expansion of the dent's range, suddenly, a scream appeared, and then the figure of the sullen Geng Ghost was knocked out from the dent that was burning with pale flames.

"Gahahahah~~" (You're just like that, how dare you want to take away my baby, hum, die!!)

Seeing that he had successfully forced the sullen Gengar out of his shadow, the Heavenly King Alola Gala Gala immediately said sarcastically to the savage Gengar who was wrapped in pale flames and rolling in pain on the sand, Then he immediately jumped up with the bone stick, and used the Shadow Bone move from top to bottom at the savage Genggui.

The special ability of the King-level Alola Gala is called Cursed Flame, which is an active ability. Its effect instantly switches the flame in the body into the form of the Cursed Flame, and then uses the powerful additional effect of the Cursed Flame to destroy the enemy. , In addition to the temperature breaking through the thousand degrees Celsius mark, the flame of the curse also has the effect of curse. As long as the unit hit by the flame of the curse will be tortured by the power of the vicious curse, unless the curse can be removed immediately. The flame is extinguished, otherwise, the additional curse effect of the flame of the curse will not disappear, and now the whole body is burned with the flame of the curse.

"Boom~" Another sound of a pile driver appeared, and the extremely powerful Heavenly King-level Alola clucked the shadow bone directly to the ground and smashed a deep dent into the ground. .

At the same time, the sound of a balloon bursting "Pfft~" appeared from the dent, and the sullen Geng Ghost's figure once again burst into a large number of shadow fragments, and then quickly flashed in the surprised eyes of the King-level Alola. dissipate.

"Hee hee hee~~~, it's useless, do you think that is my real body? It's too naive, look around you, guess which one is my real body? Hee hee hee ~~" In the next moment, the sinister voice of the sullen Geng Gui appeared one after another from the large number of shadows around, and then, a large number of blood-red eyes followed the many people who appeared under the moonlight. appear in the shadows.

"Shadow split", this was originally the innate ability of the savage Gengar, the effect is to temporarily gain the control of some dead objects' shadows by splitting his own shadow body in a "permanently lost way"~www.readwn.com~now After re-evolving into Gengar and restoring the strength of the King of Heaven, this innate ability once again shines in battle. The savage Gengar with shadow splits is almost impossible to destroy, because as long as there is a shadow , he can briefly manipulate the shadows of some dead objects by splitting his own shadow body, especially at night, this ability is almost impossible to solve, because in the dark, shadows are already everywhere.

The "ruthless Gengar" that was just crushed by the Heavenly King-level Alola Gala is just a temporary substitute created by the ruthless Gengar by splitting a shadow of his body and then using the shadows of some rocks. The old ghost for thousands of years, the savage Geng ghost can't act recklessly. Using rich combat experience and a large number of shadow substitutes, he will reveal the enemy's cards little by little, and then defeat the enemy who has lost all his cards. This is the Vicious Gengar fighting style.

"Gala galla~~" (Impossible! How can you divide your body into so many points!!)

Looking at the scarlet eyes that appeared in the shadows of the rocks around him, the Heavenly King Alora exclaimed, and under the gaze of the many scarlet eyes, an emotion called fear appeared in his heart.

To be continued.....

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