Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 95: : a heavy price

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Under the moonlight, in the Gobi, dense scarlet eyes appear in the shadows of rocks everywhere in the Gobi, and these scarlet glasses are also staring at every fundamental creature at the same time. At the same time, the sound came from these strange shadows and spread to the entire Gobi. At the same time, a black mist gradually shrouded the entire Gobi. For a time, the entire Gobi fell into a ghostly atmosphere. middle.

"Gulu~, this, where the **** am I? Father! No, no!! No~~" Looking at the scarlet eyes around him and listening to the murmurs that came from his ears, he was in the middle of nowhere. Card on the edge of the battlefield was extremely pale, and his eyes were full of horror and apathy. Bean drops of sweat covered his entire face and kept falling down his chin, as if he was seeing something terrible. Suddenly, Sit down on the sand, screaming in horror

Obviously, at this time, Card has been affected by the ghostly environment around him, especially the terrifying whispers that keep coming from his ears, like the whispers from the Dread Lord, constantly reminding him of what he had experienced in his heart. The fear, even though he had covered his ears with both hands, these sullen whispers intensified directly into his soul.

After a while, Card was like crazy, sometimes shouting with fear in his eyes, sometimes punching and kicking around him with red eyes, and sometimes holding a pile of sand and smirking in the same place.

A minute later, Kad's tense nerves seemed to be unable to bear the fear that kept rising in his heart, and he had to instinctively make a defense mechanism. Finally, Kad looked forward to fainting in the sand with white eyes and foaming at the mouth. However, even though Card had fainted at this moment, his body was still twitching continuously. Obviously, even if he fainted, his subconscious was still affected by the terrifying whispers of the hostile Gengar.

At the same time, Christina, who was still in the rock wall residence, and Barre and Bard, who were bound in the residence, were in similar situations to Card. Those who were not strong enough also rolled their eyes and foamed at the mouth and fell on the spot, and then the whole body was also twitching in the faint.

On the other hand, the situation of Sinor, who is also on the edge of the battlefield, is not very good.

"Ha~, ha~, ha~, damn, am I about to die? Stop, stop for me!!" Sinoer cried out in pain, lying on the sand, at this time, the hostile Geng ghost can create In the environment where she came out, this female trainer at the peak level of the quasi-king with extremely strong willpower was also in a state of embarrassment. Although she did not fall to the ground without the ability to resist like Card, Christina and others, she has been somewhat Judging from the crazy situation, it is not far from the situation of Card and others.

Just the aftermath can make Card and Sinor, who are on the edge of the battlefield, look so miserable, even Christina and others who are far away from the battlefield can't escape the influence and faint and collapse, so in the center of the battlefield, enjoy the moment What kind of situation is the King-level Alola Gala Gala, who is graciously entertained by the hostile Gengar.

"Dong dong dong~~" The appearance of the pile driver slamming the pile wood, the king-level Alola still did not choose to give up, relying on the strong willpower to resist the influence of the ghost sound in the ear, while a stick Another group destroyed a large number of shadows with scarlet eyes around him, but to his despair, not only did the shadow substitutes of the sullen Geng Ghost not decrease, but because he destroyed the rocks and caused more shadows to appear, the number became more. more up.

"Hee hee hee~, despair? Fear? It's useless, you can't destroy me, you will only die from exhaustion, give it up, hand over the bone stick in your hand obediently, maybe I will spare you not to die Maybe, hee hee hee~~..." The shadow substitute of the sullen Geng Ghost appeared behind the King-level Alola Gala who was standing still, gasping for breath, and continued to speak to him to increase his psychological level. pressure.

At the same time, another dense wave of shadow **** shot towards the Heavenly King-level Alola Gala Gala from the surrounding shadows.

The king-level Alola Gala Gala first smashed the shadow substitute behind him with a stick, and then frantically danced the bone stick that was still blazing with pale flames, smashing a large number of flying shadow **** one by one. However, there are too many shadow balls, and the King-level Alola Gala is also invincible with both fists and four hands. There are always a few shadow **** appearing in the dead corner, and then hitting his body hard, causing him pain. It was called Lianlian, and before he knew it, his movements gradually became a little bit stiff, and the gaze in his eyes was a little confused from time to time, and the number of times he was attacked by the shadow ball gradually increased.

"Gala cluck~~" (Come out, you coward, come out and fight me with real swords!!) Heavenly King-level Alola clucked angrily.

Unfortunately, his roar is destined to be impossible to respond, and the hostile Geng Ghost continues to carry out the next wave of offensive against him as if nothing had happened. The breath became weaker and weaker.

"It's really powerful willpower. It can support Geng Gui's soul magic voice for so long. If it goes on like this, maybe the one who falls first will be Geng Ghost. Do you want to help?" Looking down, leaning on his bones The Tenno-class Alola who was stubbornly resisted, stopped in mid-air, and frowned and meditated.

Through the Seal of Origin, he knew the means that the suffocating Geng Ghost was using now. The Heavenly King-level savage Geng Ghost obtained a special ability called Soul Magic Sound.

This is a kind of magical sound that can evoke the fearful experience deep in the creature's heart. Because it directly acts on the soul, even a deaf person cannot avoid the invasion of this terrible magical sound. Once the willpower of the creature is not firm enough, It will be pulled into the endless fear illusion, and then fall into a state of chaos to kill itself, and as the duration of the magic sound increases, its power will become more and more terrifying, and it needs to be pardoned. Its fear effect will also be stronger. Powerful, once it lasts long enough, no matter how tenacious the enemy is, it will also be dragged into its own fearful fantasy and cannot extricate itself.

It can be seen from this that the only condition to limit the terrifying special ability of the soul magic sound is time, but when this special ability is combined with the current savage Geng Ghost's talent ability shadow split, the problem of time is solved, and now it can restrict the soul magic sound The condition for this might be only the ability of the hostile Gengar itself.

Don't look at the situation where the suffocating Geng Gui is completely suppressing the Heavenly King-level Alola Gala, but in fact, if the Heavenly King-level Alola Gala can still hold on for a few more minutes, the battle will be difficult. The loser is definitely a grumpy Gengar.

Due to the huge side effect of "permanent loss" of the innate ability shadow split of the hostile Gengar (every point of the shadow represents a part of the strength that the hostile Gengar has worked hard to cultivate), so now in the hostile Ghosts split their own shadows in large numbers to create shadow substitutes to confuse the heavenly king-level Alola Gala, the suffocating Gengar's own strength is also constantly weakening, and has fallen from the original low-level heavenly king peak level to the low-level heavenly king level. It is not far from falling to the Heavenly King level again.

"Your uncle's~www.readwn.com~ You should fall down quickly, I can't hold it anymore." In the shadow of an inconspicuous rock on the edge of the battlefield, the real body of the suffocating Geng Ghost was also panting. Huhu tired appearance, at this moment, his chubby and chubby shadow body has shrunk to less than half of its original size.

But he has no way back now. This was originally a big gamble. The suffocating Geng Gui knew that he would definitely not be the opponent of the ferocious Heavenly King-level Alola Gala in a head-on battle. Only a thousand and eight hundred means can win, so he can only continue to fight until now.

"Gahahahah~~" (Mother mother! You're old, this bone stick is mine, hahaha~~)

Another two minutes passed, and the King-level Alola Gala finally couldn't resist the fearful fantasy that kept appearing in his heart, and suddenly raised the bone stick in his hand and slammed wildly against a rock in front of him, completely ignoring it. A large number of shadow **** flying around.

"Bang bang bang~~" Under the attack of a large number of shadow balls, the effect was outstanding, and the seriously injured Tianwang-level Alola Gala finally fell weakly on the sand.

To be continued....

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