Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 96: : 1 point change

A fierce battle that lasted not long but was quite difficult finally came to an end, and the Heavenly King-level Alola Gala Gala was finally unable to resist the savage Geng Ghost's soul magic sound, just because there was a moment of confusion. He was taken away by the savage Genggui who seized the opportunity with a wave of powerful shadow balls.

Using telepathy to command the cross-shaped bat behind him, Ryuzaki Shinji slowly descended from the air, and finally landed in front of the seriously injured and dying Heavenly King-level Alola Galaga. The breath on La's body was rapidly declining, and in just a few seconds, it dropped to a state of indistinctness. The bone stick in his hand also returned to its original posture due to the defeat of the holder, and the pale flames at both ends gradually extinguished. .

Looking at the Heavenly King-level Alola Gala that was about to die on the ground, Ryuzaki Shinji's eyes flashed with purple awns. At this time, he was considering whether to subdue the Alola Gala in front of him, whether it was from the other party or the other party. The battle of Tianwang-level Ronglongyan is still a battle with the savage Gengar. This Tianwang-level Alola Gala has shown excellent fighting qualities, and with the mysterious bone stick in his hand, it is even more powerful. , just from the fact that the opponent can bombard the sound like a pile driver slamming a pile of wood with a random blow, it can be seen that the hostile Geng Gui did not choose to face the opponent, and I have to say that this is a very wise thing.

"Oh~, it's a pity, you still lost after all, the loser is not qualified to choose." After more than ten seconds, Ryuzaki Shinji sighed, put the advanced ball in his hand back into the space bag, and then turned around. Walking in the direction of his place of residence, he never looked back at the Heavenly King-level Alola Gala.

No matter how powerful the Heavenly King Alora Gala Gala is, defeat means defeat, and Ryuzaki Shinji cannot ignore the feelings of the victorious elf for the sake of the defeated elf. The stubborn Geng Ghost with the bone stick will inevitably be the hated enemy of the King-level Alola Gala in the future. If he is subdued, it will be difficult for the remediation team to stabilize in the future. In addition, considering the wild King-level The elf is wild and difficult to tame, and it is impossible for him to waste too much time to tame it. Therefore, after some consideration, he gave up the idea of ​​subduing the king-level Alola Gala.

After Ryuzaki Shinji walked a distance, the shadow of a nearby rock suddenly began to twist. A second later, the severely shrunk body of the savage Genggui emerged from the twisted shadow. At this time, the breath of his body The low-level heavenly king has fallen to the zero point of the quasi-celestial king's peak level, and it is obvious that he has paid a great price to defeat the heavenly king-level Alola Gala.

"Hu~~, fortunately he didn't throw the Poké Ball, otherwise I would lose a lot of money. Forget it, although the process is a bit difficult, the reward is still very sufficient, hee hee hee~~" Looking at the distant dragon Saki Shinji, the suffocating Genggui made a sigh of relief, then turned his head to look at the Heavenly King-level Alola who had fainted from serious injuries, with the iconic smirk on his face again.

The sullen Geng Ghost walked to the side of the King-level Alola Gala, and the little chubby raised his hand, and a small shadow ball suddenly emerged from his hand. After a few seconds, the shadow ball expanded like a balloon and changed. It turned into a shadow ball that was a little bigger than his current body, and then laboriously threw the shadow ball in his hand to the king-level Alola Gala in front of him.

Like the last straw that broke the camel's back, the savage Gengar's shadow ball made up for it, killing the King-level Alola Gala, and when the Alola Gala lost its breath of life At the moment, his body also began to crack like when the rock shattered, and dazzling white rays of light were released from the cracks.

"Che, I knew that I would have this hand, and I don't want to give it to me until I die." Seeing the abnormal state of Alola's corpse, the sullen Geng Ghost's face changed suddenly, and then immediately turned into a ball again. The shadow merged into the shadow of a nearby rock, and released the overlap between the shadows and quickly moved away from Alola Gala Gala's corpse.

A few seconds later, a huge explosion sounded, "Boom~", and an explosion crater with a diameter of more than 10 meters appeared on the original position of the Tianwang-class Alola Gala Gala body. Until the end of life, this character The irritable and stubborn Alola Gala did not want to look good on the hostile Gengar. This time the explosion directly detonated his own soul, not giving the hostile Gengar a chance to devour his soul to restore energy.

At the same time, the bone stick in Alola Gala Gala's hand was also missing. It seems that in the explosion just now, I don't know where it went.

"Hmph, I knew you would run, and now you still want to run, dream, stop me obediently." At the edge of the Gobi, the sullen Geng Ghost appeared, and then hit a shadow ball in his hand at the Something that flies in the air.

With a sound of "bang~", the shadow ball hit the flying object accurately, and the flying object also fell from the air, and then checked on the sand.

The flying object that fell was the fat bone that disappeared in the explosion, but its appearance at this time was a little different from the original appearance. A scarlet one eye was opening at the center of the bone rod, and the whole body was open. The whole body is covered with a layer of pure ghost-type energy. This bone rod actually seems to be born with wisdom. At this time, he is staring at the hostile Gengar in front of him with vicious little eyes.

Suddenly, with a sound of "咻~~", the bone stick inserted in the sand appeared in front of the hostile Geng Ghost like lightning. He used the Shadow Bone trick that was used before the Heavenly King-level Alola Gala, and it seemed to be quite powerful.

Unpredictable, "Maleful Geng Ghost" was directly hit by the bone stick with the Shadow Bone and flew a long distance, but on the way to be knocked away, "Maleful Geng Gui"'s body did look like a burst balloon The same burst, and it was obvious that what the bone stick hit was just a shadow substitute of the sullen Geng Ghost.

"Sample, your master died in my hands, and you still want to resist me with such a dead thing, so just grab it." The next moment, the real hostile Geng ghost appeared behind the bone stick, and spit out a piece of paper from his mouth. The mysterious talisman paper that exudes a gloomy aura and dark light is exactly the talisman of the curse of ghosts.

As soon as the talisman of the curse escaped from the big tongue of the savage Gengar, it immediately felt like a cat that smelled fishy. Before seeing the talisman of the curse, the bone rod that shuddered all over the body immediately made any movement, and then rolled himself up like a lightning bolt. On the bone rod.

In an instant, the eyes on the bone rod were covered by the curse talisman, and the ghostly energy covering the bone rod was completely absorbed by the curse talisman attached to it, and the huge soul power contained in the bone rod was also present. One after another, it was swallowed by the cursed talisman whose appetite was like a black hole.

"Hee hee~~, it really works." Seeing that the talisman of the curse really subdued the bone stick, the sullen Geng Gui immediately flew forward and swallowed the talisman of the curse and the bone stick into his body.

The next moment, a huge and pure ghost-type energy suddenly emerged from the body of the sullen Gengar~www.readwn.com~ and under the nourishment of this ghost-type energy, the severely shrunk body also began to swell. The speed visible to the naked eye returned to its original size, and the size was 1.5 times larger than before before it stopped.

At this moment, the aura of the suffocating Geng Gui has returned to the level of the low-level Heavenly King, and in addition to the increase in size, the appearance has also undergone a little change, the black spikes on his back have become longer, and the top of his head The two black sharp horns actually curved up, becoming similar to the horns of a devil, and there was a blood-red strange bloodstain between the eyebrows, and the fat hands and feet were slightly stretched, and they were not as bloated as before.

Six shadow **** wrapped in pale flames revolved around the savage Gengar according to specific rules, and the fog of curse during the Ghoststone period was gradually released from his body, covering his body again in the night. .



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