Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 97: : Fight the weak against the strong

The fierce battle that took place in the Gobi finally came to an end, and the final result was that the three heavenly king-level elves came together, and finally died in the Gobi.

Those wild elves who were still wandering around the Gobi saw that the fighting in the Gobi was over, but none of the three Heavenly King-level elves who entered the Gobi came out. Faced with this situation, they naturally guessed that they were in the Gobi. As a result of the battle, all of them immediately felt awe of the Gobi in front of them. The doubts and contempt that had arisen from the fact that they had never seen the powerful elves in the Gobi were also instantly dissipated, and they took the initiative to take the initiative. A warning was given to those who didn't know the situation, just like this, it was passed on from 10 to 100, and soon, the wild elves within a few kilometers of the Gobi also knew that the Gobi was a place occupied by heavenly king-level elves. fact.

From this evening, the Gobi occupied by Ryuzaki Shinji has finally become a real forbidden place for life in the eyes of the nearby wild elves.


When the hostile Gengar used the curse to forcibly subdue the Bone Bar of the King-level Alola Gala, Ryuzaki Shinji used the Ghost Origin Seal in the palm of his hand to help Christina and the others relieve their hostility one by one. The influence of Gengar's Soul Magic Sound.

"Sure enough, after obtaining that bone stick, this greedy guy became stronger again, and in this way, he became the strongest elf in my hands now, and relying on Abo Monster alone is no longer enough to make him arrogant. Press it down, but forget it, as long as this mark is in my hands for a day, I am not afraid of what tricks this guy will do, as long as he is obedient, everything will be easy to talk about." Through the seal of the source, Ryuzaki Shinji felt the hostility at this time. The intense arrogance and smugness in the ghost's heart could not help but show a trace of worry in his eyes, but after seeing the ghost-type origin seal in his hand, which was glowing with black light, it quickly disappeared.

The hostile Genggui was very loyal this time, because he took the initiative to give Ryuzaki Shinji his Ghost Origin Seal.

The trainer who masters the seal of the origin of the king-level elf can not only enjoy the benefits of improved physical fitness, but also completely immune to all their attacks. The most important point is that the trainer can completely master this king. Level Pixie.

The Seal of Origin is equivalent to a Poké Ball with stronger binding force. As long as Ryuzaki Shinji is willing, he can use the Seal of Origin in his hand to punish the Heavenly King-level elves at any time, and he can even make the Heavenly-king-level elves in an instant. incapacitated.

This is an extremely powerful shackle, but in the same way, as a Heavenly King-level trainer, you have to pay a corresponding price, but compared to the ability of the seal of origin, the price of a Heavenly King-level trainer is much lower. As long as the family keeps abiding by the promise made when receiving the seal of origin given by the heavenly king-level elf. (The promise that Grim Gengar wanted was that Shinji Ryuzaki would never betray him.)


The next day, at 7 o'clock in the morning, Ryuzaki Shinji's team started a new morning exercise after having breakfast. However, the content of today's morning exercise has changed a lot from the past.

I saw on the sand lit by the morning sun, a dark one-horned snake was coiling its body and erecting a huge snake head. Looking at the small elves surrounding him, the icy snake pupil showed a trace of disdain, but turned his head. After seeing Ryuzaki Shinji's stern gaze, he only nodded helplessly at the group of elves in front of him.

As soon as Abo Monster nodded, the panting elves around him immediately burst out with a strong fighting spirit, and then launched a fierce attack on Abo Monster in an orderly manner.

The ** frog who took the lead in the assault, the ** frog at this time has increased its physical attack and speed to the maximum through the unique trick of acupuncture. I saw the afterimages of ** frogs appearing on the sand, and for a while , Abo monsters appeared in all directions of the afterimages of the frogs making various attacking actions, and the Abo monsters surrounded by the afterimages of the frogs continued to stay in place lazily, without any intention of attacking first. Seeing this situation, the eyes of the frog who were in an instant burst and moving at a high speed flashed, and the next moment appeared from an afterimage in the blind corner of Abo Monster's eyes, a battle-type big move that was ready to go. The mid-slam attacked violently against the giant snake head of the Arbo monster.

The time was slow and the time was fast, just when the **frog was about to succeed, the lazy Abo monster spit out a black snake letter, and the irony flashed in his eyes, and the strong and powerful snake tail behind him turned into a black snake letter. A black bolt of lightning seemed to open his eyes behind him. With a "snack" sound, Abo's poisonous tail slammed the jumping frog flying away.

However, at the moment when the monster Abo was distracted and used the poisonous tail to send the frog flying, the frog grass and the electric firefly, who were waiting for the opportunity, immediately seized the opportunity to output, and saw the frog grass flying from the body a lot of manoeuvres. Flying Leaf, and then controlling the sky's swirling Flying Leaf to attack the Abo monster from all directions, while the auxiliary hand, Electric Firefly, used the help skill against the frog grass, and for a while, obtained the wonderful increase of the help skill. Frog grass was instantly refreshed, and his flying leaf blade, which was originally quite fast, suddenly increased in speed, and the power of the gyration was also doubled. The kung fu of Abo appeared in front of Abo, which made Abo a little caught off guard, so he could only choose to forcefully catch the attack of the Froggrass Flying Blade.

"Dangdangdang~~" The swirling flying leaves of Froggrass hit the Abo monster one after another, but what made him a little unwilling is that after his flying leaf knife used the electric firefly to help the skill increase, it turned out to be It was still unable to break the defense against the pitch-black snake scales of the Abo monster. All the flying leaves, except for a loud collision of swords and shields on the snake scales of the Abo monster, even left a trace on the snake scales. Can't do it.

"Tanai Tana~~" Froggrass exclaimed angrily, the five leaves on its back had condensed enough solar power at some point, and the bud in the center, which also glowed with dazzling white light, directed the flames of sunlight to Abo. Strange lasing away.

"Diandiandian~~" and the electric firefly on the side was not far behind. The fluorescent lamp that had been bright at the tail was shining brightly for a while, and a large number of fluorescent missiles quickly appeared from him, and then relying on these fluorescent missiles to surround the wonderful frog The sunlight flame of the grass flew towards the Arbo monster.

The fluorescent missiles of the electric firefly flew into the sunshine flames of the frog grass, and they merged into the sunshine flames. Thick, the power has suddenly risen by several grades, and it is already vaguely comparable to the random blow of an ordinary king-level elf.

Facing the combination skill of the mutated version of the Sunshine Flame from the anger of the frog grass and the Electric Firefly combined with the Firefly's unique trick, Aboguai's lazy eyes also have a dignified look, no longer as before. Always choosing to stay in place and resist hard, the huge pitch-black snake body suddenly made an exaggerated twisting motion, avoiding the combo that the frog grass and the electric firefly accidentally displayed without delay.

Just when the Appa Monster chose to twist his body to avoid the attack, the sand that was originally covered by the coiled body suddenly revealed a small loophole. Zhongfei rushed out, and the pair of pliers in his hands that had already shown the terrifying sharpness were crossed together, forming a pair of scissors that exuded a dazzling white light~www.readwn.com~ Scorpio actually used it unceremoniously at the Abo monster. A lore move: scissors guillotine.

It's a pity that Abo's monster's combat experience is so rich, and he was ready to deal with it before the scorpion appeared. I saw Abo's monster's eyes showing fierce light, and the cold snake pupil showed a scarlet light, and he wanted to start the big snake to stare. Affect Scorpio's actions.

But just as he was about to start the big snake to stare, he found that he couldn't move for a while. Alidos fell from the spider web on the top of Abo Monster's head at a critical moment, and promptly used a deadly immobilization technique on him.

At this moment, a sense of life-and-death crisis suddenly emerged from Aboguai's calm heart.



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