Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 98: : Practicing and assigning

With the cooperation of the five elves, a chance was finally created for the victory of this battle. Scorpio's scissors guillotine is a one-hit kill skill, as long as you hit this trick unless it is a sturdy elves Otherwise, he will be forced to be beaten into a state of near death. If Abo Monster is hit by Scorpion's scissors guillotine, even if he is a king-level elf, he will be defeated by Scorpio and all the elf partners.

Unfortunately, although the ideal is very beautiful, the reality is quite skinny, because from the beginning to the end, the Abo monster did not use his due strength to fight, and he used up to 50% of the fighting power in the whole battle. When he felt a fatal threat, the terrifying murderous snake finally became serious.

In less than 0.01 seconds, Alidos's immobilization method was instantly freed by the Abo monster who switched the defensive snake pattern to the threatening snake pattern. The moment he broke free of the immobilization method, there was a terrifying and terrifying might. Suddenly it erupted from the body of Abo, and Scorpio and Alidos, who were closest to Abo, also instantly felt the breath of death. The powerful mental pressure made them unable to move a bit.

Although it has the effect of inertia, Scorpio's scissors guillotine still rushes towards Abo's head relentlessly, but this uncontrollable and straight-forward move is no longer threatening to Abo's head, and it twists the snake's head like lightning. He avoided Scorpio's scissors guillotine by a tiny distance, then bit down on Alidos, who was hanging in front of him with spider silk, and then slammed him onto the sand.

"Zizzi~~" A sound of violent friction appeared, a deep scratch appeared on the sand, and Alidos had fallen on the sand with his eyes drawn in circles.

"Scorpion Scorpion~~" Scorpio, who used inertia to fly away from Abo Monster, also relied on tenacious willpower, and quickly regained control of his body. Seeing that Alidos was defeated, he immediately gritted his teeth, a beautiful back space. Turn around and turn around, and once again use the scissors guillotine against Abo.

"Pa~", Scorpio only saw a black shadow appear in front of him, and then he fell to the ground after Alidos lost his ability to fight. Zhao Tiewei slapped the ground heavily, and with just a random blow, he defeated the Scorpio who was close to the level of the quasi-celestial king.

**Frog, Alidos, and Scorpio lost their ability to fight one after another, so the remaining frog grass and electric firefly were also powerless to resist. Like Scorpio, they were directly defeated by Abo Monster with a random blow.

"Hissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss out~~" Abo Monster slowly came to Ryuzaki Shinji's side, and then lowered his originally high snake head. , but he was not happy at all, instead he was a little ashamed. He was a elf with the strength of a heavenly king, and he was forced to use all his strength. He was forced to use all his strength. The other Heavenly King-level elves laughed until their faces turned yellow. For example, the sullen Gengar lurking in the shadow of Ryuzaki Shinji was already making fun of him with his playful red eyes.

"You are forced to use more than 50% of your combat power, then according to the agreement, you lose this duel, so your lunch today is 20% less, I thought it would take a few days for this to happen, no It’s a shame to think that you appeared on the first day, take a break for the time being, and then the battle will continue. If you continue to be forced to exceed 50% of your combat power, then the number of lunches will continue to decrease.” Ryuzaki Zhen Two, holding a matcha-colored elf ball at this time, his eyes are full of accusations. The key to this duel is not that the five elf cooperate well, but that Abowei is too careless about the enemy. If he uses a little snack, he will definitely not They will be made into such a miserable appearance by the frogs.

"Sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss out~~" Hearing Ryuzaki Shinji's accusations and punishments, Abo lowered his head even lower, and at the same time secretly complained in his heart, but when he heard that Ryuzaki Shinji Shinji wanted to let the **frog and the others continue to challenge them After him, there was a hint of coldness in his eyes, and he decided that for the sake of his delicious lunch, he would ruthlessly repair these little guys who knew nothing about the sky and the earth.

Because of the power of the King-level Abo, Ryuzaki Shinji has also slightly changed the training mode that is almost always paired with each other. What could be better than training with a controllable King-level elf as a training object. Can the stick be more able to stimulate the potential of the elf? Therefore, Ryuzaki Shinji directly let the five elves in the second step of strength unite to fight the Abo monster (Heruga is still in a coma).

Sure enough, as soon as they heard that they were able to train against their eldest brother, the Big Abo, the five-headed elves such as the **frog were not frightened, but they were in high spirits, especially the **frog and the scorpion. After the master attacker woke up, he was secretly sulking because he could only succumb to the auxiliary attacker for the time being. Therefore, in this duel, the battle between the two elves was the most intense. They also decided to fight against the Abo monster alone, but after finding that they could not get close to the Abo monster with their own strength, they reluctantly challenged the Abo monster, the OSS elf, with their friends.

"Christina, the frogs and the rest are asking you, let them recover their fighting power as soon as possible, the morning training time is not over yet." Seeing Abowei's seriousness, Ryuzaki Shinji turned his head to face the man who was ready for treatment. Christina said.

"Yes, Ryuzaki-sama, I'll go right now." Christina nodded with a smile, and then with a happy expression, she quickly walked to the first incapacitated place on the sand with the big milk can and Pikexi.* Next to the frog, he began to do his best to heal the frog, and quickly restored his fighting power.

Although what she has done is a bit embarrassing, Christina also learned from Ryuzaki Shinji that the suffocating Gengar had also successfully advanced to the Heavenly King level, which made her happy all of a sudden, if Ryuzaki Shinji didn't speak up It was already a blockbuster, and he got two heavenly king-level elves at once, and his strength was immediately improved by several grades. Naturally, as the logistics captain most recognized by Ryuzaki Shinji, her status has also risen. In the future, the benefits from second-hand Ryuzaki will also come.

While Christina was helping Frog and other elves in their healing work, Ryuzaki Shinji also turned his head to look at Card, Sinor and the two captives who were looking at him nervously.

After last night's battle, Card, Sinor, Bard and Barre didn't dare to think anything carefully in front of Ryuzaki Shinji. It was too scary. What would it be like to offend Ryuzaki Shinji? If Ryuzaki Shinji hadn't removed the influence of the soul magic sound for him, they would have gone mad or committed suicide.

"I will stay here for a while, then the food supplies these days will be handed over to you, but don't worry, even if I don't follow you, I will follow you, don't worry too much about safety, but remember, He will only shoot when you meet the Heavenly King-level elf, and that's it, it's time for you to set off." Ryuzaki Shinji said to these people with a blank expression, and turned his head as soon as he finished speaking. Come back, and then continue to gently wipe the matcha-colored elf egg in your hand with a clean damp cloth.

Since the number of subordinates has increased, and he has also subdued Sinoer, a trainer at the peak level of the quasi-king of the king~www.readwn.com~, then Ryuzaki Shinji will naturally waste the available human resources in his hands, so he will directly collect food. A somewhat arduous task is left to Card and Sinor, so that he has more time to train the elf in his opponent, as long as there is Gengar, an old man who volunteers to watch over them. Ghosts follow, and he is not afraid of the safety of these people and what will happen to him.

"Yes, Lord Ryuzaki." Card and Sinor replied in unison, but when they heard that the sullen Gengar would follow them, their expressions were a little stiff.

"Let's go, my fellows, as long as you give enough souls, I will protect you well, hee hee hee~~~" The sullen Genggui came out of Ryuzaki Shinji's shadow with a smile on his face, and then Laughing, he sneaked into the shadow of Sinor, whose face was slightly blue.



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