Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 101: : Christina's Transformation

The Poison Skull Frog has achieved it, and the strength gained after evolution is very obvious, especially in the instantaneous explosive power, and the dynamic vision and reflex nerves are several times stronger than those of the frog.

All of this has further improved his self-confidence, and the impetuousness that appeared in his heart because he couldn't get close to the Abo Monster for many times has returned to nothingness. At that moment, his heart was so calm as water, and he once again entered a state of mind that does not move Zen.

When the Abo monster was about to hit him with the poisonous tail, the immovable Zen mind made him easily trigger the feature of danger prediction, predicting the attack point of the Abo monster one step in advance, so as to obtain a powerful moment with the help of the new The explosive force successfully evaded the poisonous tail of the Aboriginal, and then with his own strength, he successfully hit the Aboi monster's body with his own fist.

"Frog frog frog~~" (I succeeded!!) Poison Skull Frog stood on the spot, clenched his fists with both hands, then raised his hair and let out a loud frog croak, followed by a layer of purple fighting qi flames from every part of his body. emanated from an air hole.

For a time, the Poison Skull Frog seemed to be covered with a layer of purple energy armor. At this moment, the Poison Skull Frog's aura was vaguely approaching the level of the quasi-king peak level. Frog's mood is so calm, but his fighting spirit and blood are still boiling.

"Hissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssstentens them frogs in front of him. Skull Frog saw something called "threat", and the other party had the potential to surpass him.

"That's right, it's this kind of aura, it's this state, this is the proper attitude of a fighting elf, hahaha~~" Seeing the fighting spirit radiating from Poison Skull Frog at the moment, Ryuzaki Zhen There were surprises in his eyes.

In fact, the energy of the fighting system is the same as the energy of the super energy system. It does not exist between heaven and earth. It can only be obtained through one's own cultivation, but one belongs to ** energy, and the other outputs spiritual energy.

Fighting qi flames are the main manifestation of fighting energy, and every fighting elf that can convert the fighting energy in the body into fighting qi flames, has already tempered the fighting energy in the body to an extremely pure level. to the point of.

Fighting-type elves that burst out the flames of fighting qi, during that period of time, their physical strength will be further strengthened, showing explosive physical output.

The strange power possessed by Noba, a fighting-type powerhouse that Ryuzaki Shinji had met before, once demonstrated this kind of power. Combined with the terrifying power of the strange power, the power exerted was extremely terrifying, and every blow was enough to open mountains and crack the ground.

In that state, even a hard-steel quasi-divine beast is not in vain, even if it is a normal beast, it should be smashed with one punch.

If it wasn’t for the fact that Yan Kai, who also has the same defense, was dragged through the strongest state, and was easily killed by Ryuzaki Shinji, then the direction of the battle of the Temple would be another matter, at least There will be downsizing. (Of course, this is under the condition that Hirona does not use the power given by Arceus in her body.)

"Congratulations to your lord for adding another general who is enough to serve as a pillar." Christina on the side also gave a suitable compliment to Ryuzaki Shinji at this time.

As Christina said, after the Poison Skull Frog advanced to the quasi-king level, he did indeed have another general in his hands.

Most of the elves in the desert are rock-type, ground-type, or dual-type elves of the rock-type and ground-type elements. As long as they are not heavenly king-level elves that encounter these attributes, they have poisons with dual attributes of poison and fighting elements. Skull frogs can be suppressed very easily, and it is not impossible to fight against two or three with one.

Although Froggrass can also achieve attribute restraint, but after all, its strength is only at the peak of the elite level. It is still too reluctant to suppress the elves at the level of Heavenly Kings. Accumulate and hone.

"Hahaha~~, there is also your credit for this. If it weren't for your medical ability, Poison Skull Frog and the others wouldn't be able to make such great progress in such a short period of time. You and your healing elf also deserve credit. It's a must, after the morning training is completed, let's set off immediately." Ryuzaki Shinji was also delighted when he heard Christina's compliment, and immediately agreed to Christina's request to him last night.

"Really? Thank you so much." Christina's face suddenly burst into a smile when she heard the words, and her eyes showed surprise.

After being rescued by Ryuzaki Shinji last night, she asked Ryuzaki Shinji to be a part-time combat trainer, but the elf in her hand only had the big milk jar, Rose Raido, Pico West, and Cheng. The dragon and the newly conquered juju.

Except for Chenglong and Huhu, the fighting power of the other three elves can only be regarded as average, and it is okay to deal with elves lower than their own level, but it is unrealistic to test them to survive in this desert. , and now it is too late even for them to re-transform.

Therefore, Christina simply chose to retrain an elf specially born for combat. She has excellent healing ability, and there is a king-level elf around Ryuzaki Shinji as her support. She is confident that she can Let this little elf grow up quickly in this environment.

It is a pity that she was a little disappointed that she made a request for Ryuzaki Shinji to capture an excellent elf for her, but Ryuzaki Shinji did not agree to this request immediately. Now Ryuzaki Shinji She suddenly agreed, which really surprised her.

For Christina, a healing trainer, Ryuzaki Shinji is very important. The reason why she didn't promise her right away was just because she was worried that the other party couldn't take care of it. Relying on her as a medical trainer alone is not enough to take care of it, and if you use a part-time combat trainer, it is very likely to take care of one and the other.

However, Ryuzaki Shinji changed his mind after he saw Christina's envious look at Poison Skull Frog.

For the people around him now, the only person he can trust is Christina alone, forget about the others, and Christina does not have a certain ability to protect herself now. Once he is gone, this precious person is likely to die It will be damaged, so for the sake of safety, he decided to help Christina improve her combat effectiveness as soon as possible.

In this way, not only can this hidden problem be largely eliminated, but it can also help him to control the entire team more deeply. If his confidants don't help, who else will he help?

Now that he has been promoted to the Heavenly King level, he also has two Heavenly King-level elves on hand, the Abo Monster and the sullen Geng Ghost. Those places that he did not dare to enter or go deep into before, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com is no longer a problem now.

This time, the place where Ryuzaki Shinji will take Christina to explore is a small ruin nearby, which once made him feel a lot of not weak mental power fluctuations. According to his guess, there should be some superpowers living in it. Elf, but because the place where he came out happened to be a heavenly king-level elf territory, and he was in the weakest state at the time, so he didn't dare to go deep into it to explore.

"I hope to meet a good super-power elf. This is the first time for me as a trainer to explore ruins. I really have some expectations." While waiting for the elf to heal the injured Christina, Ryuzaki Shinji turned his head and looked towards the east of the Gobi, with a hint of purple awns in his narrowed eyes.



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