Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 102: : Relic Force

After a few more duels, the morning practice time finally came to an end. Although the Poison Skull Frog's strength increased greatly after its evolution, and cooperated with his teammates to cause great trouble to the Abo monster, who could only exert half of his strength, but they still It is far from being the opponent of the Abo monster. The serious Abo monster did not choose to defend and counterattack on the spot, but took the initiative to attack. This time, the five elves such as the poisonous frog were killed by the Abo monster. Packed up.

However, the five elves were not frustrated by being defeated by the Abo monster again and again. Instead, they were very happy and excited, because they knew from the beginning that this was an invincible challenge, and they were able to make it on the first day. Just forcing the Heavenly King-level elf to attack them, Abo Monster, was already a huge improvement.

"Scorpion Scorpion~~" (Master, let's fight again!!)

Perhaps the one who felt a little disappointed was Scorpio. Like the original **frog, until the end of the battle, he was not able to attack the Abo monster once, and was underestimated by the Abo monster again and again. Flying out with a moderately powerful poisonous tail blow, it has to be said that Scorpio was very unwilling, and even shouted after the battle to continue the duel.

"This is the end of today's morning exercise, everyone has worked hard, let's go back to the Poké Ball to rest." Ignoring Scorpio's burning eyes, after all the pixies drank Christina's carefully prepared stamina recovery potion, Ryuzaki Shinji immediately picked up the Poke Ball and took Scorpio and the other panting Pokemon back.

Combining work and rest is too much. The elves have fought 8 high-intensity battles in a row. It's time to take a break.

"Let's go, let's go too." Ryuzaki Shinji saw the elf ball put back on the elf belt around his waist, turned his head and said to Christina, who was eager to try, and then took the lead in the direction of the eastern Gobi with the egg of Kira. go.

"Yes, Ryuzaki-sama." In addition to the big milk tank, Christina also took back the other elves, and then rode the big milk tank to keep up with Ryuzaki Shinji's footwork.


A few dozen kilometers away from the eastern part of the Gobi occupied by Ryuzaki Shinji, a dilapidated ruin is being baptized by the sandstorm as always. Although Ryuzaki Shinji verbally said it was a small ruin, it was not fully completed. Ryuzaki Shinji, who was exploring the ruins, only saw the tip of the iceberg of the ruins.

This relic was originally a city built by ancient people, and its area is at least close to that of a medium-sized city today. Among the sand and stone, what appears on the sand now is only a small part of his original appearance, but even a small part has the size of a small city.

Due to the existence of a large number of buildings here, it provides excellent settlement conditions, and because the groundwater here tends to be shallower than other deserts, the vegetation coverage of the entire relic is also quite high. Drought-tolerant vegetation, among which the number of cold-resistant fruit trees is also very large, so this has become one of the few places in the desert where various wild elves live.

The types of wild elves here are at least several grades higher than the types of elves that exist in the endless sand sea. Although most of the types of wild elves are still mostly ground, rock and steel, but other attributes Wild elves can also be seen here. Even the rarest water elves in the desert exist here, but only in the depths of the ruins.

A place with such excellent conditions as the owner is naturally a must for the strong, and there are roughly three major forces entrenched in the entire ruins.

The first force is naturally the local forces of the ruins, such as the balance scales, psychic earth dolls, bronze mirrors, bronze bells, clay dolls, clay doll giants, etc. that were mass-produced by ancient people or born due to unknown forces. Elves, they are the original inhabitants of the ruins, and have always been entrenched in the central area of ​​the ruins.

Among them, the army of clay puppets, which is represented by elves, is led by giants of clay dolls. These weapons, which were once made by the ancients to protect the city, still carry out the orders set by the ancients day after day, and have been guarding them all the time. The central area of ​​the ruins, any creatures who dare to approach the central area of ​​the ruins will be mercilessly besieged by these dedicated ancient weapons.

The second force is the sand hippopotamus group. These grumpy sand hippos are one of the largest populations in the desert. Their number can even be compared with the fire camels with extremely frightening fertility. This place is among the relics with abundant material production. It is also occupied by a large group of sand hippos, but their entrenched area is generally the eastern and northern areas outside the ruins.

Among them, as the representative of the entire large sand hippopotamus group, the elf is a heavenly king-level hippo beast, whose strength level is already at the intermediate level, and his subordinates even have two low-level heavenly king-level hippo beasts as generals, relying on one ethnic group to have these three heavenly kings The powerful strength of the elf, this large sand hippopotamus directly wins from many elf tribes, and occupies the eastern and northern areas outside the ruins.

The third force is the sand crocodile community that occupies the western and southern areas of the ruins. In the desert, the relationship between sand hippos and sand crocodiles is like the relationship between fire camels and maned rock werewolves. A group of sand crocodiles are neighbors. There is no mistake. The staple food of sand crocodiles is sand hippos. The two belong to a feuding relationship. However, even with this bad relationship, the two groups still live as neighbors in this desert for a long time.

It is like the relationship between the wolf pack and the deer herd. Although the two have a feud, they are basically inseparable from each other. The elimination of either party will also represent the elimination of the other party.

Of course, this kind of balance of balance also needs to have a certain strength as a bearing. The leader of this sand crocodile community is a crocodile of the intermediate level of heaven, and its individual strength is stronger than that of the hippo beast of the intermediate level of heaven. With the acquiescence of the leaders of the two ethnic groups, the two ethnic groups maintained a relationship of hostility but would not kill them all.

But the four forces are a combination of some small ethnic groups, basically some ethnic groups with a much larger number than the two major desert ethnic groups, such as the small Rada and the green caterpillar, as long as the environment is not too extreme, almost any A group of elves that can survive in any environment.

Since there are no prominent strong guardians in the number of these ethnic groups~www.readwn.com~, they generally live under the oppression of the two major desert ethnic groups. However, due to their solidarity with each other, once they are united, A powerful force strong enough to defeat one of the two major desert groups, so the two major desert groups did not dare to kill them all, so they were allowed to survive in the ruins with difficulty.


I don't know why, the ruins that are usually hard to find, but recently, batches of human trainers have been welcomed one after another, many of them are lone rangers, they are wandering in the ruins, and they seem to be looking for something. , In addition to fighting each other, they turned their heads and ran away.

No, at this time, there was another group of guests coming from the outermost part of the ruins.



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