Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 103: : Liberty Alliance

Under the scorching sun, the unbearably hot sand set off an invisible heat wave, bringing a sour taste to the creatures walking on the sand.

"Da da da da ~~~" Heavy and rhythmic footsteps sounded from the ground, and a group of people in sand-colored hooded cloaks were riding strong fire-breathing camels on the sand. moving forward.

A sandstorm blowing from the market in the desert appeared, and the sandstorm was very strong. In order to avoid being confused by the wind and sand and falling behind, the people of the camel team had to choose to stay together in the way of solitaire, and then move forward under the guidance of the head camel.

With its natural thick eyelashes, the fire-breathing camel can ignore the obstacles of the wind and sand and see the things in front clearly. Therefore, under the guidance of the head camel, the entire team is not there. They lost their way in the wind and sand, but they still headed towards the destination they wanted to move forward without error.

There are 10 cloaked people in this group, all riding on fire-breathing camels. Apart from the same cloaks they wear, they are also different in terms of clothing.

The man riding the camel was a man of moderate stature, with a melon-shaped face and a rather handsome appearance. He had curly black hair, and was wearing a set of brown-yellow aristocratic costumes with a belt on the left side of his waist. A quaint western sword, standing on the right shoulder of a natural sparrow that has been sleeping with eyes closed, waves of weak mental power fluctuations emanated from her body.

An invisible barrier stood in front of the man's raised head, blocking all the wind and sand that hit the man, so that the man's falcon-like eyes could keep staring at every move in front of him.

There is no doubt that the maker of that invisible barrier is the natural sparrow on the man's shoulder.

"Pierce, how long is the distance from the ruins, we have already walked a long distance, your fire-breathing camel is unreliable, if you don't rest, even if we trainers can hold on, we have good It's also hard for your partner to hold on." Suddenly, a loud and powerful voice came from behind the man named Pierce.

The person behind Pierce is a burly man, and the fire-breathing camel under him is also burly and strong. In terms of size, it is at least twice the size of the other fire-breathing camels in the camel team. The big man also has a black head. He has curly hair, a standard Western face, a towering big nose, thick eyebrows and big eyes, deep and flat eyes.

In the hot world, this burly man is actually wearing a set of heavy silver armor, carrying a simple circular shield in his left hand, and a large giant sword in his right hand. The attire of the Vice-Western knight also revealed the perseverance of a Western knight.

As soon as the big knight's loud voice uttered, those behind him who had bowed their heads a little because of sleepiness and dozed off immediately cheered up, and then pricked up their ears to the man riding the hunchback.

"It should be soon, my fire-breathing camel has been to the ruins, there must be nothing wrong with following him, just hold on, Yan Kai, I also know that everyone is very tired now, but there is no way to do it, We are already far behind, if we don't hurry, we won't even be able to drink soup." The nobleman named Pierce turned around and said to Yan Kai with a helpless expression.

"Those guys are indeed moving too fast. I hope this exploration of the ruins will have all the benefits. Unfortunately, it will be a **** storm again." Yan Kai nodded when he heard the words, and then his face was quite helpless, but in his eyes But it revealed a trace of murderousness.

This burly man was one of Ryuzaki Shinji's previous teammates on the Shrine, Yan Kai.

Yan Kai, like Daye Electromagnetics, found that after entering the central island, he and the other elves had miraculously recovered from their injuries. Although he was also not quite sure what happened to the place, Yan Kai, who was used to wandering, continued. Keeping the mentality of what's coming and going, start surviving in the desert.

With years of rich experience in wandering and cultivating all over the world, the strong Yan Armor is more nourished than Daye and Electromagnetic, and he also joined an organization called the Alliance of Free People before Daye and Electromagnetic. Finally, with the help of his own tyrannical strength and excellent personality charm, he became a prestigious member of the organization.

The Liberty Alliance is an organization formed spontaneously by a group of lone trainers who are unwilling to accept the oppression of the Desert Fang. It is an organization, but it is not just a loose team that is temporarily put together by lone rangers to protect themselves. There is very little contact, and there is no difference between the superior and the inferior, so there is no so-called relationship between exploitation and exploitation.

The entire organization does not have a fixed base. Basically, it will gather together again after a period of time or when major events occur to communicate or exchange resources and materials. Usually, they usually form their own teams to explore and adventure in the desert.

The news that Electromagnet and Daye brought back yesterday was very surprising. As soon as the news came out, the entire Liberty Alliance specially held a long-lost party, and after exchanging various unused supplies, they Began to organize spontaneously, together to find the remains of ancient people buried in the desert.

Due to the loose organization of the organization, the members inside are also mixed, and it is common for some inner ghosts to mix in with other organizations, so the news that the secret realm of trials in the ancient pyramid is about to be opened spread like wildfire. The existing small organizations and lone powerhouses all learned the news through this method.

For a time, there was a craze to find ancient people's tokens. On weekdays, the ancient ruins that were almost ignored because of the extremely high risk factor suddenly became fragrant buns, and a large number of small organizations and lone powerhouses began to disappear one after another. Fearlessly explore these ancient ruins guarded by powerful elves.

Yan Kai and the others were naturally involved in this craze. Unfortunately, they were too slow to get the news. They belonged to the last few people who got the news, so they explored the nearby known ruins overnight and got what they wanted. When they want what they want, they are long in coming.

Those small organizations that "go ahead" and obtain the ancient token are numerous, and they cannot afford to be offended by such a small number of people, and the lone rangers who have obtained the ancient token are also extraordinary in strength, and their hiding skills are superb. , it is almost impossible to find them.

In the end, Pierce in the team suddenly remembered a relic he had encountered when he was on an adventure in the southeastern part of the desert, so they and others were also in the mood to come and explore~www.readwn.com~ From the central desert region to the southeastern region overnight.

But to their annoyance, they encountered no less than five lone warriors who dared to travel by flying elves at night. Judging from the direction of movement of these lone warriors, what they wanted The destination is very likely to be the same as them.

After the team walked another distance, they finally stepped out of the coverage of the sandstorm, and the scene before them suddenly became clear.

They were standing on a high dune at this time, and when they looked a little into the distance, an ancient ruin that had been sleeping for a long time appeared in front of them.

However, when all of them showed excitement on their faces, a pair of eyes with dark circles also opened from the sand near them.


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