Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 104: : fierce battle

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The sand crocodiles lurking in the sand were awakened by the heavy vibrations coming from above the sand, and they happened to be very hungry now, so they began to burrow out of the sand and then contain their prey.

Near the sand dunes where Yan Kai and the others were, there were no less than 20 sand crocodiles lurking at once, among which there were not a few crocodiles. There were as many as 6 crocodiles in total, and they all exuded the breath of elite peak.

Numerous sand crocodiles stared greedily at their prey, and with the appearance of their movements, sand crocodiles farther away began to come here one after another, wanting to share a piece of the pie.

"It's these desert hooligans again, they are everywhere. According to their habits, it seems that there is a group of sand crocodiles entrenched in this ruins. This is troublesome. Before entering the ruins, they encountered such a difficult enemy. , everyone, it's time for you to use your skills, let's make a quick decision, before the nearby sand crocodiles have fully woken up, they rushed into the ruins in one go, and I'll open the way first." Looking at the surrounding sand, one after another The black-eyed crocodile and the crocodile that got out, Pierce raised his eyebrows, patted the fire-breathing camel under him with his hand, and then said to the people behind him.

As soon as Pierce's words fell, the fire-breathing camel under him immediately understood, and the volcano on his back suddenly spewed out thick smoke, and then his tensed limbs accelerated, and immediately gave himself a blow to the arrogant will block in front of him. The many black-eyed crocodiles flew into the air, carrying Pierce on his back and dashed toward the ruins.

Seeing Pierce charging first, the other Liberty Alliance members also ordered their fire-breathing camels to charge with Pierce's footsteps.

It's a pity that Pierce was able to break out of the encirclement by taking advantage of the sand crocodile's encirclement that has not been fully formed. At this time, seeing one of the prey suddenly go crazy, he tore a hole in their encirclement that had not yet formed, and ran out for a while. After the distance, some relatively strong black-eyed crocodiles and mixed crocodiles immediately dodged and blocked the opening torn out by Pierce's fire-breathing camel, and immediately intercepted the second charging goose armor.

"Hmph, courting death, the Sword Monster with the Shield Shield will use the holy sword." Seeing several powerful sand crocodiles gathered in front of him, Yan Kai's eyes immediately showed a sullen look, and he would carry it on his shoulder with one hand. Raised his great sword, and then directed the fire-breathing camels under the mountain to continue charging forward.

During the charging process of the fire-breathing camel, the sword monster with a strong shield in Yan Kai's hand also obeyed his order, and the whole body burst out with a dazzling white light that used the holy sword's ultimate move, and the muscles of the sword monster with a strong shield in his hand swelled.

"Shhhh~~" After a few times, the sword lights lit up and disappeared. Yan Kai used the sword with a strong shield to slash seven or eight times against the sand crocodiles in front of him. After rushing out a short distance, the heads of the sand crocodiles that had stopped in front of him also fell to the ground.

These ferocious sand crocodiles are also the ones who bully the soft and fear the hard. Seeing that Yan Kai is so fierce, the sand crocodiles who originally wanted to come to stop him immediately turned around beautifully, and then went to the freedom that they wanted to rush out of the encirclement. members of the Alliance to besiege.

And the rest of the members of the Free Alliance are naturally not weak. Each of them has a quasi-king level elf in their hands. After displaying some very personal methods, they also broke through the surrounding group of sand crocodiles. Quickly walk towards the ruins.

A group of freelancers showed their magical powers, and many corpses of sand crocodiles were left along the way. However, as they gradually approached the ruins, although the number of sand crocodiles they encountered gradually decreased, the level was gradually improved. Black-eyed crocodiles The number of rogue crocodiles has decreased, and the number of rogue crocodiles has increased, among which there are many rogue crocodiles of the quasi-king level.

A fierce battle had to start.


When Yan Kai and other members of the Free Alliance wanted to pass through the sand crocodile to intercept and enter the ruins, Ryuzaki Shinji was taking Christina to move from the Gobi to the ruins at a constant speed. At this time, they were far away from them. More than two hours have passed since the Gobi, and the distance between them and the ruins is only about four or five kilometers away.

As always, carrying out the habit of training without any tools, Ryuzaki Shinji still took Christina to walk in the direction of the ruins step by step against the fierce sun overhead, because Ryuzaki Shinji did not blame Abo for this Due to the release of a king-level elf to shock and awe, he was also attacked by wild elf lurking in the sand one after another along the way. However, Ryuzaki Shinji did not choose to shoot the first time, but let Christie Na, the healing trainer, handles it.

In front of Christina's Roseredo, the shadow clones of many mountain kings appeared in every corner of the sand, and with the characteristics of the sand, under the action of the wind blowing slightly around, they were like wisps of ghosts. The wind loomed in the sand, making Christina's Rose Reedo a little dazed. She didn't know which target to attack?

"By the way, there is still this move that can be used, it must be possible, Rose Reidor, hurry up and use the magic leaf to knock out the mountain king in the sand." Christina also had a look on her face when she saw this situation. Sorrow and blindness, but suddenly a flash of light flashed, and immediately gave a command to Roseredo who was in front of him with a surprised expression.

Following Christina's command, Roseredo was also the first to fly out a large number of magic leaves formed of grass-based energy from the flower buds of both hands, and then manipulated these magic leaves to fly towards the many shadow clones of the mountain king in front of them. The magic leaf has a certain effect, so the magic leaf smashes almost all the shadow clones of the Panshan King along the way~www.readwn.com~ A roundabout turn accurately knocks out the shadow clone of the shadow clone hidden in it. .

"Good job, Roseredo, continue to attack him with the magic leaf." Seeing that the Pangshan King, who had been using the sand hidden properties and missile needles to turn their tricks around in the sand, appeared in its original form, Christina also pursued the victory. Instruct Roseredo to use the magic leaf, the winning skill, to attack.

However, Panshan Wang naturally won't be passively beaten on the spot. Seeing that the tried-and-true tactics he had learned from other strong men of the same kind were broken, he also ended the wretched fighting method before, and immediately went straight to the sword. Rush up to attack Christina and Roseredo.

After some "hard battles", under the command of Christina, Roseredo, who has high-level elite strength, also "finally" defeated Chuanshan Wang, who only had intermediate-level elite strength.

"Lord Ryuzaki, what do you think of my battle performance just now?" Christina asked Ryuzaki Shinji with a look of anticipation.

"..." Ryuzaki Shinji heard the words, his face under the mask twitched slightly.

To be continued.....

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