Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 105: : Stubborn Christina

Facing Christina's question without any foresight, Ryuzaki Shinji was also a little speechless. Although his loyal subordinate was good at healing, he had to say that his fighting talent was a mess.

I don't know how she survived in the desert before, and even raised a few elves to the level of the elite. If this level of combat ability can survive in such an environment for two days, it is quite Not bad.

Anxiety, lack of self-confidence, hesitation, these negative shortcomings were clearly exposed when Christina fought. You must know that the battle is changing rapidly, and these shortcomings will seriously affect the direction of the battle during the battle. There is almost no choice but to fail.

However, Christina has been well educated and has a good understanding of the characteristics and moves of various elves, but the reaction speed is abnormally slow, mainly because she panicked and was a little overwhelmed. Obviously, these are all The manifestation of the serious lack of combat experience is better than that of a rookie trainer, but it is not much better.

If the battle just now was replaced by Ryusaki Shinji, he would have directly let Rose Leidor, who learned the magic leaf, kill the King of the Mountains like a vegetable. Where else would the King of the Mountains use his shadow clone and Shayin to kill him? What about the opportunity to improve your ability to the extreme and start performing?

"Sure enough, isn't it? It seems that I'm really not suitable to be a combat trainer." Seeing that Ryuzaki Shinji was silent, Christina also lowered her head knowingly, and said a little disappointedly.

It’s easier said than done, but it’s even more difficult to do. Although I had already made up my mind to make myself stronger at the beginning, it’s a pity that after a fight, I will return to the old way.

In fact, Christina knew about her fighting talent for a long time. Her grandma once pointed out this point in person, and told her to walk on the road of healing trainer wholeheartedly.

Because she is too soft-hearted, when she fights, she panics, fearing that her elf and the other elf will be injured, and as a healing trainer, she should not kill herself, her duty should be to save lives.

Therefore, since her debut, she has been traveling adventures as a healing trainer, because she is beautiful and an excellent healing trainer. Under these two powerful advantages, many have the ability to The local male trainers are very willing to travel with her, and many of them are young masters from some big families, so she rarely participates in battles.

However, even if Christina is not involved in combat, with her excellent healing ability, she can also get rich benefits from the adventures. Her few pixies dedicated to healing are her piles of various precious one-time enhanced pixie props. The ones who went up, although they seem to be quite good in strength, are just model goods, and their actual combat power can only be described by haha.

"No, not at all, your combat experience is too lacking, and I don't know what you are afraid of. You have been so panicked, and you have lost your calm. You must know that the trainer and the elf are companions fighting together. If you lose your calm , the elves will also be affected." Ryuzaki Shinji didn't intend to say anything nice, and directly sprayed Christina.

"But it doesn't matter, judging from your past battles, you want to understand the characteristics and moves of various elves, as long as you can overcome the problem of panic in battle and accumulate enough combat experience, you Your fighting ability will also be significantly enhanced, don’t worry, I will help you solve this problem soon.” After some big sticks and hammers, Ryuzaki Shinji also gave Christina a radish appropriately, but His eyes gradually became colder.

Christina, who was originally very disappointed because of Ryuzaki Shinji's admonition, suddenly lit up after hearing Ryuzaki Shinji's words again, then raised her head and looked at him expectantly, wanting to know about Ryuzaki. What method Saki Shinji will use to help her solve the problem of panic during battle.

"In the next battle, I will not shoot, even if you are unfortunately killed by a wild elf. If you want to become a real combat trainer, the first condition is that they choose from the Be prepared to die from the moment, you still have a choice, give up being a combat trainer immediately, and become a purely auxiliary medical trainer safely, but I can tell you very clearly, if you If your true strength is only this little, even if I give you the original thing, you and your elf will never be able to become the king-level in this lifetime, every day-king-level trainer and heavenly-king-level elf, which one is not walking The corpses of many strong people landed on Duan Feng? I believe that the grandma you have been thinking about is no exception. If you want to become a real strong person, you have to pay a price. It's time to make your choice, Christina." Ryuzaki Shinji spoke to Christina in cold words through telepathy.

Hard-hearted teaching is not the style of Ryuzaki Shinji, a trainer who came out of the Rockets. Only the most direct, cruel and efficient way is his teaching style.

Christina wanted to overcome the psychological problem of panic in battle as quickly as possible, and a desperate battle was the best way.

Just as Ryusaki Shinji said just now, combat trainers have to be prepared to die in an unknown corner from the moment they want to become a powerful trainer. The method Ryuzaki Shinji is doing to Christina is also It's just something that a combat trainer has long been accustomed to.

When people are driven to a dead end and are on the verge of death, they either die directly, or they will explode with astonishing potential. For this, Ryuzaki Shinji, who has repeatedly crossed the border with death, has a very strong say. To overcome fear.

"I, I..." Looking at Ryuzaki Shinji's icy gaze that was completely different from the usual one, Christina stuttered a little, but soon, this gentle but rather stubborn woman, The somewhat flustered gaze in his eyes gradually became firmer.

"It's a pity, you're a girl. If you were a boy, it would be great. Listen, Christina~www.readwn.com~ family affairs, you don't care about it, just live well." This is a sentence that Christina heard the most from her father when she was a child. Even though her father died when she was five years old, she still remembers it very clearly until now. When her father said this sentence, that Disappointed but with a somewhat happy expression.

Now, when Ryuzaki Shinji said the extremely harsh but realistic words just now to her, Christina's heart couldn't help but resurface what her father said and what she said. expression when speaking.

For a while, the fear in her heart gradually disappeared, and an emotion called "responsibility" filled her heart.

"Grandma, I will definitely revive the family, I promise." Christina bit her red lips, looked firmly at Shinji Ryuzaki, and thought secretly in her heart.


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