Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 106: : Awakened clay doll

Seeing Christina's eyes that dared to face him, Ryuzaki Shinji nodded thoughtfully, and said to her with telepathy: "It seems that you have already made a decision, so let's continue on the road. No matter what happens, I won't take action, you have to rely on yourself if you want to survive."

Hearing this, Christina pursed her lips and nodded, and then walked to the front of the team with Roseredo, who also became serious because she felt Christina's mood.

As soon as the two walked a short distance, a crocodile wandering nearby rushed towards them with a few black-eyed crocodiles. Seeing their drooling appearance, they were obviously hungry.

"It's up to you." Without waiting for the sand crocodiles to arrive, Ryusaki Shinji jumped in place, suspended in mid-air with the help of his superpower, and then watched Christina who was gradually surrounded by sand crocodiles in mid-air.

But this time Christina seemed to be different, as if she had awakened. While Ryuzaki Shinji stood by, she still remained calm in front of a group of sand crocodiles who were showing their teeth and claws at her.

"Come on, Roseredo, show your graceful dance and dance with flowers." Although there was still some fear in her heart, Christina managed to overcome it with willpower, remembering what Ryuzaki Shinji said just now , She must remain calm at all times during the battle, she put a friendship ball in front of her, and said to Rose Raido beside her with a serious face.

"Luo Luo~~" Seeing the master showing such a calm side, Rose Reidor also had a high fighting spirit. After hearing the words, she responded with a cry, and she made a very dance-like start-up movement on the spot, and began to A magnificent and colorful flower dance jumped out on the sand, and a lot of pink petals flew out from the flowers in her hands, and flew with her graceful dance.

The number of petals gradually increased with Roseredo's fast and rhythmic dance steps. After a while, Roseredo and Christina were covered by a large number of petals, and the sand crocodiles surrounding them immediately saw this situation. Dumbfounded, although the petals in front of them are very beautiful, it is better to tell them directly not to be touched by these petals.

Unfortunately, the sea of ​​​​flowers suddenly surged, and a large number of petals rushed to the surroundings, and a group of sand crocodiles were covered by the sea of ​​​​flowers before they could dig a hole to hide in the ground.

The beautiful petals are not beautiful at all, but are extremely terrifying. Under the control of Rose Reidor, these petals formed by the grass-type energy are turned into sharp blades, and they are 360 ​​degrees without dead ends against the enemies who break into the sea of ​​​​flowers. cutting work.

"Kakaka~~~" In the sea of ​​​​flowers, bursts of painful cries of sand crocodiles came from inside, but after the sea of ​​​​flowers stretched again, the sound of sand crocodiles was also covered up by the dense sea of ​​flowers. Duoduo's Flower Dance does damage to a group of sand crocodiles, and the effect is outstanding.

A minute later, the pink petals that make up the sea of ​​flowers gradually turned into invisible energy and re-dissipated between the heavens and the earth. Rose Raido gave an elegant salute on the spot to indicate the end of the flower dance performance.

In the place of Huahai, there were more than a dozen sand crocodiles who were unconscious in the end. There were a lot of fine cuts on their bodies, and each of them turned into a blood crocodile.

"Do it, we did it, we did it, Roseredo." Christina was pleasantly surprised when she saw that a crowd of sand crocodiles were completely defeated by her Roseredo in a dance of flowers. Roseredo, who was also happy at the time, said with a smile.

"Don't let up, idiot! Is the battle over?" The next moment, Ryuzaki Shinji's icy words poured cold water on Christina's happy heart at this time, causing her laughter to stop abruptly, and a burst of boiling killing At this moment, meaning came from behind her defenseless.

At this time, a high-level elite crocodile who hadn't completely lost his fighting ability slashed towards Christina's back with his golden claws. At this moment, blood was oozing from his body, and his appearance was extremely terrifying and scary.

Seeing that it was too late, Christina was facing a huge crisis of jade death due to her momentary laxity.

At the critical moment, a green light flashed in the eyes of Rose Raido, who was in Christina's arms, and the flower in her right hand was inserted into the sand like lightning. In an instant, several thorny vines flew from the sand behind Christina. He rushed out, and then slammed the gangster who was about to stab the claws behind Christina, and a burst of purple light appeared from the spiked vines at the moment when the gangster was stabbed, and the gangster was also immediately seriously injured. The body was poisoned again and fell to the sand.

"Ha~, ha~, ha~" A few seconds later, Christina sat down on the sand, her face was extremely pale, looking at the **** crocodile less than a few centimeters away from her, her eyes also showed fear. A little, almost, she died, the feeling of passing by the scythe of the death **** made her tremble all over her body.

"This time you are lucky. Your Roseredo temporarily realized a new skill and saved your life, but luck can't be this good all the time. Next time you are so slack, you will definitely die." Ryuzaki Shinji slowly fell from the air, and said to Christina with a serious face, a trace of disappointment in his eyes, after all, it was due to inexperience, and he would be dizzy by a small victory, but fortunately he still chose to remind at a critical moment, Otherwise, her subordinate is really finished.


Just when Ryuzaki Shinji was talking to Christina again, Yan Kai and the others finally passed through the sand crocodile site outside the ruins and successfully entered the ruins, but at this time they were almost one. All of them were injured, and there was a look of fear on their faces.

The closer they got to the ruins, the stronger the sand crocodile's level was. At the end, a dozen or so crocodiles of the quasi-king's peak level blocked their progress, and in the dark there was even a crocodile that was eyeing the sky. I was watching them, but fortunately, I didn't condescend to shoot the other party in person. Otherwise, at least a few people in their group would be able to break through the obstacles of the sand crocodiles.

After passing through the sand crocodile's territory and running around for a few hundred meters in the ruins, a group of murderous sand crocodiles also gave up these intruders who harmed their own kind, but each of their faces showed a gloating expression.

"Those crocodiles don't seem to be catching up anymore. Let's find a place to rest first." Yan Kai said to each of the injured companions behind him, while the injured freedom Naturally, members of the Alliance of Confederates have no opinion.

However, one wave after another, suddenly, a rock wall with severe sandstorms that they were leaning against suddenly collapsed. surround them.

Their red eyes, which gradually brightened, clearly meant that they were not welcome.

The next moment, these mud puppets who were disturbed by Yan Kai and others began to attack them, and fists covered with ghost energy slammed towards them, and shadow fists were used.



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