Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 112: : Sakura

When Christina saw an elf whose original appearance was wrapped in a layer of purple leaves, after being exposed to the sun, it instantly turned into a cute little elf similar to cherry blossoms, her originally relaxed face suddenly became solemn. When I got up, I thought to myself, "It turned out to be Sakura'er, but now I'm in trouble. With the help of Sakura's characteristics, the fighting power of these wild elves has skyrocketed."

Cherry blossoms, these cute little elves will have two different forms depending on the weather, which is an obvious manifestation of the phototropism of plants.

Under normal weather conditions, they have two intersecting purple petals with purple stems and leaves covered with a green leaf calyx and two small dark pink feet. In this form, their eyes appear close to The feet, when the sun hits them, they turn into short skirts and heads made of pink cherry blossom petals, with a small yellow ball at the back of their head like a flower heart, and a piece along their necks Green triangular blobs spread outward.

In addition, two berry-like **** adorn their heads, adorn their heads, and they have stubby branches, pink arms, and yellow legs.

Sakura's feature is called the Gift of Flowers. Its function is: on sunny or sunny days, the physical attack and special defense of your teammates will increase by 50%. At the same time, Sakura's form will also change from a leaf-wrapped form to a cherry blossom. form.

Literally, I know how powerful this feature of Sakura is. Maybe when I am alone, the ability of this feature is not very obvious, but if it is used in group battles, this feature is a powerful The group gain buff of , the battle is changing rapidly, any change may change the direction of the battle, and the characteristic of the group gain of Sakura'er is undoubtedly a powerful ability enough to determine the direction of the victory.

Now, the group of wild elves in front of Christina, under the effect of the gift of cherry blossoms, their physical attack power and special defense power have been increased by 50%, and their strength has also increased by a large amount.

Obviously, these wild elves also know the importance of Sakura to them. After Sakura transformed into a cherry blossom and displayed the characteristics of the gift of flowers, there was a high-level elite flying mantis and a high-level elite giant. A like two door gods, one on the left and one on the right, guarding her side, while the remaining wild elves led a group of wild elves in a few high-level elites to charge against Christina.

For a time, various physics-related moves were released from the hands of these wild elves. With the blessing of Sakura's Flower Gift, the power of these moves was significantly improved.

The number of this group of wild elves is about twenty, the strongest of which is a straight bear that is infinitely close to the peak of the elite, and most of the rest are only low-level elite strength, the number is ten A few heads, the remaining ones are obviously used to fill up the power, and they don't even have the strength of the elite level.

However, with the blessing of the gift of cherry blossoms, most of these wild elves who are not very strong also burst into the power of not weaker than the middle-level elite elves, and it is obvious that they have cooperated and fought many times. The division of labor It is also very clear that the strong rush in front, and the weaker will output frantically and frantically in the back.

"Boom bang bang~~" There was a slight explosion sound, and under the overwhelming attack, Christina and the gangster were also beaten and retreated, and there was no intention of confronting them head-on. Fortunately, they had the pot in their hands. The iron cans with unparalleled defenses were there. Under the sturdy protection skills of the pots, the two also safely escaped and resisted the group attack of this group of wild elves, until Christina and the thugs retreated to the blue orange fruit tree ten meters. After the outside, these wild elves stopped attacking.

"Lord Ryuzaki, you'd better shoot, I can't beat them." Christina returned to Ryuzaki Shinji's side, looked at him eagerly and said, the other party is simply cheating, if you only face a few wild animals at the same time The elves are okay, she can still deal with it, but at the same time facing a group of wild elves blessed by the gift of cherry blossoms, she is really hard to resist.

On the other hand, the battle between the Poison Skull Frog and the Lizard King is also in full swing. The so-called **** is still old and spicy. After all, the Lizard King has lived much longer than the Poison Skull Frog, and the battle experience is naturally better than the Poison Skull. Frog is one step ahead. While using the knife blade to deal with the poisonous frog, he also used the yellow **** on his back to absorb the energy of the sun secretly.

Finally, after another confrontation with Poison Skull Frog with blades and thorns, the Lizard King, who successfully accumulated enough solar energy, immediately used a grass-type ultimate move against Poison Skull Frog, Sunshine Flame, and the Poison Skull in mid-air The frog also had nowhere to borrow for a while, plus the angle of the Sunshine Flame was extremely tricky and the diameter range was relatively wide, the Poisonous Skull Frog directly ate the Lizard King's Sunshine Flame, although due to the opposite attributes, The damage dealt to Poison Skull Frog by Sunlight Flame was halved, but it still caused Poison Skull Frog to lose a lot of stamina, so much so that it was now suppressed and beaten by the Lizard King in turn.

"I didn't expect to be able to meet such a difficult opponent casually. It seems that the combat experience between Poison Skull Frog and the top powerhouse is still a bit poor. In the future, we must let Aboguai give them special training. Come out. , Abo, please clean up this place." Ryuzaki Shinji also sighed after seeing the situation of Christina and Poison Skull Frog, his eyes flashed coldly, and a pitch-black Poké Ball suddenly appeared in him. hands.

But it is a pity that in the face of absolute power, everything is a cloud, and it is not the king of heaven that will end up as an ant.

A burst of white light was released from the pitch-black Poké Ball, and in an instant, a mighty power of the Heavenly King level emanated from the Abo monster that appeared on the sand like a tide, in conjunction with the might of the Heavenly King, the intimidating snake pattern and the faint dragon might, The intimidating properties displayed by the Aboriginal monster at this time are at their extreme. Any wild elf who feels the power of the Aboi monster at this moment will suddenly see a big snake staring in their hearts~www.readwn.com~ is thinking about it step by step. The Lizard King, who was about to kill the Poisonous Skull Frog, suddenly froze. The blade that he wanted to chop was closed, and then he jumped to the wall, looking at a large one-horned snake that appeared on the sand with a panicked expression.

Those wild elves who were showing off their might because they successfully repelled Christina were also scared one after another, looking at the unicorn Dasheng who was facing them with a greedy look in front of them with panic, all huddled together. When she shook, Sakura was so frightened that she immediately changed from the cherry blossom form to the leaf wrapped form, and her whole body was shaking because of fear.

"If you don't want to die, just keep your hands and grab it, lest I start killing!!" An icy voice appeared in the Lizard King's heart, which immediately made his originally very ugly face even more ugly. He was under tremendous pressure and was about to be crushed.

To be continued...

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