Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 113: : solar storm

There was silence all around. As soon as the power of the king of Abo was revealed, all the wild elves did not dare to make trouble again. They all stayed in place tremblingly and waited for the next move of Ryuzaki Shinji, without any resistance at all. the meaning of.

Just as Ryusaki Shinji said, the immortal king is finally an ant, and the gap between an ordinary elf and a celestial elf is like the difference between clouds and mud. Siege, otherwise relying on the advantage of numbers is useless, because if the strength does not reach the peak of the elite level, it is impossible to break the body defense of the heavenly king-level elf that has been tempered by the power of the source. The elf can use a wide range of attack moves to instantly kill a large group of ordinary elf in an instant, so resistance is futile.

"Frog frog frog frog~~" (You are superior in this battle, I am convinced that I lost, but it is a pity that I am only the inferior combat power in the master's hands, I advise you not to act rashly, Abo Blame the senior's temperament is quite cruel, if you anger him, no matter who you are, he will eat you.)

When the Poison Skull Frog saw that the Lizard King had stopped attacking, he did not choose to take the opportunity to attack. Instead, he stopped on the other wall and kindly advised the Lizard King, who in addition to fear, also contained strong unwillingness.

The Lizard King simply ignored the kind words of Poison Skull Frog. He was staring at the one-horned snake below, constantly calculating in his heart how many layers of winning he had against him, but no matter what he did. Calculated, the final answer is still zero, the gap between the two is too small to make up for it with combat experience, and he also knows that every one who can be promoted to the king-level elf is a battle-hardened powerhouse , round of combat experience, he may not be as good.

"Chuck~~" (Damn!!) The Lizard King shouted, and a dazzling green light burst out from his body. The lush characteristic was activated instantly, and the Lizard King's breath also broke through the peak of the intermediate quasi-king at this moment. level, and quickly climbed to the peak level of the quasi-king, he actually kept his true strength when fighting the poisonous frog, and when facing the almost invincible powerful enemy Abo, he finally had to save his long-term savings. power is released.

Even though he knew he would fail, he was still reluctant to give up. The reason was very simple, because he was an arrogant Lizard King, and no matter who he faced, he didn't want to run away.

I saw the Lizard King, whose aura had risen to the extreme in an instant, under the wrapping of the green light, his hind limbs stepped on the wall and jumped hard, turning into a green afterimage on the spot, and the next moment he jumped to the center of the sky and the sun. In an instant, the lizard The green light on the king's body skyrocketed, and in an instant, the light from the sun was rendered green.

In the next second, a fiery beam of light with a diameter of at least 10 meters shot down from the sky. At the same time, "咻咻咻~~" burst into the air, and dense green leaves appeared from the sky, and then circled around them according to a specific pattern. The scorching light beam whirled and danced. When these blades revolved around the blazing beam, they were actually absorbing the power of the blazing beam, and the whole body began to turn into leaves emitting blazing white light. Eventually, the blazing beam disappeared, and one with a lot of light. Leaf storm formation composed of leaves.

This is the strongest blow of the Lizard King. With the lush characteristic as the core (the power of grass-type moves is increased by 1.5 times), with the help of the sunshine flames completed in an instant on a sunny day and the strongest flying leaves that mobilize all the remaining power in the body Storm, this is the strongest move he has researched so far, a grass-type combo: solar storm.

"The prosperous trait + big sunny day + sunshine flame + flying leaf storm, the power of this combination has steadily reached the level of a low-level king-level elf's full-strength strike, it's really amazing, this will be a quasi-level hit. A combination of moves that a wild elf at the peak of the heavenly king can display alone." In less than a second, Ryuzaki Shinji had already analyzed the combination of skills that the Lizard King displayed at this time, and he couldn't help but think about this one again in his heart. The Lizard King secretly praised that the opponent's level of excellence was beyond his expectations.

The Lizard King's combo, the solar storm, came in an instant, and the target was the Aberdeen.

The powerful pressure came from the coming solar storm in front of him, and Aboguai, who was in the eyes of the storm, also looked solemn at this time. Although the power of the sudden combination skills against the law surprised him, it still did not reach enough to make him. He backed away to the point of shyness.

"Come on, Abo, let him see the power of the king-level elf, and use the ejection skill after three times of charging." When the solar storm was about to fall, Ryuzaki Shinji also quickly finished it. The three-time-charged Abo monster attacks.

In an instant, a purple energy beam with a diameter of 5 meters was released from Abo Monster's **** mouth that opened to the extreme. The instant the purple energy beam was released, it collided with the Lizard King's solar storm.

"Lalielie~~" The two powerful energies stalemate in mid-air for a while, and bursts of powerful energy fluctuations spread around in a circular manner, causing the surrounding space where the two energies collide to make a crisp cracking sound, the spider Shaped cracks appeared from the surrounding space, and continued to extend nearby.

After three times of charging, the power of the ejection skill has reached a high level of 300. With the powerful energy blessing of the Abo monster, the power has also increased geometrically.

After more than ten seconds, the two stalemates of energy finally decided the winner. After all, the Lizard King was just an elf that failed to be promoted to the heavenly king level. With the continued supply of energy, the power of the solar storm also decreased sharply, and was finally pushed back by the purple energy beam ejected by the Abo monster.

"Boom~~" The purple energy beam was pushed horizontally halfway, and the Lizard King, who knew that the situation was over, also immediately cut off the energy supply to the solar storm, and detonated the energy of the last solar storm. Suddenly, a huge explosion appeared. In mid-air, a huge explosion sounded almost throughout the ruins.

A few seconds later, the light caused by the explosion gradually subsided, and everyone's sight that was temporarily blinded by the strong light gradually recovered.

With a sound of "Boom~", a figure scorched black and exuding white smoke fell heavily from the air. Judging from the shape, it was the Lizard King who used the grass-type combination technique Solar Storm just now, but received a big explosion. He has been affected, and now he is about to die. The breath of life on his body is like a candle in the wind, and it may be extinguished at any time.

"What are you waiting for? Christina, hurry up and save him, don't you want a elf with excellent qualifications, save him, and from today, he will be yours." After a few seconds, Ryuzaki Shinji used telepathy to respond to Christina, who was still unable to recover because of the violent collision between the two sides.

Through the combination of skills released just now, the qualifications of this Lizard King are undoubtedly the top. If it weren't for Ryuzaki Shinji, he would have enough elves now, and also because the Lizard King's attributes do not match the Poison and Superpower types. Because of this, he also wanted to subdue the Lizard King who had unleashed a single-hit Heavenly King-level power move.

"Yes, yes!! Thank you Ryusaki-sama, thank you Ryuzaki-sama for your reward." Christina immediately came back to her senses when she heard this, and her eyes burst into a sudden burst of surprise, as she continued to face Ryuzaki Shinji. Thanking him, while quickly releasing Pikexi, Roseredo, and a lot of healing items to be spelled out, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com began to do his best to rescue the Lizard King who might die at any time on the sand.

"As long as I can tame him, I will be able to stand on my own in the future, and I will definitely be able to stand by this man's side for a long time, not behind him. I have decided that I will specialize in grass-type elves in the future." A kind of healing tool carefully handled the wound on the Lizard King, thinking to himself, the look in his eyes became brighter and brighter.

After Rose Reidor's Aromatherapy and Pixi's Healing Fluctuation are used one after another.

In the end, a bottle of healing potion glowing green light appeared in Christina's hands, and then she poured this precious bottle of resurrection grass healing potion into the mouth of the Lizard King without hesitation.



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