Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 114: : Healing Skill: Healing Wish

A bottle of the healing potion prepared with the resurrection herbal liquid went down, and the effect was immediate. A green light with rich vitality immediately emerged from his body, and the breath of the Lizard King, who was about to die, began to slowly rise.

It's just that the Lizard King's injury is too serious, and Pikexi's healing wave and a bottle of healing potion will only barely get him out of the brink of death, and it is far from complete recovery. The fact that the burns are completely silent is the best proof. If this continues, sooner or later, life will be in danger.

Seeing this situation, Christina gritted her teeth and reluctantly took out the last bottle of Resurrection Grass Healing Potion from her body. Looking at the last bottle of Resurrection Grass Healing Potion in her hand, Christina showed a hint of hesitation in her eyes.

A bottle of Resurrection Grass healing potion is almost equal to a life, and it is extremely precious. Unfortunately, Pikexi has used many times of healing fluctuations in previous battles, and letting her carry out such serious healing work will damage the root. She is not stupid enough to give up her foundation for a bottle of life-saving potion, and the current Lizard King is the capital for her future rise, so she can't afford to lose, so she has to give up the last bottle of life-saving therapeutic potion.

Fortunately, at this time, there are other people to get along with.

"What, oh, oh~~" I don't know when, Sakura in the form of cherry blossoms has come to the side of the Lizard King, looking at the Lizard King who was seriously injured on the sand with a worried face, and then, without saying a word, Christina was very Familiar energy fluctuations suddenly appeared from her tiny body.

In an instant, a meteor with a dreamlike light flew out from Sakura's body exuding pink energy fluctuations. After a roundabout above the Lizard King, this peculiar meteor slowly landed on the Lizard King's head. As soon as he fell, the Lizard King's whole body was wrapped in a layer of pink energy. Under the washing of the pink energy, the injuries on his body began to recover quickly. In the end, the Lizard King's breath became stable and powerful, and the various injuries on his body also Disappear.

When the meteor flew out of her, Sakura fainted instantly, her breath became sluggish, and she returned to the leaf-wrapped form.

"It's really great, I never thought that this cherry blossom child would inherit such a precious skill." Christina's eyes glowed at this petite grass-type elf in front of her, her eyes were no less fiery than the Lizard King. even more than.

There is no doubt that the move Sakura'er used against the Lizard King just now is the most powerful healing skill: Healing Wish. At the cost of completely consuming all the energy in the body in an instant, a meteor with incredible healing power is summoned, so that other injured elves can instantly return to their peak state.

Christina is an ancient medical family. Naturally, she has studied all the little elves who may master the moves such as Healing Wave, Healing Wish, and Aromatherapy, and the progress of the research is also very deep.

Among them, Healing Wish is the most powerful healing move. There are very few elves that can learn on their own. There are only about ten kinds. Among them, five are the most rare beasts, namely Celebi, Latios, Jirachi, Emrido, and Zemi, therefore, there are only five sources of the precious move that can allow trainers to obtain the wish of healing, and among the remaining five kinds of elves, except for the difficulty in obtaining the ears Relatively speaking, it is not high. Others, such as Geely Eggs, Picoxi, Shanaido, and Nanny Mambo, are very difficult to obtain, and can be obtained by extraordinary trainers.

The most important point is that all elves who can master the trick of the wish to heal all require very high talent, and they cannot be learned casually. Bai Fumei's magic skill, which has the same status as handsome magic skill, has no other way to master this trick except for good talent or good luck at birth.

The reason why the Joey family can quickly rise to become the top medical family is very simple, that is, they have mastered how to quickly learn the cultivation methods of healing fluctuations and healing wishes for elves such as leeches, and how to improve them. The fertility of Geely eggs and the monopoly on these breeding methods are also critical points.

Christina's scalp Kexi was actually given to her by her grandmother when she set off on a trip at the age of ten. When it was given to her, Pi Kexi, who was still a baby skin, had already mastered the healing magic skills to heal fluctuations and the wish to heal. , There is no doubt that this skin baby with incomparably powerful aptitude is an excellent descendant of the king-level Pi Kexi in her grandmother's hands, and has inherited these two healing skills from birth.

As an orthodox medical trainer, Christina naturally likes this kind of elf who can learn to heal fluctuations or healing wishes. Unfortunately, she has only seen it a few times since she traveled until now. These two types of elves are just one of the two skills, and they are all in the hands of some noble people. As for the wild, it has never been seen once, and the rarity is about the same as seeing the city center in the wild. Bar.

According to Christina's understanding of the elf like Sakura, there is no other way for them to learn other than heredity to learn the wish to heal. There is no doubt that the parents of this Sakura are very difficult, and her aptitude may not be as good as that of the lizard. King, but in terms of value, in the heart of Christina, a medical trainer, she is still above the Lizard King.

"Hurry up and take the Lizard King while he is still doing his best. Don't let go of the cherry blossoms that will heal the fluctuations. Take it too." Ryuzaki Shinji, who was on the side, naturally noticed the cherry blossoms. Bao's behavior is also very exciting for her to have the healing skill of healing, but after thinking about it, he still won't compete with Christina, an authentic medical trainer, anyway, the other party's service object is ultimately him, There is no need to spend time cultivating Sakura Treasures.

Christina was also happy when she heard this, and she was not hypocritical. She directly took out two friendship **** from her body and threw them at Lizard King and Sakura Treasure. And Sakura, who was temporarily incapacitated by her wish to heal, was captured by Christina.

"That's great, I've conquered the Lizard King and Sakura. I've decided, I'm going to become the grass king~www.readwn.com~ Christina grabbed two Poke Balls and made a gorgeous and mid-second move on the spot, There was a smile on his face.

I have to say that Christina's luck this time is really good. She won the grand prize and doubled it. Not only did she gain a Lizard King with excellent qualifications, but she also conquered Sakura who had the wish to heal. skyrocketed.

"Don't be complacent, your way of conquering is not dignified. You still have a long way to go if you want him (her) to be completely reconciled." Seeing Christina's tail up at this time, Ryuzaki beside him Shinji couldn't help but poured cold water down.

This time, the smile on Christina's face froze, and she began to look worriedly at the two friendship **** in her hand.



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