Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 116: : come one after another

The entire ruins seem to be built on a small mountain, and this majestic temple is just at the top of the mountain, which is the highest place in the entire ruins. Only the aristocratic residential area with a part of the mountainside and this majestic temple still stand between heaven and earth.

After the ghost-like energy attached to the gate of the temple was defeated, the gate that opened slowly and automatically also gradually turned into grains of sand in the movement. After years of corrosion, if not for the above one. The support of the mysterious power, it should have been turned into a pile of dust.

An ancient breath could not wait to fly out from the gradually sandy gate. In addition to this rotten ancient breath, waves of gloomy and cold breaths also came out. At this time, what appeared in front of Yan Kai and the others was an endless darkness. , as if what was in front of him was not a sacred temple, but a black hole that devoured all light and vitality.

"Guru~~, do we really want to go in? It's gloomy inside. Damn it, when I see it, my heart is blocked." Looking at the dark and weird space ahead, Hans, the burly man, swallowed. Said to Yan Kai who was beside him.

"Yes, will the tokens of the ancients be inside? I also feel that it is too dangerous inside. Let's explore in another place." Ai Ya, a blue-haired woman with a bloodstain on her face, agreed, and also looked at her. He looked at Yan Armor, who was at the forefront of the team.

After several concerted battles, the relationship between everyone was further strengthened. In several battles, Yan Kai took the lead every time, always standing at the forefront like an Optimus Prime, providing everyone with a good output space. , So unwittingly, Yan Kai, who is quite charismatic, has vaguely become the leader of this group of people.

"I don't know what everyone thinks, but I decided to go in and try it out. We came here with all the hardships and lost several companions along the way. What is the picture? Isn't it an opportunity to advance to the heavenly king? It's the last step. Are you just going home empty-handed? If there is any place in the ruins that is most likely to hide the ancient tokens, this is undoubtedly the place with the highest probability. You should think about it, if it is not in the ruins It seems that there is a battle between the king-level powerhouses, and we succeeded in coming here while the mud puppet troops were scattered, and there will be no chance next time." Seeing everyone, because they saw the temple with a dangerous atmosphere everywhere in front of them, they were shocked. Seeing a withdrawal mentality, Yan Kai sighed inwardly, then turned around, and said solemnly to the group of comrades who showed signs of withdrawal.

When Yan Kai said this, everyone's expressions changed, and their eyes flashed slightly, as if they were weighing the pros and cons. In the end, Hans, a burly man, Aiya, a blue-haired woman, and a tall and thin man named Mecca chose to stay. Come down, and the remaining members of the Liberty Alliance chose to withdraw from the ruins exploration this time.

"Che, a bunch of cowards, it's just a daydream to want to become a Heavenly King trainer." Hans, a burly man, said disdainfully as he looked at the few members of the Liberty Alliance who were slowly leaving.

"Don't say it, everyone has their own aspirations, maybe their choice is the right one, I think we will die if we go inside this time. If I didn’t have the goal of becoming a trainer of the Heavenly King in my heart, I would have gone crazy after leaving human society for so many years, and this time I am going to give it up.” The tall and thin man Mecca confronted The burly man Hans waved his hand and said in a heavy tone.

Among the remaining few, Mecca is the oldest, over forty years old, and also has two quasi-king-level elves in his hands. These two elves accompanied him all the way, despite the battles. Immortal, but the potential is almost exhausted. If you want to become a heavenly king elf, you must rely on a lot of original things. Now he and the elf in his hand are older, and their strength is gradually declining. In 2010, the strength might fall to the peak level of the quasi-celestial king. At that time, there will be no more original things. Therefore, Mecca takes this trial secret realm very seriously.

"Who said no? Originally, I came to this ruined island through a series of crises, but I found that I could hardly beat anyone. I have been on the island for two years, and the number of baths is no more than 10 times. If this continues, I will Sooner or later, I will go crazy, and I will enter the secret realm of this trial no matter what.” Hearing Mecca’s words, Aiya, who resonated in her heart, also sighed, and her originally timid expression became firmer.

"Don't waste time, let's go, I'll take the lead, rogue panda, stand in front." After the members of the Free Alliance in his eyes left his field of vision, Hans, a burly and impatient man, immediately threw the Pokeball in his hand. , let the rogue panda who has rested for a while take the lead.

If you think about it with your toes, you will know that in front of the temple with a cold atmosphere, there are obviously a large number of ghost-type elves entrenched in it.

"Come out too, Nine-Tails, and cooperate with the rogue panda action." Aiya released a high-level quasi-king-level Nine-Tails out, and asked her to use a mysterious bodyguard against everyone to prevent special situations.

"Then I'll protect it, let's go to the sword monster with a strong shield, and always pay attention to every move around." Yan Kai threw the sword and shield in his hand into the air and reassembled the sword monster with a strong shield.

As a steel-type and ghost-type elf, the gloomy aura coming from the temple made him very comfortable, and he directly listened to Yan Armor's transformation into a defensive form to defend around everyone.

"Wait a minute, I asked my Hudi to carve a mental mark outside the exit, so that we can leave immediately after we get the things~www.readwn.com~ The mature and stable Mecca first asked everyone to wait, and then Let out a quasi-king peak level Hu Di.

After Hu Di successfully engraved his own spiritual power mark on the exit of the temple, the four Yan Kai boldly walked into the deep temple in front.

A few minutes after Yan Kai and others entered the temple, several lone strongmen who were hiding nearby also showed their heads from an inconspicuous corner near the temple. After looking at each other in front of the entrance, they all chose to ignore each other. Then, one by one, they quickly entered the temple with a scout-type elf.

Another ten minutes passed, during which several lone warriors entered. After all of them entered the temple, a group of people in black uniforms came out of a distorted shadow.

"Hehehe, with these idiots taking the lead, our chances of getting it successfully will be much higher, let's go too, this time, we must take that thing over, please, my sharp blade." A handsome white-haired young man showed a wicked smile. He was holding a pitch-black elf ball with a black crystal in the center, and a quasi-god elf was standing beside the young man. shark.

There was a peculiar metal ring around the neck of the fierce bite land shark. After the white-haired young man gave an order, the dull eyes suddenly became extremely scarlet, revealing a strong bloodthirsty meaning, a low-level heavenly king. The breath suddenly emanated from him.

"Yes, my lord." When the other men in black heard the words, they nodded and obeyed. Immediately, a group of ghosts Stone and Gengar beside the commander took the lead in front, and then surrounded the white-haired youth into the temple.

To be continued.....

Thank you for the 100 starting point coins from the peach blossom fairy under the peach blossom tree, thank you for your support.

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