Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 117: : Unwilling Psychic Puppet

When all the powerhouses in the ruins began to enter the temple to explore, Ryuzaki Shinji and Christina were still wandering around the ruins. At present, Christina has already gained something, so the next task goal is natural It is to be transferred to Ryuzaki Shinji.

The two walked around in the ruins, and Ryuzaki Shinji also used his extensive mental power detection to find a lot of elves with superpower attributes, but most of them were scales and scales that were quite common in the ruins. Among the psychic earth puppets, there has never been an eye that could make Ryuzaki Shinji fall in love.

Compared with the elf with other attributes, the super-power elf has much higher requirements for qualifications, because the strength of the super-power elf is largely determined by the strength of its own spiritual power, and the spiritual power is the spirit. In addition to self-cultivation or proper inheritance, energy cannot be improved by other means. That is to say, even if the super-power elf defeats the elf with other attributes, it is not enough to improve its own spiritual power.

Therefore, to judge the aptitude of a super-type elf, it only needs to be roughly judged from its age and the current mental strength. Judging the spiritual strength of an elves is a piece of cake, and it may be a bit difficult to judge the age, but this is not difficult for Ryuzaki Shinji. By using the super power-type move, the Eye of Miracle, he can clearly see each other. The soul of the other party, and then judge from the degree of decay of the other party's soul.

"Unqualified, you can go." Ryuzaki Shinji looked at the psychic puppet that appeared in front of him, responded to him with telepathy, and then took Christina around him and continued to walk forward. go.

"Mighty human, I admit that you are very powerful, but my mental strength is also comparable to yours. Why did you refuse my request? As long as you can help me advance to the Heavenly King level, I can die for you." Hearing the dragon Saki Shinji's answer was that the Psychic Puppet of the quasi-king's peak level couldn't accept the fact that a teleportation appeared in Ryuzaki Shinji's present again, and he asked in disbelief, all eyes showed a strong look. unwillingness and longing.

The spiritual power spread out by Ryuzaki Shinji naturally cannot be concealed from those super-power elves, and Ryuzaki Shinji, as a super-power, is also favored by many super-power elves, plus the king on his body. The superpowers of superpowers in the body are the power of origin, and some good superpower elves have also taken the initiative to follow Ryuzaki Shinji's intention to leave mental power fluctuations to find the door, hoping to get Ryuzaki Shinji's Acknowledging, and the thought force puppet in front of Ryuzaki Shinji can be said to be the most powerful one among the super-power-type elves who are actively looking for the door, but unfortunately, it was still ruthlessly rejected by Ryuzaki Shinji.

"It took me about 10 years to develop this mental power, so what about you, mind puppet, how long did it take you to temper your current spirit to the point where you are today? And your own problems are also very big. , you can't lie to me." Seeing Nianli Tuou's unwilling question, Ryuzaki Shinji did not answer directly, but chose to ask him a question in turn, and a faint purple light began to appear in his eyes.

Although the strength of the nianli soil puppet faced is not very good, but it is too old, and there are traces of potholes all over the body. Obviously, it has experienced many fierce battles and has suffered a lot of root causes. Such a superpower elves are not suitable for his request.

"..." This time, Nianli Tuou was silent, his head lowered, and many eyes also showed lost eyes, and then he made a way to let Ryuzaki Shinji continue to move forward.

As a elf with relatively high intelligence, Nianli Tudou naturally understands the overtones in Ryuzaki's words. Compared with those elf who are still full of vigor, he, an old thing who has lived in the ruins for a long time, is already twilight. Shen Chen is very old, no matter how he hides it, the corruption in his soul can't be concealed from others. In Ryuzaki Shinji's eyes, he is already an elf with exhausted potential and has no cultivation value.

However, the mind power puppet was still not reconciled. He felt the source power of the super power system from the spiritual power fluctuations of Ryuzaki Shinji. That is to say, there is something in the hands of this human being that can make him step into the heavenly king level, so Years have passed, and he has been searching for the origin of the ground system and super power system in this desert. The origin of the ground system has been found, but it has been occupied by other powerful heavenly king-level elves. Such a small elf at the pinnacle level of the quasi-celestial king has no way to grab food from his mouth. He originally wanted to return to his birthplace and wait for his death, but now there is a turning point. How can he be reconciled?

"Hmph, then don't blame me, human beings, you are the one who seeks death yourself." Thinking that it won't be long before you will become a soulless clay puppet again because of the exhaustion of your lifespan, the mind power puppet is terrified. My heart suddenly froze, and I thought coldly.

When Ryuzaki Shinji took Christina out of a distance of more than ten meters, the two closed eyes behind the Psychic Doll immediately opened, and the two long-condensed rays of destruction and death were suddenly released from the two eyes.

At the same time, the eye in the center of Nianli Tutu also flashed with blue light. The next moment, a blue light immediately wrapped a range of tens of meters nearby. For a time, the area covered by the light curtain, inside The space is all locked by strange forces.

Not only that, on the surrounding sand, more than a dozen balance scales also quickly drilled out from various positions in the sand, and then faithfully carried out the orders of the Psychic Puppet, and quickly approached Ryuzaki Shinji and Christie with high-speed rotation. Na, and in the process of moving, huge energy fluctuations and dazzling white light radiated from their bodies.

Obviously, these balance scales are suicide squads that Nian Li Tuou had placed in the vicinity early, and once they could not agree, they would immediately take action.

"Bang bang bang bang bang~~~" There was a burst of violent explosions, and more than a dozen scales controlled by the psychic puppets successively attacked Ryuzaki Shinji and the two.

"Hmph, you know how good I am. A mere human being dares to reject me on my site. I'm tired of living. If you don't give it to me, won't I get it myself?" The surrounding environment is all shrouded~www.readwn.com~ The Psychic Puppet who is also in the thick smoke, all eyes are glowing with blue light at this time, when he uses his mental power to the position of Ryuzaki Shinji and others just now After scanning it and discovering that there was a large pit left, all eyes squinted, showing smug eyes.

"Hee hee hee~~, little guy, what are you giggling for?" Suddenly, a shaky voice appeared in his ear.

When Nian Li Tu even heard the words, all the eyes that turned against the blue light immediately looked around, trying to find out the source of the sound. At this time, a strong sense of crisis also appeared in his heart in an instant.

In the end, he found the source of the voice, because the other party took the initiative to show up.

A pair of scarlet evil eyes opened from the shadow below him.


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