Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 118: : cryptic text

The moment Nian Li Tu accidentally saw the scarlet eyes, the blue light in his eyes suddenly soared, and he wanted to use his mental power to release powerful mental power to deal with the enemy hidden in his shadow.

Unfortunately, in order to wait for the Psychic Puppet to use its psychic power to smash the enemy, a shuttle-shaped shadow ball emitting a dark light quickly shot out of the shadow, and the ghost-type shadow ball was used to deal with the super-power attribute of the Psychic Puppet. The damage effect is outstanding, and with just one move, the body of the Psychic Earth Puppet is shot upside down.

"How could it be like this..." Nian Li's body was shot through by the shuttle-shaped shadow ball, and the core of his body was also shattered. Soon, the many eyes on the head were gradually scattered, and a floating body was also "dong" ~" sounded, and fell from the air.

The mind power earthen puppet, who was smug at the last moment, was defeated and died the next moment.

When the Psychic Puppet came down from the air, a pair of shadow claws also stretched out from the shadow under the Psychic Puppet, pierced into the Psychic Puppet's body without hindrance, and then pulled out a dim white color from the Psychic Puppet's body. The ball of light comes out.

"Tsk! A **** soul, decayed to such a degree, smells disgusting." The sullen Geng Ghost came out of the shadow and said with disgust to the soul of the mind puppet in his hand. something happened.

"Why are you here? Didn't I ask you to follow Xinuoer and the others? You acted on your own again, who gave you the courage, um!!" Before waiting for the hostile Geng Ghost to kill a quasi-celestial king for himself When the peak-level elf was annoyed by harvesting garbage, a cold voice appeared in his heart, causing him to shudder immediately.

A purple space crack suddenly appeared on the sand within one meter in front of the hostile Genggui, and the figures of Ryuzaki Shinji and Christina also came out. Ryuzaki Shinji, who is stronger than him in terms of strength, is simply a big joke. Although it took a little effort, Ryuzaki Shinji broke the space blockade quite easily, and used teleportation to take Christina with him. To escape, the only thing that surprised him was the sudden arrival of the hostile Gengar.

Ryuzaki Shinji's face was very ugly at this time, and his eyes were on fire. The ghost-type origin seal on the palm of his hand also flashed out, and a whip formed by ghost-type energy gradually condensed from the origin seal. .

This energy whip formed by the seal of origin is called the whip of punishment. This is one of the methods used by the heavenly king-level trainers to teach the heavenly king-level elves in their hands. The elf tastes the severe pain of the soul whip, and the power will increase with the number of whips. Generally, only 10 whips can make the disobedient elves temporarily lose their fighting ability.

"Which, which, master, please calm down, it's not what you think, I was afraid of your safety, and you came here from a long distance, it's really not what you thought, as for those slaves, I have already Let them go back first, as long as they are lucky, they should not die, so calm down, ah~~" Seeing Ryuzaki Shinji's anger, especially seeing Ryuzaki's second-hand Whip of Punishment, he was very angry. Genggui also had a groan in his heart, and he was not good at secretly screaming, so he had to bite the bullet and explain to Ryuzaki Shinji with a hilarious smile.

Unfortunately, Ryuzaki Shinji didn't listen to him at all, and directly flogged the sullen Gengar with the energy whip in his hand. He was directly forced, unable to move his entire body, and could only watch the energy whip in front of him fall.

"Papapa~~" Several loud whipping sounds sounded.

"Ahhh~~" The sullen Geng Gui also let out a pained cry in response.

"Hmph, no matter what reason you use, disobeying the order is disobeying the order, and you should hit it. Ten whips this time, and a hundred whips next time, until you remember." Ryuzaki Shinji pulled the energy in his hand. Whip, said to the sullen Geng Gui with a sullen face.

"Beat him well, kill him, this Gengar is really annoying." Christina on the side saw the sullen Gengar being repaired by Ryuzaki Shinji, the expression on her face did not change, but the happiness in her eyes changed. It couldn't be concealed. Yesterday, the evil voice of Geng Gui's soul made her make a big ugliness in front of Ryuzaki Shinji, but she always remembered it in her heart.

At this moment, the body of the shadow of the sullen Geng Ghost became a little smaller, and there was a grieved expression on his face. It was obvious that Shinji Ryuzaki's whip just now really hurt him very much.

The hostile Genggui was also bitter at this time. He was really worried that Ryuzaki Shinji had worked so hard to come here, but who let him have such an unreasonable master, he could only break his teeth and go If swallowed, these bitterness can only be eaten in vain.

"It's really cheap, I was stupid at the time, why did I set such harsh conditions on myself, I'm stupid." The pain in the soul is still continuing, for the original contract signed yesterday, the hostile Geng ghost assassin Very sorry.

A few minutes later, the pain of the soul flogging gradually disappeared, and the sullen Geng Ghost also stood up from the ground with a look of exhaustion. He looked at Ryuzaki Shinji with an extremely aggrieved face, but unfortunately Ryuzaki Shinji turned a blind eye, so he had to reshape. Dive into the shadow of Ryuzaki Shinji for a shadow.

"Great master, before I came here, I felt a very powerful soul force on the periphery of the ruins. The location should be inside the temple in the center of the ruins. If I guess correctly, there should be very precious The treasure, master, you must go and have a look..." However, before entering the shadow of Ryuzaki Shinji, the hostile Geng ghost still "deliberately" made a careful report to Ryuzaki Shinji.

"Lord Ryuzaki, those troublesome clay puppets and giant clay puppets are here again, let's go quickly." Christina exclaimed at Ryuzaki Shinji.

The explosion just now destroyed a large number of nearby buildings. Naturally, it also alerted the dutiful mud puppet corps for the first time. In less than three minutes, a large number of mud puppet corps appeared one after another in all directions. The successive appearances of destruction in the middle of the corps made these mud puppet regiments furious.

"Well, let's go, since we won't be able to find the excellent super-power elves for a while, then let's go treasure hunting." Looking at the large number of mud dolls and mud doll giants rushing over, Ryuzaki Zhen Er frowned and said, and then the purple light flashed in his eyes, and the space crack that had disappeared reappeared.

A purple awn flashed past in place, and the figures of Ryuzaki Shinji and Christina once again disappeared from the eyes of many clay puppet soldiers.


On the other side, shortly after the four Yan Kai entered the temple, they encountered a fork in the road, and they chose the road on the far right. Then, they began to encounter a large number of ghost-type elf attacks one after another. , but after a lot of sincere cooperation, it can finally be regarded as a one-by-one rescue, and gradually walked to the depths of the temple at a slow speed.

On the way, the four of them could be regarded as harvesting a lot. They found a lot of gold utensils in some side halls. Among them, the most valuable thing was some ancient secret book scrolls found in some hidden places, which recorded The only pity of the unique training methods of some related elves is that they are illiterate in ancient texts and cannot understand the contents at all.

After passing through the long and tortuous dark corridor, Yan Kai and others finally came to the end of the corridor. Through the light of the fire, two huge stone statues guarded a huge stone gate on the left and the right. The characters and patterns of the name are arranged according to the law of characteristics.

After searching around the gate carefully, the four of them did not find any mechanism that could open the gate, and they also tried to let the elf attack or force the gate to open, but the gate was not damaged and did not move at all. Kai and the others couldn't help frowning. Look at me, I look at you, and for a while, they were overwhelmed.

"Damn, it's really bad luck. I've already come here, but I'm actually blocked." Hans, the burly big man with the hottest temper, said angrily. In a fit of rage, he kicked directly on the huge stone gate. Sturdy lift on the center of a text pattern.

All of a sudden, "Buzzing~~~" I suddenly remembered a strange sound.

"Lie Lie Lie~~" A little bit of stone debris began to fall from the text pattern that Hans kicked~www.readwn.com~ In the end, the entire text pattern actually seemed to come alive, "Boom~ "With a bang, it flew out from the stone gate. When this character pattern flew down from the stone gate, the same situation appeared in other characters on the stone gate.

A large number of text patterns flew down from the stone gate, and then intertwined with each other, constantly making various strange arrangements in front of the stone gate.

"This, this, I really didn't mean it..." Seeing this strange scene, Hans, who hurriedly retreated from the stone gate, looked awkwardly at the other three who were facing him with sullen faces.



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