Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 119: : The reappearing "companion"

Yan Kai, who has been wandering all over the world of elves for many years, is naturally well-informed, and after a little observation of these mysterious "pattern characters", a terrifying fragment in memory is suddenly opened.

Yan Kai took a step back with a pale face, and said to the crowd: "Don't act rashly, if I guess correctly, these things in front of you should be unknown totems, they may be very weak individually, but once there are more, they will Possessing many kinds of incredible power, unknown totems of this scale can already exert that incredible power, and you must not provoke them, otherwise strange things may happen."

As soon as the other three heard that the mysterious "pattern text" in front of them was an unknown totem, their expressions changed greatly. Like Yan Kai, they hurriedly stepped back for a while, all looking at each other with a little fear. And the unknown totem with a dreamlike light appeared all over the body.

Hans, Mecca and Aiya can reach the peak level trainers of the quasi-kings. Naturally, they are not scumbags. They have also heard of mysterious elves such as unknown totems. These mysterious elves usually appear in some places. in very old ruins.

As Yan Kai said just now, these mysterious elves may be very weak individually. According to the research of elves scholars, the only move that these unknown totems can learn at present is "Awakening Power", and the power is also surprisingly small. , even a random trainer who has just debuted can deal with it, but once the number increases, it will be different, they will produce all kinds of incredible power, even divine beasts are very afraid of these mysterious elves, if they can hide Hide, absolutely will not provoke them.

I heard that many trainers who explore ancient ruins will disappear into this world for a period of time for no reason after encountering these mysterious elves, and then reappear at a certain point in time, and the strange thing is that these reappeared Without exception, the trainers can't remember what they have experienced. Of course, this kind of amnesia is very good, and it really disappears in this world forever.

Naturally, Yan Kai and the others didn't want to be one of the members of the world that disappeared into the world, so after knowing the details of these elves in front of them, they were all in awe of these unknown totems.

Fortunately, these unknown totems do not seem to be interested in Yan Kai and others. After they circled in mid-air for a while, an unknown totem in the shape of an A letter in the center of the most unknown totems burst out with a colorful light. Then, with a sound of "咻~", he flew out of the queue.

In the blink of an eye, the unknown totem in the form of an A-letter "integrated" into the huge stone gate, and at this time, a colorful mysterious text immediately appeared on the top of the stone gate, with the unknown totem in the form of an A-letter taking the lead, and the others were different. The unknown totems in the form also follow the unknown totems in the form of A-type letters to "integrate" into the huge stone gate, and colorful mysterious characters gradually appear in various places of the stone gate.

Gradually, when the last unknown totem also "integrated" into the huge stone gate, an ancient chapter composed of colorful and mysterious words appeared on the huge stone gate. passed out.

"Well, what's going on here? What's written on it? Does anyone know?" Seeing himself kicking out a mysterious chapter, Hans, a burly man, asked a few people around him in a stunned manner.

"You ask me who I'm asking!" This thought appeared in the hearts of Yan Kai, Mecca, and Aiya invariably. They looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly, expressing that they did not know the meaning of these mysterious words.

As for the meaning of these ancient mysterious words, I am afraid it is only the top elf scholars who may know that these trainers who specialize in elf fighting have no time to learn these boring things, even if they want to. There is no such opportunity to learn, after all, this knowledge is very precious and belongs to the strategic resources of major organizations, which is impossible for ordinary people to access.

"The meaning of this ancient chapter is: warn the latecomers not to open the door, otherwise once the terrifying beast sealed inside is awakened, the world will fall into fear again." The four Yan Kai did not know what was written on it. What are they looking at, and at the same time they don't dare to go forward to touch this ancient chapter formed by unknown totems. Just as the four of them stared blankly at the ancient chapter in front of them, a familiar voice suddenly came from behind them. .

Hearing someone explain to them, Yan Kai and the others immediately turned around and looked at the person behind them who was slowly walking out of the darkness. The person who came was actually Pixar who chose to leave everyone behind and run away.

However, Pierce who appeared in front of Yan Kai and others seemed to be slightly different from the one they had met before. If Pierce was a trainer who was timid and had a very strong presence at the beginning, then Pierce at this time He is a man with a strong aura.

"You, you are Pierce, why do you feel like someone else to me? Also, why are you telling us the meaning of this ancient chapter? What is your purpose?" Aiya, who had made fun of Pierce before, said She asked solemnly, the reappearing "companion" in front of her gave her a great sense of oppression, which was like a sheep without the power to fight a chicken seeing a hungry wolf~www.readwn.com ~Hmph, you seem to have a lot of questions, but the dead should not need to answer. Pierce shifted his gaze from the colorful and mysterious words on the stone door, then glanced at Aiya with a dignified face, and replied with a smile showing his big white teeth.

As soon as Pierce finished speaking, scarlet eyes opened from behind Aiya, and then, a huge fist covered with a layer of ghost-type energy slammed into the head of Aiya who was caught off guard.

"Clang~~" appeared. At the critical moment, Yan Armor, who was always on high alert, blocked the fatal blow with the shield of the sword monster, but the mysterious elf did not succeed, and immediately became invisible again.

"Pierce, you're tired of living, the rogue panda went up and ripped him up for me." Seeing Pierce sneaking up on Aiya and killing him, Hanston, the burly big man, was furious and immediately commanded those around him. Rogue Panda attacks Pierce, who is alone.

But the rogue panda was still able to walk a few meters before suddenly softened and fell to the ground incapacitated to fight. In an instant, scarlet eyes appeared again, and a night demon with a breath similar to a low-level heavenly king was suspended on the head of the rogue panda. , The fighting energy entangled in the right hand gradually disappeared, and the concentrated slam of a sneak attack directly took away the rogue panda with vicious attributes.

"Be careful, this guy is not an ordinary quasi-celestial king trainer. Take out the bottom of your press box, otherwise, we are afraid that we will not be able to get out alive." Yan Kai holds two sword monsters with a strong shield in both hands. parts, said with a heavy face.

To be continued...

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