Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 120: : Temple of Darkness (1)

Needless to say, Hans, Aiya, and Mecca have all felt the unusual power from the night demon that appeared in front of them. Obviously, Pierce's night demon has broken through the quasi-king peak level, but However, for some unknown reason, it has not really broken through to the Heavenly King level. At this stage, it is probably between the quasi-celestial king level and the heavenly king level.

However, from the sneak attack of the night demon, he was able to defeat the rogue panda who was at the peak of the quasi-day king with a single attack. It can be seen that even if he could not really advance to the rank of the king of heaven, his strength was not at the peak of the ordinary quasi-day king. The elf is comparable.

Thinking of this, the faces of the four Yan Kai were very ugly. Before they could enter the stone gate, they would be forced to use the bottom-pressing stunt in their hands, so the next real treasure battle would hardly have anything to do with them.

However, judging from the current situation, if they don't show any real skills, they will really explain it here. They glanced at each other, and they all began to slowly spread out, and then surrounded Pierce and the Dark Night Demon.

"Hmph, you have already felt the energy fluctuations in my night demon, right, my night demon has broken through the peak level of the quasi-day king, but I don't want to let him fall asleep before using some means Let him be at this stage a little lower than the Heavenly King level. As long as I am willing, the night demon can enter the Heavenly King level at any time. I advise you to be obedient and capture it, and then become my pathfinder. For the sake of my teammates, I can let you guys go after I get what I want." Seeing the actions of Yan Kai and the four, Pierce just smiled and said, and let them move.

To be honest, Pierce never thought that he would enter this place so easily again. Just breaking through the obstacles of a large number of mud puppet soldiers stationed on the periphery of the temple was already a very difficult thing. The reason people came to this ruins was to let them restrain some of the clay puppet soldiers, so that it would be easier for him to enter the temple.

Pierce never thought that Yan Kai and others would be able to enter the temple. After all, a large number of clay puppet soldiers were not vegetarians. Even if they were Heavenly King-level powerhouses, it was not easy to enter deeper. Much beyond his expectations, Yan Kai and others not only entered, but also pushed all the way to this place. This time, the luck is really good. There is a heavenly king-level powerhouse causing a war in the ruins, so that those stationed outside the temple are not allowed to Do not draw out a large number of troops to carry out repression.

The last time he almost died several times, he was lucky enough to enter the temple. It was because of the last chance that he entered the palace inside Shimen, and then he got half a piece of soul crystal (the origin of the ghost) from it. In the end, he succeeded in letting the Eternal Night Demon that he had meticulously cultivated break through to the quasi-king level, but unfortunately, half of the soul crystals harvested were not enough for the Eternal Night Demon to completely break through to the Heavenly King level.

As for what he did just now, it was naturally used to scare Yan Kai and the others. It was naturally the best to win the battle without fighting. It is enough to prove their strength is not weak.

"Don't **** want to bluff me, think I'm stupid, there may be a way in this world to make the elf advance to the heavenly king level without sleeping, but it's definitely not like you risking your life to come here. The guy who is looking for opportunities on this island can have it. Since your Night Demon has not fully advanced to the Heavenly King level, there is nothing to be afraid of. Come out, chop the commander, use the sword dance, and then put the ghost in front of you. Cut to pieces." Hans did not eat Pierce's bluff at all. After taking back the incapacitated rogue panda with the Poke Ball, he directly debunked Pierce's lie, and then released the commander of Chopping.

Hans's head-slashing commander is obviously his bottom card. Although the breath exuding from his body is still at the peak level of the quasi-king, it is already vaguely higher than that of the general elf at the peak of the quasi-king. It's a lot, but from the perspective of breath, it is also slightly inferior to Pierce's night demon who successfully broke through the peak level of the quasi-celestial king.

The commander of Chopping and Splitting has the characteristics of oppression. After performing a sword dance with a twist on the spot, he uses a little force under his feet, and carries two sharp blades on the back of his hands to bully the dark night demon in front of him, dazzling. The white light lit up from the blade, and he used his signature move, the alloy claws, against the Dark Night Demon.

As a ghost-type elf, the Dark Night Demon is obviously not the kind of elf who likes to hit hard. , the darkness of the night demon is enough to make Yan Kai and others have a headache.

As soon as the Dark Night Demon disappeared, Commander Zhanpi's attack was instantly in the air, but Commander Zhanpi didn't panic. Since he couldn't attack the Dark Night Demon, then he simply attacked his trainer. He directly He just left the Dark Night Demon and charged towards Pierce not far ahead with murderous intent.

"Stupid, I won't let you succeed. The Dark Night Demon doesn't care about me, just continue to follow your attack rhythm." Pierce saw Commander Chopping and rushing towards him, his face turned cold, and he put the weapon in his hand without saying a word. The torches were put out, and they quietly left the place.

Pierce's torch went out, and the darkness immediately engulfed Pierce, and Commander Chopping's attack landed in the air again.

At this time, the Night Demon did obey Pierce's order and attacked the four Yan Kai who were trainers with the highest priority. com~ You **** dare to underestimate me, come out, demon red fox, use magic flames, let him feel the anger of the power of flames. Feeling the sense of crisis that suddenly appeared behind me, Aiya, who was already prepared, did not panic at all. A fiery red Poké Ball in my palm opened instantly, and a fiery red fox with closed eyes instantly appeared behind her.

The demon fire red fox still did not open his eyes, and calmly turned the burning dead stick staff in his hand, a fire snake composed of magical flames suddenly appeared from the dead stick staff, and the magic fire snake circled in the air. It was coiled round and round to form a huge spiral fire circle, which finally surrounded the dark night demons who appeared behind Aiya.

The temperature of the magic flame was very high, reaching more than 2000 degrees Celsius. For a time, the darkness was driven by the dazzling firelight, and at the same time, a rolling heat wave instantly dispelled the cold atmosphere of the surrounding environment.

Under such a high-temperature flame, since the dark night demon with extremely high double defenses was not feeling well, his body ignited in the flames, and finally turned into a huge torch, which was quickly engulfed by the flames.

However, the result of the Demon Fire Red Fox's use of magical flames to "burn" the Night Demon did not make Yan Kai and the four feel any joy.

"Hu~~" Suddenly, a strong cold wind appeared, and the many torches that dispelled the darkness suddenly went out.

next moment.

"Ah~~" Suddenly, a heart-piercing scream appeared.

The first victim appeared.

To be continued.....

Thank you Hexinzhou for the 100 starting point coin reward, Zhuhui for the 100 starting point coin reward, and thanks to the rising power for the 500 starting point coin reward, thank you very much for your support.

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