Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 123: : Temple of Darkness (4)

When the people in the temple were fighting between life and death, Ryuzaki Shinji and Christina also struggled to avoid the siege of the mud puppet soldiers, and spent their hands and feet to guard a group of mud doll soldiers guarding the gate of the temple. After beheading, he finally appeared in front of the gate of the temple.

With a sound of "Boom~", the last mud puppet giant who was resisting also fell down, and then quickly turned into a pile of rotten soil.

"Judging from the battle marks and footprints left here before, we should be the last people to enter it. I hope we can drink some soup. Follow me later, Christina." After killing the last clay doll giant, Ryuzaki Shinji also carefully explored the various traces left in front of the temple gate, and then turned his head to Christina, who was looking at the temple entrance with some anxiety. .

"Yes, Ryusaki-sama, I will also take good care of myself. I'll ask you later, jerk." Christina nodded when she heard the words, and then patted the **** beside her like a bodyguard.

Hearing this, the crocodile raised a paw and nodded earnestly. After the frog grass on the side looked away, he took a deep breath. After the Qi Geng ghost and the current Froggrass's abnormal fighting power, this sand crocodile has long lost the spirit of winning because he knew that his current status in this team can only be equivalent to that of the ethnic group. The black-eyed crocodiles of , may be abandoned by the slightest carelessness, and being abandoned in a place that is regarded as a forbidden place by their own group is undoubtedly equivalent to death.

"Come out, Electric Firefly, I'll leave you with the lighting work along the way." Because the place to be explored is a pitch-black temple that can't be seen, so Ryuzaki Shinji also released the electric firefly that he usually used for lighting. come out.

"Dian Dian ~" In addition to the usual training, the electric firefly has not been released by Ryuzaki Shinji for a long time. When it came out, he immediately screamed excitedly, and quickly rushed beside Ryuzaki Shinji and Christina. He flew in a circle, and the constantly flashing fluorescent lights at the tail showed his excitement at the moment.

With the help of the electric fireflies, Shinji Ryuzaki and Christina also stepped into the entrance of the temple.

Under the fluorescent light, the surrounding dark environment is also clear. On the dusty passage, there are many messy footprints. Along the way, there are some colorful murals of elves on the walls on both sides, but these murals are due to the age. For a long time, the oil paint on it began to wave. At this time, all the murals became very blurred and abstract, and it was basically difficult to see what kind of elf was painted on it.

In addition to the murals, many rough stone carvings of elves are also densely stacked in the two rows of the corridor. It is also because of the age. Many elves are either severely weathered and corroded or destroyed by those who entered the temple later. The elves that can be well preserved There are very few stone carvings.

Perhaps it was because the first entrants had already defeated the living elves in the temple, or because Ryuzaki Shinji inadvertently exuded the King-level aura, Ryuzaki Shinji and Christina did not receive one. The attack of the wild elves, but this situation ended after they entered a side hall.

This side hall has obviously been visited, and a small-scale battle broke out. There are some broken pottery, bloodstains and some scattered gray bandages on the ground.

"唦唦唦~~" A slight rubbing sound came out from the depths of the side hall. Gradually, the rubbing sound began to become clear. When the electric firefly's fluorescent lamp stepped forward, a somewhat frightening scene suddenly appeared. Appear.

Several mummies wrapped in old bandages are slowly walking from the front. These mummies are humanoid creatures and animaloid creatures. As expected, these mummies are made of humans and elves. The screeching sound was produced by the bandages on their feet holding the ground.

As these mummies approached slowly, a strong corpse stench came from the nostrils. Obviously, these mummified corpses had been dead for a long time, and some of the mummies had even cut off their hands and ties, and the bandages on their faces were a little loose. When they fell, the shriveled and somewhat rotten flesh inside the bandage was directly exposed. Coupled with the movement of their claws and claws while walking, there was a sense of sight of the walking dead.

"Ouch~" Although Christina has become much more courageous after a life and death experience, she is such a beautiful girl now that she sees these disgusting mummies, her face can't help but turn a little blue, especially when she smells the disgusting mummies After the smell of corpse, a sense of nausea suddenly appeared, and I couldn't help vomiting in place.

"A group of miscellaneous hairs, electric fireflies, use firefly missiles to destroy them." Seeing these disgusting things approaching in front of him, Ryuzaki Shinji also frowned, and immediately ordered the electric fireflies to attack.

"咻咻咻咻~~" Ryuzaki Shinji gave an order, and the electric firefly was very proficient in the simplified version of the firefly missile. The bullet flew out of him, and then shot through all the walking dead in front of him in an instant, and set the mummy on fire.

However, these mummies are obviously just pioneers. After they fell, a group of different mummies appeared in the darkness ahead. The bandages on these mummies were brand new, and their eyes were also scarlet. A group of them is much faster, almost running over.

"Ahhh~~" One of the beastly mummies with a particularly strong physique rushed up with a stone pillar, let out a roar, and then smashed the broken stone pillar at Ryuzaki Shinji and Christina, and the rest The mummies were also scattered, attacking the two from all directions.

"Where is the guy who controls these disgusting things? The concealment method is very strong." For these mummies that are stronger than the previous batch of mummies, Ryuzaki Shinji still didn't pay attention to them, and directly rushed to the first. The strong mummy that came up kicked and flew, then held the elf egg in the left hand, took out the cross sword from behind in the right hand, and with one dodge and a few chops, all the remaining mummies were cut into several pieces, and then they were cut with their feet one by one. The heads of these mummies who still want to get up are all crushed.

The violent behavior of Ryuzaki Shinji seemed to frighten the behind-the-scenes controller who was hiding in the room. In an instant, the whole room became silent again.

Unfortunately, the other party intends to stop provoking Ryuzaki Shinji, but Ryuzaki Shinji does not intend to let the other party go easily.

"Come out, Heruga, use your hellfire to burn this room down." Ryuzaki Shinji didn't want to continue playing hide-and-seek with the other party, so he simply planned to burn this side hall down.

The pitch-black Poké Ball opened, and a white light flew to the ground, and a strong Black Ruga whose whole body was burning with black flames appeared.

After Heluga rubbed his head against Ryuzaki Shinji's hand affectionately, he turned his head with a ferocious expression and released a black flame directly into the darkness in front of him. The flames ignited the whole side hall~www.readwn.com~ When the whole room was lit, the mummified creature hidden in the side hall was jumped off the wall by the dog and had to show its original shape.

"Wow wow~~" After a scream, a strange coffin wrapped in black flames flew out of the sea of ​​fire with all its might.

"Sure enough, it's this kind of ghost thing, it's worthless, Heluga, burn him to death." Ryuzaki Shinji nodded and said when he saw the strange coffin escape from the sea of ​​flames with his eyebrows burning.

Black Ruga also immediately executed Ryuzaki Shinji's order, and another black jet of flame shot out of his mouth, directly shooting the strange coffin that had just escaped from the sea of ​​fire into the sea of ​​fire.

To be continued.....

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