Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 124: : Temple of Darkness (5)

The peculiar coffin was pushed back into the sea of ​​​​fire, and he no longer concealed his identity. A face with a sinister smile appeared on the top cover of the coffin, and four dark strange hands also protruded from the coffin. The black mist emanated from him, and for a while, he let it rely on the beam of Black Flame and flew out of the sea of ​​fire quickly.

However, although the strange coffin managed to escape from the sea of ​​fire, the layer of golden substance covering the body melted more than half, revealing the deep black coffin, and the deep black coffin was also scorched by the black flames.

"jijiji~~" As soon as the strange coffin flew away from the sea of ​​fire, a large number of white bandages flew out of the coffin with it, and then manipulated the white bandages while screaming strangely, thinking that Ryuzaki Shinji and others were attacking, the coffin Covering the face that was originally smirking, it is now angry, and the breath of a mid-level quasi-king exudes from its body, and its eyes are extremely scarlet, and it is obvious that Ryuzaki Shinji and others who hated it to make it so embarrassing. .

The creature that manipulated the mummy to attack Ryuzaki Shinji and Christina is not a special creature, but a ghost-type elf called Death Pavilion. It is a genderless elf, according to legend. It is the elf born from the ghost possessed by the coffin. Their appearance is also similar to the shape of the Egyptian Pharaoh's coffin, as its name suggests, and the exterior decoration is quite gorgeous.

The feature of the death hall is named: mummy, and the effect is: when the death hall is attacked by a touch-type move, the characteristics of the attacker will become mummy (the setting in the game). The reality is that dead enemies can be made into mummies, and then they can be manipulated to become mummified creatures. If the mummified body cannot be destroyed for a day, the imprisoned soul cannot be escaped for a day. It can be said that the Shinigami Pavilion is a very terrifying ghost-type elf, and its vicious name is comparable to that of the Tyrannosaurus.

It is worth mentioning that, I don’t know if this kind of elf likes to swallow gold very much. The material covering their coffins is real gold, and the purity is very high, which is equivalent to 999 pure gold. Elves generally hide in ancient temples, ruins or tombs disguised as coffins, so young tomb robbers are very likely to be confused by their appearance when they see this kind of elves, and then be attacked to death by it, and then turn into a coffin. A mummy under its control.

"It seems that I have stayed in the ruins for too long, and even my eyes are low. Now I don't want to run, but I still want to fight back, burn it to ashes, Heluga, use the flames of hell." Wanting to fight back, Ryuzaki Shinji turned cold and said to the hellhound beside him.

In an instant, He Lujia's whole body was immediately wrapped in a black flame, and then he blocked Ryuzaki Shinji, and then another black smoke with a temperature of nearly a thousand degrees Celsius was sprayed out of his mouth, although the death hall was pierced from his body. Each end of the outstretched white straps was filled with extremely pure ghost-type energy, but facing Heluga's **** flames, it was like dry paper encountering fire, ignited in an instant, and quickly went to the death hall. stretched over.

This time, the death hall seems to have finally woken up, and no longer cares about part of the gold and body being burned, and quickly avoids the **** flames of Heluga with a pale face, and then wants to use the ghost-type elf to ignore the dead. Ability to escape through walls.

But at this time, the crocodile who had been paddling on the outside bravely stood up, and used a vicious smashing trick against the Death Museum. Arm, and then used its powerful bite force to pull the Shinigami Pavilion out of the wall again, and slammed it in the direction of Heruga.

Seeing this situation, Heruga also lost no time to shoot a **** flame again at the Death Hall that flew over.

"Jijiji~~" The Death Museum kept wailing in the flames of hell, the whole body began to ignite, and then, "Ahhh~~~" A black gas began to emanate from it, and it was emitted in the flame. It was burned to ashes after a whimper.

In the end, the death hall was burnt to death by the **** flames of Heluga and turned into a pile of ashes. However, at this time, the whole room burned by the flames was echoed by bursts of shrill soul cries. A huge grimace composed of black gas appeared in the room, and a pair of scarlet eyes stared at Ryuzaki Shinji and Christina, and then the huge grimace turned into a large number of black gas crows.

As soon as these black crows with scarlet eyes appeared in the air, they rushed towards Ryuzaki Shinji and Christina without fear of death. It could not be completely eliminated for a while, and many black gas crows also broke through their defenses and rushed in front of the two.

When Ryuzaki Shinji saw this, purple light flashed in his eyes, and a purple energy shield immediately wrapped him and Christina, whose face was pale with fright, but these black gas crows ignored Ryuzaki Shinji's superpower shield and continued He rushed over without seeing anything.

"Hmph, some resentful spirits who don't know how to live or die, if they don't disappear quickly, they still dare to be presumptuous in front of this uncle!!" At the critical moment, the hostile Geng Ghost lurking in the shadow of Ryuzaki Shinji released his hand and released a magical sound of his soul.

"Quack quack~~" As soon as the evil voice of Geng Gui's soul came out, many black crows froze in unison, and then disappeared into the air little by little in a burst of unwilling cries as if they had been weathered. middle.

"Oh my God, these ghosts are too scary. We have to curse us before we die. Fortunately, there is a heavenly king-level ghost elf by Mr. Ryuzaki's side. After the death of the death hall, the black-qi crow was defeated by the savage Gengar, and Christina was immediately relieved. She had heard the adventure stories of her grandmother when she was a child, and knew that the powerful ghost-type elf likes to deal with the enemy before dying. Curse, and the cursed person will be deprived of lifespan or die directly because they can't bear the power of the curse~www.readwn.com~ Well done. "Seeing that the crisis was resolved, Ryuzaki Shinji rarely praised the sullen Geng ghost in his shadow.

This time Ryuzaki Shinji was a little underestimated, and he never imagined that a Shinigami with only the strength of an intermediate quasi-king would be so difficult to deal with, and he could use such terrifying abilities before dying. Shinji re-examined this peculiar creature, the ghost-type elf, and thought about how to deal with the big problem of the powerful ghost-type elf's dying counterattack.

If there are still many ghost-type elves in the ruins who can curse before death, even if he has a king-level ghost-type elves like the sullen Gengar, it is not foolproof. After all, the ability of the savage Gengar It is also limited. What if a ghost-type elf of the heavenly king level curses him on the verge of death? It remains to be seen whether the hostile Geng Ghost can be resisted.

"Let's go, let's go to the next place to see." However, Ryuzaki Shinji didn't think too much in the depths, and the old ghost Genggui was guarding him, and he was still quite confident in the face of this situation. enough.

To be continued...

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