Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 127: : Temple of Darkness (8)

No longer exploring the rooms along the way, Ryuzaki Shinji and Christina's travel speed suddenly accelerated a lot. As they went deeper into the temple, they also received some wild animals living in the temple one after another. The elf attacked, and after some simple twists and turns, the two came to a fork in the road safely.

"It seems that most of the people have gone to the left and right two passages. How do you choose? Which one do you think we should choose, Christina." After turning off the bright fluorescent lights of the electric fireflies, Ryuzaki Shinji felt a little bit. After careful detection of the footprints in the three intersections, it was easy to infer the choices of the "first movers", and then turned his head and asked Christina who was beside him.

Christina's fortune seems to be quite good today. She has harvested two good elves in a row, and also took out several undamaged cheat scrolls from a dark grid, while Ryuzaki Shinji is relatively black, except for ancient coins. Except for the gems, the items found along the way were all broken without exception, so he had to believe in evil once, and handed over the choice this time to Christina, a red-handed beauty.

"Since the adults said that many people have walked on both sides, let's take the middle one. I think there should be many good things in it." Seeing Ryuzaki Shinji once again asked her to choose, And with a certain look of anticipation, Christina's face was a little hot, she harvested again and again along the way, but Ryuzaki Shinji was still a duck egg, she was a little embarrassed, and quickly lowered her head, and then she didn't even think about it. Pointing at the passage in the middle with a pure white jade finger.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu," Ryuzaki Makoto's chubby Heruga's ears perked up, and the black flames on his body lit up. A threatening growl.

"Oh~~, it seems that there is a guest coming, stand behind me, Christina." Seeing Heluga looking like a great enemy, Ryuzaki Shinji also changed the playful look in his eyes just now and re-entered it. He became cold and serious, and after saying a word to Christina beside him, he led Heruga to the entrance of the passage on the right.

"Come out, Huhu, I'll leave the defense to you later." Christina is also aware of the seriousness of the situation, standing silently behind Ryuzaki Shinji, and at the same time releasing her strongest defense force, she knows , as long as it doesn't hold back, it's helping Ryuzaki Shinji.

"Pata pata pata~~" Gradually, a burst of hurried footsteps came from the passage on the right, and a ray of light also appeared in the darkness of the passage on the right. Not only that, but a powerful force gradually From the channel on the right.

"Go back, Heluga, come to my side, come out, Abo, prepare to fight." After Ryuzaki Shinji felt the power coming from the passage, his face under the mask suddenly became solemn, without hesitation, Directly let Dairubi in front retreat, and then release the Abo monster, and the enemy of the king can only be dealt with with the power of the king.

Although a little unwilling, the proud Cerberus also knew that he could not fight the enemy in front, so he obediently obeyed Ryuzaki Shinji's orders, and then faithfully guarded his master's side.

"Hissing~~" A burst of white light flashed, and the huge snake body of Abowei also appeared in this ancient temple. The pattern is also immediately switched to the intimidating snake pattern, with its own intimidation characteristics and dragon power, to maximize its own king-level power.

The two Heavenly King-level coercion suddenly collided with each other. After a few seconds of mutual stalemate, the coercion of the Abo Monster defeated the opponent's coercion, and then drove straight into the passage ahead, crushing it aggressively, no doubt, In the power contest between the two Heavenly King-level elves, the Abo Monster was even better.

In the passage on the right, the white-haired youth and the members of the Desert Fangs behind them also stopped. The Heavenly King-level coercion that suddenly appeared in front of them was too powerful. Even though the distance was still far away, they were already close Feeling the power of the king-level elf in front of them, every time they felt the pressure, a huge snake head could not help but bite them, causing them to break out in a cold sweat.

"Uh~, it's so strong, the snake-shaped heavenly king-level elf, when did such a powerful heavenly-level trainer appear in the desert." With a snort, blood suddenly flowed from his nose, and then he looked at the passage ahead with a gloomy face and said, in the battle of power just now, the Vigorous Bite Lu Shark he controlled was completely defeated, and even the enslaver he took was also subjected to A bit of mental damage.

"Guru, Lord Soros, what should we do now, we were blocked by a Heavenly King-level trainer and his Heavenly King-level elf." Assisted by the eyes of other Desert Fang members, the personal guard beside Soros asked Ray swallowed his saliva, then boldly asked Soros.

Judging from the situation of Soros at this time, I can know with my toes that Soros was defeated in the invisible contest just now, and some of the members of the Desert Fang who followed Soros were also panicked. After all, in front of the heavenly king-level trainers , As long as they are not opponents of the same level, the number of enemies of other levels is just a joke. Once Soros is defeated, these people are just fish on the chopping block.

"Hmph, what are you panicking about, there's only one person on the other side, and all of you are elite members of my Desert Fang, and there are still two Heavenly King-level elves in your hands that haven't been released, so are you afraid that you won't be able to beat three or one? Don't show timidity in a while, otherwise you will be reduced to slaves when you go back. If anyone behaves well, I will take him to the secret realm of trials two months later." Soros wiped his nosebleed with his sleeve, turned his head and stared at him. Glancing at Torre, who came over to probe, he said impatiently, and then changed into a confident look.

"I, Torre, will definitely not embarrass you, my lord, and I will make you die." Seeing Soros regain his composure and the carrots and sticks in his place, Torre's eyes suddenly lit up, and he took the lead in frantically facing Soros pays allegiance.

"It's my lord, you will die!!" The other members of the Desert Fang had the opportunity to enter the secret realm of the ancient pyramid's trial together, and they immediately showed a frenzied expression, as if the fear just now did not exist at all.

If it is said that whoever has the most ancient tokens in the hands of the Desert Fang, it must be Soros, a professional archaeologist who has repeatedly raided ancient ruins. Although Soros has a very bad temper, he is always going to fight and kill. But he is well-known in the Desert Fang for being a rich man. Driven by interests, coupled with Soros's own powerful strength, there are naturally many strong people who follow him, such as Treasure Mountain just now, even if Soros takes the big head, and these people also get a lot of them. If they are destined to return to human society, they can all become rich families who will not worry about food and clothing for the rest of their lives.

"Hmph, a bunch of idiots, who took my things and drained the last drop of blood for me." Seeing the enthusiasm in the eyes of these Desert Fang members, Soros nodded with satisfaction and sneered in his heart.

Although the words are nice~www.readwn.com~, Soros still knows how much he is capable. Although he enslaves the three-headed Heavenly King-level elf through the head of the Soul Scepter, he wants to control the three at the same time. It is impossible for the first king-level elf, unless he loses his life, or he can control two king-level elf at most at the same time with only about twice the mental power of ordinary people, and the duration is not long.

In addition, he is not a real Heavenly King-level trainer, and the few Heavenly King-level elves he enslaves have no self-awareness. Coupled with his control, the combat power is definitely worse than those of the heavenly king-level elves with self-awareness. In addition, with the assistance of their own trainers, the power generated by one plus one is definitely greater than two, even if he Controlling two Heavenly King-level elves at the same time may not necessarily be the opponent's opponent.

Surrounded by his subordinates, Soros walked forward step by step with a dull-eyed Fierce Bite Lu Shark. The light that appeared in front of them made them see a man with a mask, and beside him, a unicorn The serpent stared at them with his scarlet eyes.

Finally, Soros, the behind-the-scenes mastermind of the Desert Fang, and Shinji Ryuzaki, the newly rising king, met for the first time.

To be continued...

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