Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 128: : Temple of Darkness (9)

As the cry gradually approached, Ryuzaki Shinji also used the fluorescent light of the electric fireflies to see the person coming in front clearly. When he saw the appearance of the person coming, his pupils suddenly shrank with the purple glow.

Standing in the forefront was a 6-biting shark with all kinds of scars all over his body. There is no doubt that the powerful dragon-level dragon power just came from him, but what makes Ryuzaki Shinji a little strange is that, At this time, the eyes of this fierce biting 6 shark were dull and dull, and his body was also full of momentum. His walking movements were also very strange, and he did not have the arrogant and domineering demeanor of a dragon-type elf at all. It was like a puppet, and his movements were very of stiffness.

"It's weird, what's going on with this King-level Violent Biting 6 shark? It feels so weak." Ryuzaki Shinji squinted and thought while looking at the Violent Biting 6 shark in a strange state in front of him.

Ryusaki Shinji is no stranger to the dragon-type quasi-divine beast like the 6 Sharks. Shirona's 6 Sharks has left him a very deep impression. In his memory, Shirona's 6 Sharks have remained the same from the beginning to the end. With an extremely high stance, he always walks with his chest held high and very arrogant and domineering, and apart from bowing his head slightly when facing Shirona, when facing anyone, his eyes are on his skull, unless you Wait until he approves of his strength, otherwise he will feel that he is wasting his time even if he looks at you one more time.

That's right, the arrogance shown by Shirona's fierce bite 6 sharks is the typical representative and excellent role model of all dragon-type quasi-divine beasts. , and the comparison between the 6-biting shark in front of Ryuzaki Shinji and the one with Shirona is simply one day at a time, and there is no comparison at all.

Behind the 6 Sharks is a sullen white youth. Unfortunately, except for the strange black Poké Ball inlaid with black crystals in the hands of the white youth, he did not pay attention. What special danger did he feel from the young man? What surprised him the most was that the 6 sharks were obviously supposed to be the elf of the young man. It stands to reason that every Heavenly King trainer can only be considered after obtaining the seal of origin. Shang is a real Heavenly King trainer, but he did not feel the aura of the Origin Seal from the white youth.

Behind them is a group of people in black with different looks. Similarly, Ryuzaki Shinji didn't feel any threat from these people. After a little glance, he regarded these people as air and background.

These are the first impressions of Ryusaki Shinji about the 6 Sharks, Soros and his men. It feels a little weak and not as strong as he imagined.

Under the eyes of Ryuzaki Shinji and Aboguai, Soros and the people in black behind him suddenly felt the pressure on their bodies soaring, this feeling was like they were facing the desert tooth collar Agu at this time The same, the same imposing manner, the same powerful, the same ruthless.

Because of the reason why the soul scepter keeps nourishing his soul, Soros's mental strength is barely out of the scope of normal people, it is about 200 normal people, and he has begun to gradually develop in the direction of capable people. In three or four years, maybe he will be able to awaken naturally to become a capable person, so once again, when facing Ryuzaki Shinji, a capable person with powerful spiritual power, Soros is better than his fellows. It is also necessary to keenly reveal the powerful mental power that has been suppressed by Ryuzaki Shinji.

At this time, Soros thought to himself; "This person's mental pressure is very strong, if you guessed correctly, this is an ability person, and he is also an extremely powerful ability person. Damn, how can it be so unlucky to be here? In such a place to encounter a person with the ability of a heavenly king, this world is too small."

Soros' calm expression can no longer be calm when he thinks that there is a heavenly king-level capable trainer in front of him. With Ryuzaki Shinji's attention almost 100% on him, Soros feels His entire head felt uncomfortable as if it were about to crack, and drops of cold sweat began to soak his entire face.

Although there is a difference of four words between a Heavenly King-level trainer and a Heavenly King-level capable trainer, as long as they are not fools, they can clearly understand the huge difference between the two. A Heavenly King-level trainer faces An opponent of the same level, you may be able to defeat the opponent very easily, but it is extremely difficult to kill the opponent alone. Which Heavenly King-level trainer does not have a few life-saving means of pressing the bottom of the box, even if he can't beat the opponent. , you can still run.

Defeating and killing are two words that are different, but the status they represent is completely different. Let’s use some weapons as an analogy. The representative of the Heavenly King-level trainer who can defeat opponents of the same level With a ton of explosives, then a Heavenly King-level trainer who can defeat an opponent of the same level represents a nuclear bomb, and the comparison between the two in terms of heavyweight is completely different.

The meaning of the Heavenly King-level Ability Trainer is often a "Heavenly King-level Trainer who can kill opponents of the same level". When facing the Heavenly King-level Ability Trainer, it is almost impossible to escape, unless it is those who specialize in it. Only Heavenly King-level trainers who are good at ability-type elves have a certain possibility. Such Heavenly Kings trainers are often able, otherwise their achievements are generally limited. , after all, no matter how fast you run, you can't move faster than others in an instant. You can chase you until you are exhausted. In a frontal battle, the opponent can easily escape if you can't beat it. Otherwise, if you can't beat it, you will die.

That's right, the Heavenly King-level Ability Trainer is just so shameless, so dangling, so tall, rich and handsome, people are born to be able to press you steadily, unless you have any special adventures and gain some special abilities to compete with it. , otherwise this life is doomed to be crushed to death by others.

Today, Soros is faced with such an unsolvable situation. His original plan was that once he could not defeat the opponent head-on, he would use these idiots behind him and sacrifice the 6 sharks to hold the opponent down. Then he waited for the opportunity to escape, but when Ryuzaki Shinji, a trainer of the Heavenly King-level capable person, found that his previous plan was a joke, except to defeat the opponent head-on and then leave, it seemed that there was no other way to choose.

"Hello, Your Excellency, I am Soros, the deputy leader of Desert Fang. I am very happy to meet you. We have no ill intentions, we just want to leave the ruins. If possible, can you give us Desert Fang a face and let us leave? What?" Although he felt very shameless and the success rate was not high, Soros bravely squeezed out a smile and said to Ryuzaki Shinji first.

"..." Seeing that the other party actually surrendered without fighting, Ryuzaki Shinji smiled slightly, and stared at Soros's eyes with purple awns.

"Hissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss of the Aboriginals on Ryuzaki Shinji stretched forward a little at this time, a pair of icy and ruthless scarlet snake eyes stared closely at a crowd of people in the desert who were sweating in cold sweat at this moment. The members of Ya, with deep greed in their eyes, snake letters kept coming in and out of their mouths, making waves of dreaded snake sounds.

For a whole minute, Ryuzaki Shinji remained silent, and as the greed in Abo's eyes became more and more intense, Soros and the members of the Desert Fang members felt like they were sitting on pins and needles, their bodies were tense, and they were ready to deal with it at any time. The opponent's sudden attack.

"Where's the toll?" An icy voice appeared in the hearts of Soros and the other members of the Desert Fang at the same time.

In an instant, Soros and the other members of the Desert Fang were shocked, and at the same time heaved a deep sigh of relief.

To be continued.......

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