Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 129: : Temple of Darkness (10)

Soros and the other members of the Desert Fang would also be very happy if they could break some money and eliminate disasters. They all knew very well that the other party did not make this decision because he was afraid of him. It's just, after all, they may be on the side of the slightly weaker side, and the odds of winning are very low, but it is not that they have no strength to fight back. On the contrary, once they are pressed, they can still do it steadily by tearing a few pieces of meat from the other side.

"This is natural, thank you for your tolerance, these are my road money." After hearing Ryuzaki Shinji's telepathic message, the last bit of luck in Soros's heart disappeared, and the smile on his face became brighter and brighter. Without thinking, he agreed to Ryuzaki Shinji's request, directly took out a space bag with a volume of more than 30 square meters from the space equipment on his body, and handed it to Ryuzaki Shinji. (Space equipment can store space equipment, so trainers usually only need to bring one piece of space equipment to store a large number of items, which is very convenient.)

Ryuzaki Shinji was not polite, raised his right hand, and bent his index finger to the space bag that Soros took out. He used his mind power to bring the space bag in front of him, and after a little check on the contents of the space bag, under the mask A satisfied smile suddenly appeared on his face, and after nodding to Soros in front of him, he threw the space pack into the surrounding open space in front of a group of members of the Desert Fang, and immediately flew into the space in mid-air. The bag was destroyed by invisible mind power, and a large amount of treasure inside suddenly leaked out from the broken space bag.

After a while, a small mountain of treasure appeared in the clearing, radiating a beautiful glow under the surrounding light.

The entire space bag was stuffed with a lot of glittering ancient gold coins and various colorful gems. Soros was also quite generous, and he directly gave away most of his income from the treasure mountain. If the treasure in the space bag was Taking action from human society is worth at least several hundred million, enough for a small force to struggle for several years without food or drink.

Soros actually handed over so many tolls among the other members of the Tooth of the Desert, and Ryuzaki Shinji also deliberately released Soros’s tolls for display. Take most of the proceeds from the ruins.

One by one, they respectfully passed through Ryuzaki Shinji and Aboguai, and then walked to the small treasure mountain and took out their share of the road money with a heartache. The contribution of the growth of the treasure mountain is not much, but they can't bear the large number of them. Each of them contributes a little. The size of the treasure mountain is also rising. Large treasure mountain.

"Sure enough, the fastest way to get money is robbery. These people from the Desert Fang are really rich. It seems that they have gained a lot from the ruins." Looking at the golden treasure mountain in front of him, even Ryuzaki Shinji Strong self-control, he couldn't help but take a deep breath at this time, secretly shocked by the huge wealth in front of him. At this time, the treasure mountain was worth at least one billion, which was more than the treasure he had exchanged for his life in the seabed of the sunken cemetery. Much more.

"My God, there are so many gold coins, so many gems, this, so many treasures, how much are these worth?" Christina on the side looked at the treasure mountain beside her with a shocked and intoxicated expression. At this time, her eyes also changed. A gleam of gold, Christina swore she had never seen so much money even in the family treasury.

Christina, who used to be the eldest daughter, knows that such a huge wealth is enough for a large power to spend a few years on a daily basis. If it is used well, it is not impossible to develop a medium power in a short period of time. After all, after the money hits a certain level, it is not impossible to get through the gods.

"My vision and decision are indeed correct. It is right to follow this man. This man has ambition, strength, and now he has money. As long as he can leave this island alive, he will definitely become a disruptor on the mainland. People." Christina was also obsessed with the treasure mountain for a while, and she quickly turned her attention to the owner of the treasure mountain, and the look in her eyes was even more dazzling than when she looked at the treasure mountain.

"Hissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss it sss it in front of him he was also attracted by the golden treasure mountain in front of him, I don't know why, he was suddenly very interested in the shiny things in front of him, he couldn't help but wanted to "hold" them In his arms, he stopped focusing on those weak bugs, and set off directly to the front of the treasure mountain, and then used the huge body to coil the treasure mountain in a circle, and suddenly, a burst of gold coins "crash" The voice sounded, and in the end, Abo Monster successfully wrapped his body around the mountain of treasure that had shrunk a lot, and the huge snake head lay comfortably on the top of the mountain of treasure.

Seeing the strange behavior of Abo, Shinji Ryuzaki also nodded helplessly, because Soros and the other members of the Desert Fang had already paid the money, so Shinji Ryuzaki also revoked the payment to them. Hostility, there is actually a strange "harmony" in the current scene, and there is no trace of the previous tension.

"It seems that your heavenly king-level elf is quite satisfied with the sincerity we gave. It's getting late, so we won't disturb your Excellency, so let's say goodbye." Taking advantage of the calming down, Soros also struck while the iron was hot, and immediately confronted the dragon. Saki Shinji said that he wanted to leave.

"No problem, please, I still have things to do, so I won't send you." Ryuzaki Shinji also nodded wisely, and led Christina to make a way for Soros and the other members of the Desert Fang to pass. .

Ryuzaki Shinji took the initiative to make a way. Soros immediately understood when he saw this, and went through quickly with the Bite Land Shark who had been protecting him all the time. When passing by Ryuzaki Shinji, Soros deliberately looked obscurely. Glancing at the back of Ryuzaki Shinji who hadn't turned around from the beginning to the end, there was a hint of imperceptible coldness in his eyes.

"We will definitely meet again. At that time, I will ask you to spit out all the things you took from me today." Soros thought bitterly, this time, he was disgraced in front of his hands. .

After the members of the Desert Fang reluctantly glanced at the golden treasure mountain for the last time, they also followed in Soros's footsteps and soon disappeared into the dark passage.

"They must still have a lot of treasure on them~www.readwn.com~ I really hope they will all be called out." Seeing all the members of the Desert Fang disappear in front of her eyes, Christina also has some regrets facing Ryuzaki Makoto. Two said.

"The rabbits will bite people when they are in a hurry, not to mention the members of the Desert Fang, I have made them feel very resentful by forcing them to hand over most of the interests in their hands. When they are really in the same hatred, press harder. , they are about to fight back. Although I am not afraid, I will definitely pay a lot of money afterwards. At least the next journey of exploration will be impossible to continue. It is very good to be able to get so many things without a fight. , The only pity may be, forget it, let's not talk about it, let's hurry up and clean up our things." Ryuzaki Shinji shook his head and said with a smile.

The only thing that made Ryuzaki Shinji feel a pity was that he could not find out the reason for the strange situation of the fiercely biting land shark. He vaguely felt that he seemed to have missed something very important.

The two of them didn't waste any time. They took out several large-capacity space equipment from their bodies, and stuffed them all into the treasure mountain. Ryuzaki Shinji took the road and became king this time. This time, the exploration of the ruins has made a huge profit. .

To be continued.....

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