Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 130: : Temple of Darkness (11)

A few minutes later, Ryuzaki Shinji and Christina happily packed up a large mountain of treasures. Among them, Ryuzaki Shinji did not treat the healing trainer who had been silently working behind him. 10% of the "trophies" obtained were given to Christina, and Ryuzaki Shinji's practice directly led to Christina's smirk and bright eyes in the process of cleaning up the treasure mountain.

"I've made a fortune. With these treasures, after I go back, I can have the capital to revive the glory of the family. Lord Ryuzaki is really generous. There is absolutely nothing wrong with following him. At that time, we must try to pull all the clansmen as dragons as much as possible. The forces established by Mr. Qi." Looking at a ruby ​​that shone brightly and was the size of an egg in her hand, Christina was smiling like a flower at this time, her mouth could not be closed, and she thought to herself.

"Okay, let's go, let's go to the passage on the left." After cleaning up, Ryuzaki Shinji took the resentful Aberdeen back to the Poké Ball, then clapped the dust in his hands, turned around and smirked at the side. Christina said.

Hearing what Ryuzaki Shinji just said, Christina suddenly recovered from her intoxication, and then looked at Ryuzaki Shinji with a surprised expression. She remembered that Ryuzaki Shinji listened to her and chose the middle path. , why have you changed your mind now?

"There are a lot of people entering the left and right aisles. Since the people in the right aisle have gained so much, the people in the left aisle must not be too bad. As for the treasures in the middle aisle, don't worry, they won't run away by themselves anyway. It’s not too late to get it after you’ve finished getting the road money.” Seeing Christina’s pretty face full of colons at this time, Ryuzaki Shinji explained with a smile.

After the extortion of Soros and the members of the Desert Fang, Ryuzaki Shinji also came to his senses. Fei Lai was very happy, and the extortion just now was only a special case. Not everyone can have a king-level elf like Soros, who came to the ruins to explore. Trainers at the level of heavenly kings, in general, in front of Ryuzaki Shinji, almost none of these people can fight, and it is the right way to plunder resources directly from these people.

"Then let's go, Ryuzaki-sama." Christina is not stupid either, she just woke up after hearing half of Ryuzaki Shinji's words. After Ryuzaki Shinji finished explaining, she immediately said with great interest.

"If nothing unexpected, the generous Ryuzaki-sama will also give her some of the spoils. It's great." Christina's eyes glowed as she thought, this well-bred young lady, After the subtle influence of Ryuzaki Shinji, her thinking has gradually changed to the direction of business without capital, and she has been damaged by Ryuzaki Shinji.

No nonsense, Heluga and Electric Firefly continued to explore the road ahead, Ryuzaki Shinji and Christina turned to the left and went deeper into the channel on the left.

As everyone knows, what Ryuzaki Shinji is waiting for next is not a fat sheep that he can slaughter, but a fierce battle.


When Ryuzaki Shinji and Christina gradually moved towards the end of the left passage, the battle at the end of the passage also entered a white-hot stage.

The Shinigami Pavilion, which has the strength of the elves at the peak level of the quasi-kings, performed extremely well on the battlefield. The scale of the battle it was fighting at this time was the largest on the battlefield. A large number of clay puppet soldiers are not afraid of life and death to attack it one after another, but they encountered Waterloo in front of the mummy army controlled by the death hall. Relying on their own powerful group fighting ability to use corpses to continuously create mummies, the death hall almost relies on With his own power, he blocked the numerous mud puppet troops from the stone gate.

Although the single strength of the mummy is slightly inferior to that of the mud puppet soldiers, every time a mud puppet soldier falls, another mummy will be born. Soldiers, wrapped in the white bandages with the power of death in the death hall, the defeated clay puppet soldiers quickly stood up again, and then picked up the butcher's knife against their former companions.

However, due to the large number of mud puppet soldiers, these mud puppet soldiers kept coming out of the dark passages in some walls, and then quickly reinforced the front line under the command of the mud puppet giant. The birth of a mummy mud puppet soldier consumes a part of its energy. In the case of many mud puppet soldiers who are not afraid of death, the distance it drags the mud puppet soldiers close to the stone gate is getting shorter and shorter, and it will not be long. , it is unable to resist the pace of the mud puppet army.

On the other side, Yan Kai, Aiya, and Mecca, who were dragged into the battlefield by unfortunate circumstances, were also fighting an arduous battle.

At this time, it is a powerful shelling ninja who is fighting against Yan Kai. This shelling ninja is surrounded by a constant energy shield. The shield value is very high, which is equivalent to giving the shelling ninja a lot of virtual life. It can withstand a lot of damage with outstanding effects for the Shelling Ninja. In addition, this Shelling Ninja does not know what method it uses, and it can still attach its characteristic magical protection to this constant energy shield, so This energy shield formed by pure ghost-type energy can only be damaged by ghost-type and evil-type attacks.

Shelling Ninja has the attributes of ghost and bug. With the help of the magical guardian, he will only be attacked by moves from fire, ghost, rock, flying and evil. Damage, now under the protection of the energy shield on his body, this weakness is only the ghost type and the evil type. (Note: The effect of the magical guardian feature is: only moves with outstanding effects can break through the defense, thus hurting the shelling ninja with only 1HP.)

The fighting method of the Shelling Ninja is actually very simple, and it seems to be just a behind-the-scenes controlled by other behind-the-scenes. It has no self-awareness, and its actions are very rigid. The moves it will use come and go. It is to defend, and the other is shadow ball, but after these two moves are combined with its energy shield, Shelling Ninja has almost become a terrible existence that cannot be hurt.

"Bang bang bang~~" Under a burst of energy, Yan Kai used the shield of the strong shield sword monster against a large number of shadow **** launched by the shelling ninja and quickly approached the shelling ninja, and was about two meters away from the shelling ninja. After that, the giant sword hidden behind him immediately made a horizontal slash, and in an instant, the giant sword wrapped in pure ghost-type energy flew out a half-moon cut composed of ghost-type energy.

Banyue Zhan flew very fast, and in the blink of an eye, it immediately appeared in front of the stern shelling ninja, "Keng Keng Keng ~ ~" a sound of sword and shield clashing appeared, and the shadow slash made by the strong shield sword monster (The use of shadow claw changes) is on the ghost energy shield of Shelling Ninja.

A burst of sparks appeared, and Shadow Slash finally broke through the defense of the energy shield, but the next second was the sound of sword and shield clashing. Holding on to the ultimate move, the shadow that was almost incapable of being followed was firmly defended, and then ~www.readwn.com~ opened the distance again, and continued to suppress the Yan Armor with the seemingly endless shadow ball.

"Damn, it's the same again. What method do I need to use to successfully hit him? It would be nice if there was an elf with provocation skills in his hand." Seeing the Shelling Ninja once again used the defending skill to charge the sword monster with a strong shield. The Shadow Slash was resisted, and the panting Yan Kai's face became more and more gloomy. Now he finally met a little elf who could defend and counterattack more than the strong shield sword monster.

In fact, the well-informed Yan Kai also understands the peculiar elf of the Shelling Ninja, and understands how to deal with this elf. In the previous battle, he also let the sword monster use flying. Elemental moves (revolving attack), evil-type moves (secret attack), rock-type moves (rock collapse), ghost-type moves (shadow claws) are the moves he will use to deal with shelling ninjas. From the battle, he also found that only Only the moves of the evil and ghost types can break through the energy shield of the Shelling Ninja, but they have been unable to break the last defense of the Shelling Ninja: hold on to the trick.

In the next few minutes, Yan Kai and Shelling Ninja almost continued. In such a round-the-clock offensive and defensive battle, Yan Kai, whose physical strength became less and less, was about to be broken by the black hand who was controlling Shelling Ninja behind the scenes.

To be continued.....

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