Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 131: : Temple of Darkness (12)

At the same time that Yan Kai was searching for and defeating the Shelling Ninja, Aiya and Mecca were also struggling under the strong suppression of the cursed doll. Like the Shelling Ninja, the two faced the cursed doll of the night. Shi Yi did not consciously pull the string puppet, but compared to the Shelling Ninja with insufficient output ability but extremely powerful defense ability, the Cursed Doll was a very aggressive string puppet.

Just like its name, the strongest attack method of the curse doll is the powerful curse power contained in its inner body. The curse doll was originally an elf born from a powerful element attached to the doll, and this head is made of a huge crystal lamp. The cursed dolls created by Ling using part of the resentment he has accumulated over the past two thousand years are even more terrifying. Once the cursed power contained in his body is fully released, even the heavenly king-level elf will suffer huge damage.

It's just that the power of the curse is a double-edged sword after all. When the curser curses others, he also has to suffer great damage. For example, if he wants to use the curse to directly affect the lives of others, then he also has to bear it. Part of the damage, if the target of the curse is stronger than yourself, maybe you haven't been able to curse others to death, and you will die because you can't bear the price of the curse. There is no doubt that the curse is a kind of killing the enemy. One thousand and eight hundred extreme means.

The giant crystal lantern is indeed an evil spirit that has lived for thousands of years. In the long seal time of more than two thousand years, in order to solve boredom and loneliness, it also put a lot of energy on the exploration and development of its own power. , Among them, the use of the power of the curse is one of the themes of his research. After a lot of practical research and exploration, his use of the power of the curse is also the pinnacle. He found that as long as the power of the curse is not directly used to act on the cursed object At the same time, the cost of backlash is relatively much smaller, and as long as some minor costs are attached with the help of foreign objects, the negative effects of the curse can be completely avoided.

As a result, the giant crystal lantern decided to create some false life to sacrifice for his curse behavior, and the curse doll, a ghost-type elf that can convert resentment into the power of curse, was also selected by him. How to create a curse Doll, Crystal Lantern also worked hard. After countless failures, he finally succeeded in using his huge resentment and a small piece of soul fragment to successfully make a stone similar to a human shape into the first one. Head cursed doll puppet.

Due to the material made of stone, the first cursed doll puppet lost the ability of the ghost-type elf to hover on the ground and immune to ordinary attacks, and the movement speed was extremely slow, barely acting as a curse. Victims, but after several generations of improvement, the giant crystal lantern finally used resentment, intact soul fragments and decayed wood blocks to create the current cursed doll puppet.

This cursed doll puppet is indistinguishable from the cursed doll born in the wild except for its lack of self-awareness and its inability to learn curses. If there is a slight difference, this cursed doll puppet is more afraid of flame attacks.

The cursed doll puppet that appeared in front of Aiya and Mecca at this time is an upgraded version of the giant crystal lantern from the original cursed doll puppet. This time, it uses a puppet and trainer with a high degree of completion. Created by the fresh soul and the resentment of the giant crystal lantern, it is the most satisfying work of the giant crystal lantern at present.

The three soul light **** have been revolving around the cursed doll. At this time, the cursed doll was holding several different kinds of hairs. It took out a hair belonging to Aiya and swallowed it in its mouth. Start using this hair as a medium to curse the enemy, and at this time, one of the three soul light spheres will split into a small piece of soul fragment, which is used as a backlash to bear the curse, and the next moment, Aiya, whose face was extremely pale, immediately covered her stomach and cried out in pain.

"Damn, it's like this again, it hurts." The curse was planted by the cursed doll, and Aiya suddenly felt as if she had been hit hard by a heavy hammer in the stomach, and the heart-piercing pain instantly stimulated her entire nerves.

Seeing Aiya's appearance like this, the platypus beast protecting her immediately raised two jets of flames in its hands, and fired two jets of flames at the cursed doll that had stopped temporarily in front of her. But, at this time, The straight bear, who was protecting his trainer with him, suddenly attacked him, directly interrupting his attack, and the cursed doll in front also showed a gloomy smile and once again showed many ghosts. Surrounded by others.

"The only ability this ghost has displayed so far is curse, but its curse ability is very strange. In addition to the curse that can directly hurt the enemy, it also has a curse that causes the enemy to fall into an abnormal state. My straight bear He used the curse to throw him into a state of confusion just now." Mecca said apologetically to Aiya, who was still sweating while covering her stomach.

After a period of confrontation, Mecca also gradually found out the ability of the curse doll, but his current condition is also very bad. One of his legs is abnormally twisted, which is obviously broken.

"Are there any other discoveries? If this goes on, the two trainers of us will be killed by this ghastly thing. It has attacked us more and more times, and it seems to have had enough." Aiya Standing up with difficulty, looking at the ghosts around him, he said with an ugly face.

During this period of time, Aiya and Mecca have lost two elves in a row. They were all in a state of near-death by the curse of the cursed doll without the ability to resist. In Aiya's understanding~www .readwn.com~ This powerful cursed doll was able to use the curse to kill the two trainers very soon, but cursed the two of them from time to time, seemingly deliberately playing with them.

"One thing is for sure, the time and number of times this guy uses curses is limited, and he also needs something on us as a medium for curses. In one minute, he can only use curse skills twice in a row at most, Also, I think your guess is correct, it no longer wants to play with us, and there is not much time left for us to think about how to defeat it." Mecca thought for a while, and said himself with a wry smile. some guesses.

In fact, Mecca, who is very experienced in combat, has thought of at least two ways to defeat the cursed doll. The first is to let a elf with provocation skills temporarily seal the cursed doll's curse skills. The second is to let A elf with magic reflection skills fired back the curse of the cursed doll, but unfortunately, the two did not have the conditions for one of the two methods in their hands.

Without waiting for the two to continue to discuss, after a minute, the curse doll once again used the curse skill on them, and once the target was Mecca, whose mobility was severely damaged.

To be continued...

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