Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 132: : Temple of Darkness (13)

A sense of deadly threat came. He had been walking in the crisis-ridden desert all these years, and he was used to the Mecca of life and death. He knew that the other party was really going to kill him this time.

"Please, Hudi, flash the cursed doll." Although he knew that the success rate was not high, Mecca, who was in a life-and-death crisis, decided to give it a try. He immediately opened a Hudi Pokeball in his hand, and then let Hu Di, who had already communicated with him by telepathy, used the flashing trick.

I saw that in this dazzling white light, a man with bright hair appeared. As soon as he appeared, the spoons in his hands suddenly crossed, and the dazzling white light burst out from the two spoons. For a time, the surrounding environment Immediately illuminated by this sudden strong light, at this time, all the creatures who had adapted to the dark environment suddenly fell into blindness, and some ghost-type elves who were particularly sensitive to strong light even sent out bursts of painful mourning. Call.

The cursed doll, who has been focusing on the buyer, was the first to bear the brunt of Hu Di's sudden flashing move. The dazzling white light came, and his eyes suddenly fell into blindness. It also followed, a feeling of dizziness suddenly appeared, and the cursed doll couldn't help but closed his eyes habitually, the original concentration suddenly became distracted, and the process of the curse was immediately interrupted.

"Ah~~~" In the room behind Shimen, the huge crystal lamp Huo Ling also screamed when the curse was interrupted. The curse doll was equivalent to a pair of eyes outside him, and the effect of the flashing move also directly affected the The strong light on his body also blinded his eyes. Although he indirectly cursed with the help of the curse doll puppet, in fact the real curser was still him. Now that the curse was interrupted, he also had to suffer the backlash of the curse. , the whole body trembled constantly.

There was a situation on the side of the huge crystal lamp and fire spirit, and the puppets of the elf who were controlled by his single-mindedness also immediately appeared in various situations of sudden jams and crashes.

"Good chance, Aiya, hurry up and let your platypus attack, use the most powerful move." Seeing that the move he imagined successfully caught the enemy by surprise, Mecca, who felt that the sense of crisis had disappeared, immediately Aiya, who was also temporarily unable to open her eyes because of the strong light, said.

"The platypus, at 1 o'clock, the big character explosion with the greatest power on the cursed doll, please, you must hit it." Aiya also knew that the opportunity was rare, and immediately took out a pair of sunglasses from her body and put it on, Then he issued an order to the platypus beast beside him.

The platypus, who had not communicated beforehand, was also hit with the flashing skill. Hearing the solemn tone of his trainer, he immediately opened his eyes, the fire energy in his body was fully activated, and for a while, a black flame burned from him. , and then raised the flamethrower in his hand towards the space at 1 o'clock in front, and two huge black characters burst out from the two flamethrower immediately.

The temperature of the black flame has already exceeded the thousand-degree mark, and the temperature of the surrounding space suddenly began to soar rapidly because of this powerful high-temperature flame. The big character explosion did not hit the cursed doll head-on, but because the cursed doll that was temporarily stuck and died did not make any evasive actions, it still hit the edge and kept the cursed doll in the explosion range of the flame.

Under the powerful flames, the puppet body of the cursed doll began to burn ragingly. After a while, the evil puppet born from resentment was purified by the flames. The beast showed the powerful explosive output of the fire elf.

The influence of Mecca Hudi's flashing skill is still fermenting, and it is not only the Cursed Doll who is stuck in a state of death now, but also the Shelling Ninja who is clinging to Yanjiao.

"Nice job, Mecca, your assist is amazing." Seeing Mecca ordering Hu Di to use this flashing trick, he instantly reversed the situation. The ninja also stopped and crashed, but Yan Kai, who had already had a stomach full of malice in his body, immediately seized the opportunity to fight back.

Feeling the vented anger in the master's heart, a powerful ghost energy immediately emerged from the sword body of the Sword Monster with a strong shield. In an instant, a black light that was extremely conspicuous in the white light immediately wrapped the fitness of the Sword Monster with a Strong Shield. .

"Drink~~, go to hell, you disgusting thing." Yan Kai let out a foul language, jumped hard two meters before the shelling ninja, and then held the sword in both hands, from top to bottom, still maintaining a constant body The shelling ninja with the ghost-type energy shield slashed.

"Keng~, hiss~" A sound of sword and shield appeared first, followed by a sound of shredding.

"Pagoda." Yan Kai stepped on the ground steadily with both feet, still holding the sword in both hands, his face was extremely serious.

"Clang~~" A second later, Yan Kai inserted the sword body of the sword monster with a strong shield on the ground, and just after the sound fell, the shelling ninja who was still in the air immediately split into two halves and fell in response.

Not only Aiya, Mecca, and Yan Kai defeated their opponents, but the other chapters also made a dramatic comeback because of a sudden burst of light.

The blackened clay puppet giant is also one of the puppets of the huge crystal lamp fire spirit. It was originally in the battle of the silver-white clay puppet giant. However, because of the huge crystal lamp and the fire spirit, there was also a situation where the machine got stuck for a while, and the scarred silver-white clay doll giant was taking advantage of your illness to kill you, directly facing the blackened clay doll giant in a state of death. A flurry of hammering.

In the end, the silver-white clay doll giant, like Yan Kai and others, staged a great comeback, which broke the blackened clay doll giant into pieces.

The situation of the death hall and the two flower rock monsters is also not optimistic~www.readwn.com~ These three extremely evil ghost-type elves are far more sensitive to strong light than ordinary ghost-type elves, almost at the point of seeing light. Dead Edge series.

The death hall was forced to retreat by the strong light, and even its army of mummies was no match for it. They desperately tried to hide in those dark areas. The result of this was naturally that all the mummies were out of control for a while. They were destroyed and leveled by the army of mud puppets who were not sensitive to light intensity. Then, under the command of some mud puppet giants, they quickly walked to the stone door that was about to be fully opened, and started to close the door little by little. .

The choices made by the two-headed rock monsters were similar to those of the Shinigami Pavilion. They also left their opponents directly and quickly flew to the dark corner to hide. The scarred Hattori Daizo and Pierce also breathed a sigh of relief. Showing the intention to retreat, taking advantage of the opportunity that the opponent is not entangled, he started to retreat little by little with a few scarred elves.

The battle is really fast-changing, one moment is hell, the next moment is heaven, the change is too fast, but one thing is certain, the flashing trick of Mecca's Hu Di is too crucial, it is to reverse this. The key to the form of the battle, this hand operation has a full score, and the MVP deserves its name.

To be continued...

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