Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 137: : curtain call (middle)

The Dragon Wave hit by Abo Monster's attack, and the huge crystal lamp Huo Ling was also a stump, forcibly moved several meters away by the powerful impact of the Energy Poison Dragon.

However, Jiang is still old and hot. At the critical moment, the huge crystal lamp Huo Ling also used a large number of surrounding soul flames to condense into a solid flame shield, which greatly weakened the fluctuation of the dragon from the Abo monster to a minimum. .

After stabilizing the figure, the eyes of the giant crystal lantern were bright red, and the soul flames around the Abo monster suddenly soared and began to gather together quickly. Jie Jie Jie~" In the terrifying laughter, he swallowed the Abo monster into his mouth.

After the flame grimace ate the Abo monster, a flaming rope instantly wrapped the Abo monster from beginning to end. The temperature of the purple flame also broke through the tens of thousands of points in an instant under the infusion of a large amount of fire energy from the huge crystal lamp Huo Ling. Under the action of the power of flames that exudes an amazingly high temperature, the surrounding space begins to appear distorted and blurred, as if it is about to be melted.

At this time, the Abo monster, who was surrounded by flames, also showed a painful expression, but the dragon bloodline gave him a powerful fire resistance bonus, combined with the defense ability improvement brought by swallowing and defending the snake pattern, for a time, this The terrifying power of flames couldn't do him much damage. The only thing that made him feel uncomfortable was that these purple flames were like gangrene attached to the bones, and it was difficult for him to break free even if he struggled.

As the entanglement time of the flame rope increases, the fire damage suffered by the Aberdeen gradually increases, and the smell of burning begins to come from the Aberbeast's body.

The red glow in Huoling's eyes gradually faded, and the purple flame on a candlestick on his body dimmed a little again, as if it would go out at any time. Obviously, the trick he used to restrain Abo was also for him. Consumption is not small.

He sneered at Aboguai who was crawling in the sea of ​​fire and screaming in pain again and again: "The little guy who is over his head, since he wants to die in such a hurry, then I will fulfill you, my soul flame will Burn your filthy soul clean."

"Hmph, you'd better take care of yourself, old man, your opponent is not just the Abo monster." The sullen voice just appeared, and a distorted grimace appeared under the giant crystal lantern. appear in the shadows.

The moment the blood-red eyes opened in the ghost face, a shuttle-shaped shadow ball that still exuded a deep black light in the bright firelight flew out from the twisted mouth of the ghost face.

Seeing the savage Geng ghost sneaking into his shadow for a sneak attack without knowing it, the huge crystal lamp flashed in his mind, and with a sound of "Boom~", the flames of the remaining three bright candles on the body skyrocketed, and a purple flame shield Once again, his entire body was protected, and the sullen Gengar's shuttle-shaped shadow ball was also blocked by this flame shield.

But the grimace of the savage Geng Ghost also made a strange smile of "jijiji~~" when he saw this, and two shuttle-shaped shadow **** that were ready to launch flew out of the grimace's mouth, and the two The shuttle shadow sphere hits the exact same spot where the first shuttle shadow sphere hits the flame shield.

After the second shuttle-shaped shadow ball attacked, the power of flame at the position of the flame shield was weakened to the lowest level. The third shuttle-shaped shadow ball successfully broke through the defense of the flame shield and successfully hit Huge crystal lamp fire spirit, and also penetrated into the body of the huge crystal lamp fire spirit.

The next moment, Huo Ling's body suddenly swelled, and a large amount of purple flames burst out from his body that was leaking air.

The shadow ball of the suffocating Gengar exploded in his body, and the ghost-type energy that fused this part of the poison-type energy of the suffocating Geng Ghost was madly strung up in his body, causing the energy in his body to be temporarily out of balance. middle.

"Uh~~" The power does not allow the suffocating Geng Ghost to continue to take advantage of it. The huge crystal lamp and fire spirit endured the bursts of pain from the body, and sprayed a soul flame against the shadow under him, attacking the soul flame. Next, the grimacing face of the hostile Gengar was also instantly destroyed, but what he destroyed was nothing but a shadow clone of the hostile Gengar.

At the same time, after some twists and turns, the Abo monster also successfully used the molting to get rid of the beam of the flame rope. Taking advantage of the fact that the huge crystal lamp Huo Ling was in a state of energy imbalance in the body at this time, he is now once again against the giant The Crystal Lantern attacked.

But this time, the Abo monster came directly, with evil-type energy and a large amount of poison-type energy in his mouth. With one attack of poisonous bite, he directly hit the huge crystal lamp and fire spirit, and then bit one of his candlesticks fiercely. He threw him out, and then, followed by another wave of dragon waves.

The hostile Geng Ghost is also the master who likes to beat the Reserving Dogs, and cooperated with the Abo monster to suppress the huge crystal lamp Huo Ling for a while, but as the huge crystal lamp Huo Ling gradually calmed down, the situation gradually reversed.

Under the command of Ryuzaki Shinji, Abo and the savage Gengar were barely able to support them under the various strange moves of the huge crystal lantern.

On the other side, the golden clay puppet giant seemed to have gradually recovered from the sequelae of the shadow slash that he had just chopped out. He suddenly swung the saber in his hand, and broke free of the purple flame that wrapped him. The whirring huge crystal lantern, and the saber in his hand was once again wrapped in a layer of pure ghost energy.

After slashing out the shadow cut just now, the red glow in the eyes of the golden clay puppet giant also dimmed instantly. Obviously, the energy consumed by waving a move is amazing.

After all, thousands of years have passed, and the golden clay puppet giant has survived to the present day with the help of intermittent sleep and standby. Usually, even if an intruder enters the temple, he does not need to take action himself. Usually, it can be achieved with a large number of clay puppet soldiers. It was easy to solve, but the enemy he faced was a powerful magical beast sealed by the giant crystal lantern, and when the other party wanted to destroy the temple, he had to do it himself.

But after two full-strength dimensional shadow slashes, the energy in the golden clay puppet giant's body has also declined to the bottom. According to his own estimation, he can only launch dimensional shadow slashes twice at most. Insufficient and mandatory to enter the standby state.

Seeing that the golden clay puppet giant wanted to attack the giant crystal lantern again and again, Shinji Ryuzaki, who had been observing the giant crystal lantern, his face sank, and regardless of whether the other party could understand, he immediately used telepathy. In response to the golden clay puppet giant's voice transmission: "Wait a minute, the clay puppet giant, you shouldn't be able to use the powerful energy slashes just now, don't rush to use it, wait for my two little elves to knock his The weird evasion ability just now was forced out, and it's not too late to use it again."

It seems that he understood what Ryuzaki Shinji said using telepathy, and the saber-cutting sword that was raised in the hands of the golden clay puppet giant was gently lowered, and then he continued to stare at the white-hot battle group in front of him. It's already the fifth time that Abo and the savage Geng Ghost plundered the formation~www.readwn.com~. How many times is his limit? "Ryuzaki Shinji protected himself with a super power shield, while spreading his spiritual power to the entire battlefield, paying close attention to the battle situation.

Judging from the current fighting situation, Shinji Ryuzaki is very clear in his heart that the strength of the savage Genggui and Abo Monster alone is not enough to defeat the Crystal Lantern Spirit, who is at the peak of the mid-level Heavenly King in front of him. Killing the opponent is simply a fantasy. Don't look at the fact that the hostile Geng Ghost and Abo are in contact with the giant crystal lantern. It's just an illusion.

From the battle till now, both the savage Gengar and the Abo are already scarred, but the giant crystal lantern has not suffered much damage except for the further weakening of its breath. Every time he uses the shield created by the fire energy to offset most of it, and when the flame shield cannot be offset, he uses the flame jump to dodge, and does not give the hostile Geng ghost and Abo monster any chance to further damage him.

If it weren't for the powerful move that the golden clay giant had mastered the final word, maybe Ryuzaki Shinji was already thinking about how to get out.

To be continued...

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