Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 138: : curtain call (below)

In the battlefield, after gradually getting used to the fighting style of the savage Genggar and Abo, the attack of the giant crystal lamp became more and more violent and unscrupulous. He already knew that the two low-level elfs of the peak level of the low-level kings were entangled with him. It is impossible to beat him, at most it can only make him slightly injured.

As long as it continues like this, the giant crystal lamp and fire spirit believes that the elf cultivated by these two human beings will kill themselves due to the deterioration of their own injuries. The only thing that makes him troublesome is the toxins in each other.

Especially the toxin of the Aboriginal monster, if he had not been able to control the energy in his body to the point of meticulousness, and he had not been able to realize that he was in the battle, the other party would have poisoned him unconsciously, and it was still a kind of An extremely secret toxin, and what is even more terrifying is that this toxin has accumulated to a certain extent in his body.

Knowing that this is a special ability of the other party, the huge crystal lamp fire spirit also immediately used its own violent fire energy to temper the entire body inside and out, and finally succeeded in destroying the lurking seeds of the Abo monster. To get rid of the poison, it is also to use a mysterious guardian to prevent himself from being poisoned. The giant crystal lantern is also glad that he found it early, otherwise if the other party continues to accumulate toxins in his body, he may capsize in the gutter, forever. Fame is in vain.

Now the only thing that can make him feel threatened is the golden clay puppet giant grazing on the side. The opponent's move can cut the energy of space, and the huge crystal lamp and fire spirit are still vivid at this time. If he didn't decide fast enough, use it in time Flame jumped to dodge, otherwise he would have been defeated and died in the confrontation with the golden clay doll giant just now.

However, he also discovered the weakness of the golden clay puppet giant. The price for the opponent to use this move is too high. After using this move, it took several minutes to regain his breath. In view of this, the combat experience The extremely rich huge crystal lamp Huo Ling naturally knows that the opponent is likely to be able to use at most two more moves, or even one energy slash.

"Hehehe~~, I want to use the two wastes in front of me to force out all my trump cards. It's too naive, human boy, or I'll still have a good time with you. Anyway, I'm not in a hurry, just delay it. "After passing some clues and conjectures, the cunning giant crystal lantern was clear about Ryuzaki Shinji's plan, and he couldn't help sneering in his heart, and then continued to suppress the hostile Geng ghost and Abo monster in front of him, and continued to increase the opponent's body. The scars continue to expand their advantages.

The huge crystal lamp Huo Ling mobilized the huge fire energy in the body to create a flame shield skillfully again, and then used the flame shield to block the shadow ball emitted from the edge of the shadow by the savage Gengar, and at the same time several shadows The ball also appeared around him, and as soon as he thought about it, these shadow **** immediately hit several shadow clones of the savage Geng Ghost who wanted to touch and attack through stealth.

Taking advantage of the hostile Geng Ghost temporarily holding back the giant crystal lamp and fire spirit, Abo Monster also seized the opportunity to quickly use three charging skills, and then used the swallowing skills. A lot of damage began to scab quickly, and a lot of snake scales that fell off also regrew, and the breath of life quickly became stronger again.

This is the second time that Abo Monster has used the two moves of accumulating power and swallowing to recover from the injury in this battle. The price is that Abo Monster's body has lost a whole circle now, and his fighting ability has also declined.

After recovering from his injuries, Abo, who became even more hungry, held back his hunger and continued to obey Ryuzaki Shinji's orders to go forward and entangle the giant crystal lantern, and the injuries on his body began to accumulate again.

"Hold on, the opponent has already used that kind of evasion ability 8 times, as long as you force him to use this kind of dodge ability again, the battle will soon turn around, Genggui, go and support the Abo monster!" The cypress was beaten like a sandbag by the huge crystal lantern spirit. Ryuzaki Shinji's eyes were splitting, but he still restrained his inner anger and commanded with gritted teeth.

The golden clay puppet giant still stood motionless like a mountain on the edge of the battlefield, staring at the giant crystal lamp and fire spirit, the saber in his hand had once again been raised high, and once again poured a large amount of pure ghost energy into it. In the saber, as long as there are some flaws in the huge crystal lantern, he may at any time launch a fatal thunder strike on the huge crystal lantern.

The battle has entered the white-hot stage, and the giant crystal lantern has also devoted all of its attention to this battle. Except for the two king-level elves of Ryuzaki Shinji and the golden clay doll giant, it is impossible to estimate. his stuff.

Just at the place where the giant crystal lantern was ignored, some little people who were also ignored by him were trying their best to escape. Yan Kai, Aiya and Pierce, these three trainers who survived the space crack crisis, at this time they In the room where the giant crystal lantern was originally imprisoned, besides the three of them, Christina, who did not appear with Ryuzaki Shinji, was also here.

When Ryuzaki Shinji was fighting with the giant crystal lantern, Ryuzaki Shinji also forgot about these wild armors and those who knew the cause and effect. After some telepathic communication, especially from Pierce, he got a lot of information about the huge crystal lantern from Pierce. After the information of the spirit, Ryuzaki Shinji suddenly wanted to use the sealed props that bound the huge crystal lamp and fire spirit.

After being treated by Christina, the nurse, Yan Kai and others quickly recovered their fighting power, and then followed Ryuzaki Shinji's order to circle around the battlefield and secretly entered the room where the giant crystal lamp was sealed.

"How is it, can it still be used? You have to hurry up, or Ryusaki-sama will be defeated, and we will all die." Christina said anxiously to Pierce who was fiddling with something on the ground.

At this time, Pierce's whole face was swollen like a boiled pig's head, which was completely inconsistent with the suave appearance before, but now he didn't care about his appearance at all, and wholeheartedly faced the large number of special features scattered on the ground. Sow checked.

The person who unlocked the bell must be tied to the bell. As the person who opened the seal of the giant crystal lantern, Pierce also knew how to seal the giant crystal lantern again, but unfortunately, three of the four soul crystals were broken because of the huge crystal lantern. It was destroyed when the seal was opened, and only the black crystal on the top of the head was well preserved.

"Very good, these two soul locks can still be used, hurry up, you help me remove the complete black crystal on the head." After a careful inspection of all soul locks, Pierce was pleasantly surprised. said.

Yan Kai and Aiya nodded when they heard the words. In order to survive, they also temporarily put aside their prejudice against Pierce and let the two flying elves in their hands remove the black crystal above their heads from the wall~www.readwn.com~ There is only one black crystal and two chains left, can it work? Taking off the black crystal, Aya, who was worried in her heart, questioned Pierce angrily to the bruised face.

"..." Pierce chose to remain silent when he heard Aiya's questioning. In fact, he didn't know if he could succeed. After all, there was only one soul crystal left to provide Bo Soul Lock energy, and there were also two Bo Soul Locks left. The success rate of being able to seal the huge crystal lantern again is extremely low.

"No matter what, you must try it. That lord is fighting desperately outside, and we must also do our part, especially you, Pierce, this time is because of you, this action, you You must do your best." At this time, the most stable and mature Yan Kai struggled to lift the black crystal from the ground, turned his head and said to Pierce.

"Hmph, you don't need to say this, I also know that we are grasshoppers on a rope now, and I will do my best." Pierce replied firmly, for the sake of his best partner, the Dark Night Demon, he must Reseal or kill the giant crystal lantern.

To be continued...

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