Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 139: : curtain call (final)

The battle has been going on for nearly 45 minutes, and the hostile Gengar and Abo are almost at their limit, and the giant crystal lantern Huoling was also severely damaged by the fight between the two elves.

But his appearance at this time is much better than that of Ryuzaki Shinji's two elves. There are basically no scars on his body. If it is not for the flames of the four candlesticks on his body have disappeared and the candle in the center is also dim. His faceless appearance betrayed him, and he was still alive and well.

"I know this old monster is very strong, but this is too strong. How strong is his willpower? My soul magic sound has been secretly activated against him for nearly 40 minutes. It doesn't work, **** it!!" The sullen Geng Ghost hiding in the corner of the shadow gritted his teeth and thought.

The scarlet eyes stared hatefully at the huge figure that was beating the Abo monster. As soon as he gritted his teeth, the shadow body on his body split into a few **** again, and then turned into a shadow clone and touched the Abo monster through stealth to relieve the pressure of the Abo monster.

Due to the extensive use and destruction of the shadow clones, the shadow body of the suffocating Geng Ghost has shrunk by half, and the breath is also temporarily from the peak level of the low-level king to the trough of the low-level king, almost to the point where the low-level king falls to the peak of the quasi-celestial king. Boundary.

Since launching a latent poison had no effect, Aboguai, the poisoner, already knew that the poison he had planted on the opponent had been discovered and eliminated, so he no longer chose to accumulate poison and take the opportunity to kill him. other side.

Aboguai used his provocation skills to prevent the giant crystal lantern and Huoling from using the mysterious bodyguard, a skill to defend against his poisonous invasion, and then tried to directly poison the opponent.

Abo Monster changed his fighting style in this way, and immediately caused huge trouble for the giant crystal lantern. Because he has no poison attribute, although his own anti-poison ability is more than enough for ordinary poison elf, he can almost do it. To be immune, but want to pardon the poison of the king-level poison-type elves, it is a little weak.

He had been easily planted with toxins by the Abo monster before, and now the other party used his provocation skills to make his mysterious guardian unable to continue to use it. Therefore, the huge crystal lamp Huo Ling was accidentally contaminated by the Abo monster's poisonous gas and venom. on the body, thus falling into a state of poisoning.

However, even if he is in a poisoned state, the huge crystal lamp fire spirit can use the power of flame in his body to remove it, but in this way, he has to separate some minds to remove the poison, and at the same time, it will further accelerate the consumption of what is left in his body. earth energy.

After all, the disadvantage of the huge crystal lamp and fire spirit still lies in himself. After the seal was opened by Pierce, he has been trying his best to quickly devour the remaining soul power in the soul crystal to restore his own power.

Originally, according to his budget, the puppets he created could allow him to calmly absorb the soul power in the five soul crystals.

However, Mecca Hudi's flashing trick was born, completely tearing up his written script, so that he only absorbed most of the soul power in the four soul crystals in the south, south and northwest, and had to rush out of the seal Come out to meet the enemy.

Therefore, when the giant crystal lantern and fire spirit escaped from the seal, its strength was only at the level of the peak of the intermediate heavenly king, and it was a little bit closer to the high-level heavenly king, and the energy in the body was also less than half of the peak of its heyday.

After the elf has advanced to the Heavenly King level, the gap between them may be the perception of energy storage and source power. Of course, the development of their own special abilities is also part of it.

But one thing is certain, but when the energy in the Heavenly King-level elf accumulates to make the energy core change further, it is when he advances again.

Generally speaking, if a low-level Heavenly King-level elf wants to advance to an intermediate-level Heavenly King, the amount of energy he needs to accumulate is at least twice as much as he needs to advance to the Heavenly King. The more energy you have, the more difficult it will be to advance.

Therefore, most of the Heavenly King-level elves are low-level Heavenly Kings. If they want to advance to the Intermediate Heavenly Kings, unless they obtain treasures containing a lot of attribute energy, such as the original things, they can only perform ink and wash kung fu and complete it through a lot of time accumulation. Advanced steps.

Sometimes, some short-lived Heavenly King-level elves have the culmination of their lifetimes as low-level Heavenly Kings, such as the worm-type elves such as the giant needle bee and the battail, or they have accumulated too many dark wounds, damaging the foundation and thus depleting their potential. Exhausted, even if there is enough time, it is impossible to continue to advance.

Heavenly King-level elf that has damaged the foundation, their energy core is like a leaking balloon. Even if it can hold more water, it cannot be achieved because of several leaks. The gaps continue to widen, causing the entire balloon to burst quickly.

Now, there is only a little bit of water (energy) left in the balloon (energy core) of the huge crystal lantern, the whole balloon is shriveled, and fewer and fewer people are squeezed out of the water outlet.

As the battle went on and on, the giant crystal lantern became more and more frightened. The battle that he thought could end quickly was actually dragged to such a point that he had already put aside his contempt for the savage Geng Ghost and Abo. heart of.

Although the two heavenly king-level elves in front of him are difficult to hurt him, but facing the Abo monster with extremely terrifying self-regeneration ability and the savage Gengar with extremely powerful life-saving skills, he has not been able to fully recover his strength. They (No Lan launched a big move to destroy the enemy in one fell swoop), plus the golden clay doll giant who was eyeing him, he was also quite aggrieved.

Looking at the Abo monster who was recovering from his injuries again and the several shadow clones who were sneaking in stealth, the giant crystal lamp Huo Ling also thought bitterly: "Damn, why is this one-horned snake so resistant to beatings, this has happened several times. Now, to be able to quickly recover from injuries by consuming food energy, this kind of self-regeneration ability is too rogue, and that Gengar, these are the first shadow clones, and there is more to come."

Suddenly, a fatal crisis appeared. The huge crystal lamp, which was still using the soul flame to suppress the Abo monster, immediately made the ninth flame jump without thinking about it.

The next moment, an iron rope wrapped in purple superpowers passed through the sea of ​​​​fire, and then pierced through the flame phantom left in place by the huge crystal lantern.

"Damn, you can still use this evasion skill, but you can't jump. The rest, please." Ryuzaki Ma, panting, saw the huge crystal lamp fire spirit jumping with flames to dodge again. Er said with an ugly face, the dazzling purple light in his eyes gradually subsided, and then the whole person was a little unstable due to excessive mental energy consumption.

At this moment, Christina, who was behind Ryuzaki Shinji, immediately stepped forward and supported Ryuzaki Shinji, who was crumbling, with a worried look on her pretty face.

Yan Kai and others also lived up to Ryuzaki Shinji's entrustment, and successfully took out some sealed items from the sealed room. The Bo soul lock just now was Ryuzaki Shinji grabbing the huge crystal lamp and suppressing the Abo monster with all his heart. It was shot at the time of the attack, but the giant crystal lamp Huoling, who was still in crisis, used the flame to jump to avoid it.

The next moment, the golden clay puppet giant who was instructed by Ryuzaki Shinji also acted immediately. The dimensional shadow slash, which was already ready to go, immediately slashed out at the moment when the huge crystal lamp and fire spirit reappeared, and a huge black energy slashed and cut. The crack came in an instant, and in a few tenths of a second, it appeared in front of the huge crystal lamp and fire spirit whose soul was uncertain.

In an instant, the body of the huge crystal lantern was cut in half by the energy of the golden clay doll giant. Just when everyone on the battlefield thought the huge crystal lantern was destroyed and showed surprise, the huge crystal lantern was cut. The body in two halves, with a sound of "Boom~", a small half of the body turned into a pile of purple flames, while the other half was not destroyed.

"Hehehe, I still won after all, human kid." Immediately afterwards, a complacent voice appeared in everyone's heart~www.readwn.com~ Although nearly one-third of the body was cut off, the huge crystal lights Ling's still successfully used the last flame jump to escape, and he was in mid-air smugly watching a group of creatures sinking to the bottom.

"Hee hee~~, it's true that you won, but you still lost in the end." But he was only handsome for three seconds, and a dark voice also appeared in the heart of the giant crystal lantern.

Another Bo Soul Lock passed through the sea of ​​​​fire and stretched towards the huge crystal lamp fire spirit like lightning, and once it was unable to avoid it, it could only watch the familiar iron rope stretched towards him.

"Crash~" A sound of interlaced chains appeared, and in the blink of an eye, the huge crystal lamp and fire spirit were heavily wrapped by this soul-fighting lock.

"No~", when the Soul Fighting Lock successfully restrained the huge crystal lamp fire spirit, the huge crystal lamp fire spirit also gradually lost consciousness in another wailing, the purple flame on his body quickly extinguished, and finally fell heavily on the ground.

In a shadow on the battlefield, the sullen Geng Ghost was panting and laughing, and beside him, on the clasp at the end of a long iron cable, was a fat bone with amazing soul fluctuations all over his body.

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