Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 140: : Fully charged (more than 3,000 characters large)

At the critical moment, Ryuzaki Shinji's backhand finally came into play. After he knew that the energy that activated these soul-fighting locks was the power of the soul, he immediately remembered the two pieces of soul-filled power in the hands of the hostile Geng Ghost. In the end, the hostile Geng Ghost did not live up to his expectations, and successfully sealed the huge crystal lamp and fire spirit with the last Soul Fighting Lock.

In the end, the huge crystal lamp fire spirit was once again bound by the soul-beating lock made by the ancients. This time, because it has fallen to the low-level heavenly king, it is no longer a champion. In addition, it was seriously injured and was only beaten by a soul. When the lock was locked, it was sealed and completely lost consciousness.

When the golden clay puppet giant saw that the huge crystal lamp fire spirit was successfully sealed, it also activated the saber in his hand again, giving the giant crystal lamp fire spirit a dimensional shadow cut that could no longer dodge.

The infinitely powerful Dimensional Shadow Slash cut into the body of the giant crystal lamp like tofu, and then opened a space crack in his body. This time, the body of the huge crystal lamp was cut in half. Inhale.

The ancients once wanted to use the years to kill this powerful elf. Although it was not realized due to a moment of negligence, in the end, the weapons created by the ancients themselves accomplished this goal for them.

"Phew~~, it's finally over." Seeing that the giant crystal lantern was finally killed, Zhong Aiya, who had been in a tense state, also sighed deeply, her expression began to relax, and she sat on it. .

This trip to the ruins had a very bad impression on her. Although she was quite happy to get some financial reports from the ruins at the beginning, the subsequent series of crises was something she never expected, and she was lucky to survive. , She felt that all her luck in her life had been spent on this trip to the ruins.

Yan Kai also took a deep sip. His feelings were actually not much different from Aiya's. The only difference might be that he once again clearly recognized the gap between himself and the Heavenly King level powerhouse, and his desire to advance to the Heavenly King level became more and more intense.

At the same time, what shocked Yan Kai was that the Heavenly King-level trainer who miraculously appeared to save the field this time was actually Ryuzaki Shinji, his previous companion on the Shrine. The speed of his growth really made him feel ashamed. Ryuzaki Shinji finally appeared, and in this battle, these insignificant "bugs" were really going to die here.

On the other hand, Pierce, who had a bruised nose and a swollen face, was not relieved by the death of the giant crystal lantern. From the familiar conversation between Yan Kai and the female follower of the Heavenly King trainer in front of him, he knew that Yan Kai was in front of him. A Heavenly King trainer is an acquaintance, which means that the other party will favor Yan Kai's side, and he, the culprit who had dealt with Yan Kai and created this crisis with his own hands, is not good.

Although Pierce wanted to sneak away while most of the people were slack because of the end of the battle, he finally suppressed this naive thought, because a vague gaze kept wandering around him, making him Feel the creeps.

"Hisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssedlyed he got in front of Ryuzaki Shinji, there was a strong desire in his eyes, not only was he scarred all over his body, but his figure was also a lot thinner, consuming food energy many times. Recovering from the injury has almost completely consumed the fat stored in his body, and he must eat as soon as possible, otherwise he will damage the foundation.

"Eat it, if it's not enough, we'll go out hunting." Ryuzaki Shinji and Abo Monster have a heart-to-heart connection, and naturally he knows what he needs. Let Yan Kai and others also take out all the food reserves in their hands.

After a while, a small mountain of meat appeared on the messy ground.

As soon as Roshan appeared, the hungry Abo Monster began to gobble down a large amount of flesh and blood into his stomach. Under the action of the powerful stomach acid in his body, Abo Monster's bloated body appeared because he devoured a lot of food for a while. Back to normal.

Christina also obeyed Ryuzaki Shinji's order and released all the healing elves in her hands to heal the Abo monster and help him eliminate a lot of dark wounds left in the battle.

When the Abo monster devoured the food to recover his stamina, the sullen Gengar also flew back to Ryuzaki Shinji from the shadow on the edge. Because he has been using the shadow clone to fight the giant crystal lantern, his situation is better than the front. The fighting Abo was much better, except that its size was also much smaller, and it didn't take any damage.

As soon as the battle was over, the savage Geng Ghost had secretly absorbed the power of the soul in the fat bones of Alola Gala Gala, so as to quickly restore his shadow body. In just a few minutes, his severely shrunk shadow body. Just recover a little, and it won't take long to get back to peak state.

"What's wrong with that guy, is he dead?" Ryuzaki Shinji looked at the motionless golden clay puppet giant in front of him, and asked the hostile Geng ghost with telepathy.

After splitting the fourth dimension shadow slash, the red glow in the eyes of the golden clay puppet giant was extinguished, and then stood motionless on the battlefield with a huge saber.

"It should be that the energy is exhausted. This is the case with the clay puppets made by these ancient people, because they cannot recharge themselves. Once the energy in the body is exhausted, they cannot continue to operate." The clay puppet giant, after thinking about it seriously, answered with his face on his hands.

"..." Ryuzaki Shinji nodded silently, with a trace of regret in his eyes.

The winner of this battle is undoubtedly the golden clay doll giant in front of him. Don't look at it standing still outside the battle group. If it hadn't been swept by the side, the giant crystal lantern couldn't be separated at all times. Keep an eye on its movements, so that you can't really let go of your hands and feet, otherwise the Abo Monster and the sullen Geng Ghost would have been defeated long ago, which would allow them to entangle the giant crystal lamp and fire spirit for so long.

"Then do you know how to charge him? If we can master it, especially the powerful energy slash just now, then there will be almost nothing in this desert that can block our footsteps." Although we know that it is possible Sex, but Ryuzaki Shinji still asked his question to the well-informed old ghost in front of him.

Don't ask, don't know, just ask and you will be pleasantly surprised.

"Uh~~, well, I know I know, but..." Ryuzaki Shinji asked, the sullen Geng Gui suddenly shuddered, and secretly screamed badly, but due to the contractual relationship of the seal of origin, He couldn't lie to Ryuzaki Shinji, his face was very embarrassed, and he said hesitantly.

"Looks like you have a solution, don't worry, I won't let you suffer, and I will compensate you for your losses in the future." Seeing the embarrassed expression on the face of the hostile Geng Gui, he knew that he was hostile. Ryuzaki Shinji, who is a miser, naturally understands that he has a way, but he is not willing to use it, and immediately makes a compensation guarantee to him.

Ryuzaki Shinji made such a promise, and the embarrassed look on Geng Gui's face instantly vanished, and then he showed a hippie smile again, saying: "Okay, you can't be rude, next time if you have something good, you must give it first. I, to tell you the truth, the energy that the big man needs is soul power, but ordinary soul power is not enough. It must be a soul crystal formed by the soul of a ghost-type king-level elf like me to be able to charge. Yes, so I have a huge loss this time."

After some bargaining, Ryuzaki Shinji agreed to the compensation request of the sullen Geng ghost, and the sullen Geng ghost also endured the distress to take out the soul crystal formed in his body when he advanced to the heavenly king level.

This soul crystal is actually the ghost-type energy core in Geng's body. If it is used to recharge the golden clay puppet giant, his strength will take a big step backward, and he will enter a long period of weakness. In this state, even if he possesses two treasures rich in soul power, such as the Cursed Talisman and the Fat Bones of Alola Gala Gala, he still needs to consume a lot of soul power to recover.

"Damn, you can't smoke too much, otherwise I will lose a lot." Before making a decision, the sullen Geng Gui was a little regretful, but under the expectant gaze of Ryuzaki Shinji, he still gritted his teeth and put his hands in his hands. This piece of soul crystal that exudes amazing soul fluctuations is pressed on the chest of the golden clay giant.

As soon as the soul crystal touched the body of the golden clay puppet giant~www.readwn.com~, an astonishing scene suddenly appeared. The entire body of the golden clay puppet giant burst into a dazzling golden light, and the light that had been extinguished in his eyes also appeared a dazzling red glow. , a large amount of soul power emerged from the soul crystal, and then was sucked in by the golden clay giant.

"Hey hey hey, stop it, stop smoking, stop smoking, my god, I'm dying." Seeing the volume of the soul crystal in his hand shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye, the hostile Geng ghost Immediately, he wanted to crystallize his soul, but his soul crystal seemed to grow together with the body of the golden clay doll giant.

In the end, when the soul crystal of the sullen Geng Ghost shrunk by a third, the golden clay puppet giant's action of absorbing the power of the soul slowly stopped, and the grieving Geng Ghost also immediately took down the soul crystal, At this time, his breath had fallen to the lowest point of the Heavenly King level, and he almost fell to the Heavenly King level, becoming a hard-working quasi-king-level elf again.

"The charging is complete, and the identity is confirmed. Please give me your name." After the energy was replenished, the golden clay puppet giant who had been dead came back to life, and the creature he saw was Shinji Ryuzaki for the first time. With his head facing Shinji Ryuzaki, he knelt down on one knee, expressing submission.

To be continued.....

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