Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 3: : by Kira

"Yuki Yuki Yuki~~" The little dinosaur-like elf came to the young man in front of the window, raised his head, showed innocent and happy eyes, then raised a pair of small hands, jumping and sending out a burst of intimacy to the young man The cry, judging from his expression and actions, clearly meant that he wanted the young man to hug him.

Hearing the cry of the little dinosaur-like elf, the young man also opened his eyes tightly closed, and the one eye exposed on the pale mask suddenly emitted a purple awn.

Ryuzaki Shinji slowly recovered from his meditation, lowered his head, and looked at Yukira, who was holding his right leg coquettishly at his feet, and then squatted down, pushing him with some difficulty. He picked him up and carefully placed him on the edge of the window.

"Yuki, Yuki, Yuki~~" Yukira saw Ryuzaki Shinji pick him up, and a very happy smile appeared on his face. Er further gritted his teeth and struggled to pick him up.

After Ryuzaki Shinji put him on the edge of the window, he walked up and down the edge of the bed restlessly and honestly, so Ryuzaki Shinji had to wake up and focus on him to prevent him. He fell accidentally.

"Boom~~" Ryuzaki Shinji sighed helplessly when he saw Yukira's mischievous appearance, and wanted to teach him a lesson, but he was reluctant to hit him, so he pressed his finger hard. forehead.

"Yuki, Yuki, Yuki~~" At this moment, Yukira covered her mouth and squinted her eyes and smiled.

But he also seemed to know what Ryuzaki Shinji was thinking, and he stopped making trouble. He sat quietly on the wide and flat window edge, looking at Ryuzaki Shinji with an innocent smile. Small eyes resembling tear stains showed expectant gaze.

"You little glutton, you just finished eating and haven't digested it yet, so you want to eat desserts, you're not afraid of hurting your stomach." Yu Kira showed such a look, and Ryuzaki Shinji also knew what he wanted. What he wanted, he pressed his forehead with his fingers again, and said with a smile.

"Yuki, Yuki, Yuki~~" Yukila heard Ryuzaki Shinji's words, and immediately raised her small mouth and puffed her lips, pointed her little belly with her little right finger, and raised her little left hand high, facing the dragon. Saki Shinji made a strong move, saying that as long as he eats well, he can grow up vigorously.

In the end, Yukira also demonstrated to Ryuzaki Shinji, showing his newly learned moves. He turned his head and puffed out a small mouth towards the night sky in front of him, and then spit out a large mouthful of golden flames from his small mouth.

After Kira finished this move, he gritted his teeth again, and a small stream of extremely pure rock-type energy emerged from his body. Under his control, these rock-type energy were transformed into small sharp stones.

"Xuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" A sharp sound of breaking through the air sounded, and the small stones surrounding him immediately shot out from the opposite night sky in unison.

After all the sharp little stones were thrown out, Yukira actually had to show it, dancing a short peculiar dance with claws on the wide and flat window edge.

For a time, the power on his body suddenly increased a level, and a trace of the power of the desert tyrant was revealed from his body.

"The jet flame, the rock blade, and the dragon dance are incredible. He has mastered three more powerful skills, especially the dragon dance. It seems that this little guy still has a certain dragon blood in his body. The talent is really amazing." Seeing Yukira's series of three very powerful moves, especially seeing the last dragon dance, Ryuzaki Shinji couldn't help but marvel at Yukira's powerful talent. Pampering and joy are also more and more intense.

Two days ago, Yukira's egg finally hatched in the eyes of Ryuzaki Shinji, because the person who accompanied Yukira these days was Ryuzaki Shinji, and the first person to see it was Ryuzaki. Shinji, so he immediately recognized Ryuzaki Shinji as the master, and stuck with him all day, almost inseparable.

As soon as Kira was born, he immediately showed the essence of his big stomach. After eating the eggshell completely, he began to ask for food from Ryuzaki Shinji. On the first day, he hoarded Ryuzaki Shin's second hand in advance. A small part of the red rock is eaten, and that small part of the red rock also weighs at least two tons.

Of course, while showing the essence of the big stomach king, Yukira also showed his extremely terrifying innate ability (the naughty and mischievous king of destruction).

After some damage to various objects, Ryuzaki Shinji found that he had mastered no less than a dozen moves since he was born, and most of them were very good skills, which immediately made Ryuzaki Shinji Surprised and delighted, his favor for Yukira doubled.

Yukira also felt the joy in Ryuzaki Shinji's heart at this time, and immediately put his hands on his hips, then closed his eyes, raised his head proudly, and made a move that I am so powerful, and finally grabbed Ryuzaki Shin with his small hands. The clothes in front of the two are coquettish.

Ryuzaki Shinji thought for a while, and finally chose to agree to Yukira's request, and took out a rock with an earthy brown light from the space bag.

This rock was the source of the rock system that Bangira gave him. However, this rock has shrunk a little, and it is also covered with large and small tooth marks.

"Yuki, Yuki, Yuki~~" As soon as Ryuzaki Shinji took out this original item, Yukira shouted happily, her small eyes suddenly turned into sparkling appearance, and she immediately used her small hands to exert force. He grabbed Ryuzaki Shinji's clothes and urged him to give him the rock quickly.

"Remember, don't eat too much, you can only eat a little bit, otherwise it will be eaten for you later." Unable to resist Yu Kira's urging, Ryuzaki Shinji also gave him this precious rock origin thing. , and at the same time gave him a thousand words of advice.

Naturally, Kira nodded in agreement, but after receiving the rock-type origin object, he immediately opened his small mouth and nibbled at the original object, "Kakakaka~~" A crisp gnawing sound suddenly appeared.

It is a pity that the hardness of the original rock is obviously more than ten grades higher than the red rock eaten by Kira before. Tooth marks are still 108,000 miles away from being crushed.

"Yuki, Yuki, Yuki~~" The origin of the rock system is really too hard~www.readwn.com~ The newly born Yukira can't bite at all. After ten seconds, Yukira will also have a toothache. Now, the big teeth of his small mouth also cracked in the process of gnawing, and the pain made him cry.

But soon, the broken teeth of Kira grew again, and all the old teeth were replaced, and then, he began to gnaw on the original stone of the rock.

After returning and replacing his teeth several times, he finally got a little bit of debris out of the rock-type origin.

"Yuki, Yuki, Yoki~~" Yukila happily swallowed a few crumbs that she finally got out of the original thing with her small tongue, and then ate them like candy in her mouth. Chewing the rock debris in his mouth, he let out bursts of joyful laughter.

When Kira swallowed the debris of the original rock-type thing into his mouth and chewed it, strips of earth-brown stripes suddenly appeared on the small green rock armor on his body, and the earth flashed brightly. yellow light.

To be continued.....

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