Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 4: : little ancestor

A few minutes later, Yu Kira also chewed and devoured the debris of the rock-based source power in his mouth, and the earth-brown patterns on the small green armor covering his body disappeared one by one in a specific order.

The first place to disappear was below the body, then gradually faded upwards, finally disappearing completely before a small earth-brown spot in Kiramei's heart.

"Yuki~~~" After eating the shards of the rock-based origin, Yukira, contentedly, also began to feel sleepy, and rubbed the eyes that started to fight with each other with her small hands, then opened her mouth and let out a long yawn.

After that, he just closed his eyes and fell asleep. When he closed his eyes, he put a small hand into his small mouth and sucked. After a while, he made a small snoring sound.

Ryuzaki Shinji fell asleep when he saw Yu Kira, and immediately hugged him with his hands to prevent him, a quasi-god cub, from falling into the air because of a snooze. Lu Jia, the quasi-god cub in front of him is simply a living little ancestor, and it can't make him worry a little bit.

"You are really a little fat pig. You sleep after you eat, eat when you play, and start making troubles when you don't have to eat. Alas, it's really not easy to raise a quasi-divine beast. You have to go out tomorrow." Seeing Yukira sleeping peacefully in his arms, Ryuzaki Shinji couldn't help pinching his little nose with his hands, and said fondly but worriedly.

Yukira's food intake is too large, at least, the rumor that a Yukira needs to eat at least a whole mountain to evolve into a Bangira is not without scientific basis.

In less than three days, the dozen or so tons of red rock he had stored in his hands were almost eaten by him. In another day or so, he would have to run around for his food.

It's not that Ryuzaki Shinji didn't try to let Yukira eat other kinds of rocks instead of red rocks, but his appetite for Yukira seemed to be fed by him at first.

Except for the red rock, which is rich in a certain kind of special mineral, he doesn't care about other kinds of rocks at all, and he also shows extreme disgust at Ryuzaki Shinji.

However, what makes Ryuzaki Shinji happier is that in addition to the main food such as red rock, Kira also loves the large milk cans and various tree fruits produced by Christina's big milk cans.

The big milk tank produced by Christina's big milk tank is very nutritious and can replace part of the red rock to some extent. The only pity is that the output is a bit low. Christina's big milk tank can only produce two buckets a day at most. (a bucket of 20L), and for Yukira who has a very good appetite, this is just a dessert at most, and it is not even enough to stick between the teeth.

As for the demand for tree fruit, Yukira seems to be a little less. He only eats a dozen or 20 a meal at most, and then he will not eat it again. His main food is the oasis end of Bangira. Beloved Red Rock.

If Ryuzaki Shinji didn't give him enough Hongyan to eat, according to Yukira's temper, he would cry and make trouble, and then destroy it everywhere in anger. Ryuzaki Shinji can feel it now. Raising a little grandfather is not easy.

In order to take good care of Yukira these days, Ryuzaki Shinji also had to reduce the training time for other elves in person. In addition to the daily morning exercises, they basically let them train according to their own training plan, so that As for the past few days, the other elves looked at Ryuzaki Shinji with a hint of complaint.

But to Ryuzaki Shinji's great relief, the other elves in his hands were very friendly towards the newly born Yukira, and they all let him be like big brothers. He is also very tolerant of his naughty and mischievous behavior. He really can't stand it, and he will not attack him, but choose to hide far away.

At present, except for Heluga, Froggrass, and Abo Monster, the other elves have nothing to do with this little ancestor. They basically get together for dinner and training, and they hide away at other times.

After the evolution of Heluga, his personality was also influenced by the blood of the Cerberus, and he became extremely cold and arrogant. Basically, except for the master of Ryuzaki Shinji and the good friend of Froggrass, others were completely ignored. Look, always look at it coldly.

For Yukira, who was still young, he only needed one look to shock him and couldn't move, so Yukira basically wouldn't make fun of himself to "play" with him.

If you want to say which elf in Ryuzaki's second hand is the most afraid of Yukira, it is definitely the frog grass. The reason is very simple, as long as he feels naughty in front of the frog grass, the frog grass will be a hypnotic powder. He went to sleep "in peace".

For the frog grass, this approach can not only hurt Yukira, but also let him not disturb his training, which completely kills two birds with one stone.

And for Yukira, this sleep may be "a whole day". Even if he wakes up from hunger, the frog grass continues to force him to sleep. After such a terrible experience, Yugi Kira also never dared to "play" with frog grass.

Needless to say, even if you don't do anything, just standing there, the Heavenly King-level elf can have a powerful deterrent effect on the low-level elf.

The talented Yukira naturally felt the condensed king-level power of Abo Monster from a distance, and knew that Abo Monster was much more powerful than other big brothers, and he was no match at all.

Therefore, in front of Abo Monster, he did not dare to make trouble at all. Every day when he passed by A Bai Wei, he would respectfully call A Bai Wei "Hello, boss".

Ryuzaki Shinji picked up Yukira, who was asleep, and placed him carefully on the stone bed covered with mattresses. Yukira and Heruga were very similar, and he didn't like staying in the Poké Ball very much. And Ryuzaki Shinji also followed his wishes, except for necessary situations, he was also taken care of outside.

After Ryuzaki Shinji dealt with Yukira's affairs, he also continued to return to the window, raised his head and looked at the bright moonlight in front of him.

As usual, there are still not many clouds in the desert sky, and the night sky is also full of stars. Today's moon is also changed from yesterday's round and vacant state, revealing a full moon state, with a huge full moon hanging high in the night sky. , with the starry embellishment, the night sky tonight is extremely beautiful.

Below the window, the full-bodied bat is standing upside down with its eyes closed, instead of making a few special sound waves and opening its small scarlet eyes slightly.

On the wall where the window is located~www.readwn.com~, a huge spider web completely covers the wall, and Alidos lives in the center of the spider web, paying close attention to the spider web's every move.

At the top of the eaves, the poisonous skeleton frog clasped his hands together, and continued to hone his willpower under the fierce night wind blowing from the heights.

Everything seemed so peaceful and quiet.

A few minutes later, Shinji Ryuzaki, who had closed his eyes and continued to meditate, opened his eyes.

At the same moment, Dairubi's ears shook a few times and he opened his eyes and looked out the window, while Abo was slightly opening his icy snake eyes, but closed them the next moment, and the bat also opened his scarlet eyes and looked ahead night sky.

There is also the poisonous skeleton frog at the top of the eaves. He also opened his eyes at this time, and his simple and unmarked eyes showed a strong fighting intent.

"咻~~" A high-speed gliding sound appeared, and a black figure with its back against the full moon flew over quickly in the direction of Ryuzaki Shinji.

To be continued...

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