Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 5: : Poison Scorpion King

As the figure flying towards Ryuzaki Shinji got closer and closer, under the moonlight sprinkled by the night sky, his face gradually became clearer, and the figure flying fast took the shape of a huge scorpion.

The whole body is almost gray and black, with a ferocious face like a vampire bat. Two sharp teeth protrude from the open mouth, which reflects sharp edges in the moonlight, and the eyes emitting golden rays of light are in the night sky. for attention.

A pair of huge scorpion pincers are erected behind him, with a slender and strong scorpion tail, showing his streamlined body. The most eye-catching thing is the pair of huge glider-like wings behind him. With the high-altitude technical flow of air, this flying scorpion-like elf flies easily in the air.

"Scorpion, scorpion~~" When the elf was about to fly in front of Ryuzaki Shinji, he immediately gave Ryuzaki Shinji bursts of joyful shouts, and finally he was in front of Ryuzaki Shinji. Stop in mid-air.

"I'm willing to come back. Next time I come back later, I'll just stay outside. How is it? Have you adapted?" Seeing this little elf looking at him with a smile, Ryuzaki Shinji said with a stern face. The elf who has been out early and returning late these days is also a little worried in his heart.

"Scorpion scorpion~~" The elf heard the words, restrained his expression, and then nodded hesitantly.

This flying scorpion is a scorpion that has been missing before, but he can no longer be called a scorpion, it should be called the scorpion king.

Under the stimulation of the Abo and the Poison Skull Frog, this very proud elf trained very hard during this period of time. He challenged a large number of wild elf in the ruins all day long. After repeated battles, he finally I bought the quasi-king threshold three days ago, and I was successfully promoted to a quasi-king level elf.

On the night that Scorpio was promoted to become a quasi-king, Ryuzaki Shinji also used the sharp teeth that had been prepared earlier, so that Scorpio successfully evolved into a Scorpio King.

As soon as Scorpio evolved into the Scorpion King, the background accumulated before the evolution was also successfully transformed into his strength, and he directly jumped from the low-level quasi-king to the peak level of the intermediate quasi-king.

In addition, after the scorpion evolved into the scorpion king, the characteristics also changed from immunity to poison therapy (effect: when it becomes poisoned, HP will not decrease, but will increase.), and it was originally strange because of long-term addiction to poison Gained Ability: "Drug Mania" also disappears due to the loss of the immunity trait.

Ryuzaki Shinji is also a little puzzled about the changes of the Scorpion King due to the change of characteristics. However, even if this "drug addiction" talent disappears, it still does not reduce the combat effectiveness of the Scorpion King, but because of the emergence of the poison treatment feature. And become more and more powerful.

In order to maximize the characteristics of the Scorpion King, after some deliberation, Ryuzaki Shinji also decided to transfer the poisonous orb in the hands of the sullen Geng Ghost to the Scorpion King.

This is the poisonous orb that Ryuzaki Shinji first obtained, through which Ryuzaki Shinji also successively cultivated the four-headed king-level elves of double-bomb gas, Abo monster, stinky mud and vicious Gengar.

But after many absorptions, the poisonous energy contained in it is almost exhausted, and the poisonous energy contained in it is no longer as violent as before.

However, although the poison energy and toxicity contained in this highly poisonous orb may not be enough for the Heavenly King-level poison-type elves such as double-bomb gas, but for the Scorpion King who is only at the quasi-king-level. Said that this poisonous orb is still a very good treasure.

Due to the disappearance of the immune characteristics, the Scorpion King is no longer immune to the poisoned state, so after swallowing the poisonous orb, the Scorpion King is also in a poisonous state by the toxin released inside.

Fortunately, due to the birth of this new feature of poison therapy, although the Scorpion King is not immune to toxins, he will not be harmed by poisoning. The vitality of injury.

With the poisonous orb combined with the poison treatment feature, the Scorpion King's continuous combat ability has been greatly improved in an instant, and the combat power is also rising. The current Scorpion King's recovery ability is too terrifying. Almost an unbeatable little powerhouse.

Today's Scorpio King has no teammates, if Aboguai only uses half of his strength and does not use Ice Fang, he can't do anything to get him. The next moment, you can stand up and continue fighting as if nothing happened.

After several actual battles, Ryuzaki Shinji also further understood the advantages and disadvantages of Scorpio's ability.

The advantage is that the Scorpion King's endurance has been greatly enhanced. As long as he can't kill him instantly and give him a little time to relax, he can quickly restore his combat ability.

As for the shortcomings, it is also obvious and has always existed. The Scorpio King has double attributes of flying and four times weaker ice. If you hit any ice-type move with strong power, you may encounter the risk of instant kill.

In order to cover up the weakness of the Scorpio King to the greatest extent, Ryuzaki Shinji began to let the Scorpio King desperately practice the training of the two skills of "shadow clone" and "holding".

The shadow clone can greatly enhance the evasion ability of the Scorpio King, allowing him to use the poison treatment feature to heal the injury while evading.

Keeping the trick is the life-saving skill of the Scorpion King, which is equivalent to giving him a chance to make mistakes and save his life when he is about to be hurt by a spike.

If you are lucky, you can even avoid multiple fatal injuries at the same time, providing excellent conditions for escape.

The only thing that can limit Scorpion King's ability to continue fighting may be his physical strength and willpower. Before one of these two conditions disappears, Scorpion King can continue to fight with high intensity.

Ryuzaki Shinji is naturally very happy that Scorpio King can show such excellent fighting ability, but things always have two sides. After Scorpion King swallowed the poisonous orb given by Ryuzaki Shinji, the poisonous orb turned out Miraculously, he had reached a certain symbiotic relationship with him, but he could never get it out again.

And the Scorpion King is also in a state of being poisoned continuously because the poisonous orb is always in his body. Under the effect of the poison treatment feature, his energy is also in a state of excess, and his mood becomes very irritable, often When emotions are out of control.

In order to vent his excess energy~www.readwn.com~ Scorpio King first fought with his teammates. When his teammates were tired, he began to turn his attention to a large number of elves in the ruins and began to fight with them.

With the almost immortal-like ability, the Scorpion King quickly defeated the other elves in the ruins except for a few Heavenly King-level elves.

Those wild elves who have been challenged by him are also afraid of being beaten by him. No matter how provocative the Scorpio King is, he will not come out as a tortoise.

As for the remaining few who did not challenge the Heavenly King-level elf, the Scorpio King also had foresight and did not have the courage to touch the bad head of the Heavenly-king-level elf, so he had to go to a far place every day to challenge other wild elf everywhere.

In the past few days, the Scorpion King is in a state of leaving early and returning late. Of course, Ryuzaki Shinji is also worried that the future baby of the Scorpion King will go out alone, so he sent the bodyguard of the sullen Geng Gui to protect him.

After a few days of adaptation, the Scorpio King finally got used to this state of excess energy.

To be continued.....

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