Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 6: :discuss

The next morning, at seven o'clock, in the hall of the temple.

At this time, the main members of the Shadow Team had already arrived in the hall, and they were all neatly arranged according to their rank in the organization.

Ryuzaki Shinji sat high on the throne, the first person in the left column was still Yan Kai, the first person in the left column was still Christina, the second person in the left column was Sinor, and the second person in the right column was Pierce. The third person in the left column is Aiya, and the third person in the right column is a burly bald man.

The Shadow Team was created by Ryuzaki Shinji, and Ryuzaki Shinji was born in the Rockets, so this organization also has a strong color of the Rockets, and the hierarchy is almost the same as the Rockets. The hierarchy is the leader, the highest Cadres, Cadres, Elites and Minions.

Ryuzaki Shinji is a person who pays great attention to rank orders. He stipulates that the latter cannot commit crimes, and must unconditionally obey the orders of the former, otherwise it will be regarded as a betrayal organization and will face the pursuit of all members of the shadow team.

Of course, in order to maintain the "harmony" within the organization, he specially added a little bit of fairness. The former cannot allow the latter to do some "obvious" death-defying behavior.

Ryuzaki Shinji stipulated that the promotion of the decisive position within the Shadow Team is the ability and contribution, and the ability can be divided into many kinds, such as strong combat ability, or possessing some kind of very good talent, as for the contribution, there is no need to say more, if Without making a certain contribution to the organization, without the corresponding prestige, it is difficult to convince the public.

For example, a healing trainer like Christina, although her combat ability is not very good, but she is very good in healing, and also makes a huge contribution to the organization, then her status can be improved.

Now there are 13 members of the Shadow Team, Ryuzaki Shinji is the first leader of the Shadow Team, and there is only one top cadre, that person is Christina who first followed Ryuzaki Shinji.

There are two cadres, namely Yan Kai and Pierce, who has recently made great contributions to the organization. There are only two elites, namely Sinoer, Aiya, and a bald man, and the soldiers are the underpowered Kade, Barre, and Ba. Germany and three of Pierce's henchmen.

Since the entire ruins have just been incorporated into his own territory, Ryuzaki Shinji has no intention to expand the shadow team for the time being, so the shadow team is currently only a little-known new organization in the desert, so no one has come to take refuge.

However, during this period of time, Yan Kai successfully pulled a trainer who had a good relationship with him into the shadow team through his personal network. A solitary powerhouse of fighting elves, he possesses a quasi-king-level monster power and a fiery monkey.

Because Yan Kai once saved Locke's life, he was the first to come to Yan Kai's invitation this time. However, this person is also a proud and arrogant person. When he chose to join, he dared to ask Long Qizhen. The two Heavenly King-level trainers challenged.

The final result was naturally a loss, and it was still a fiasco. Ryuzaki Shinji didn't even send out the king-level elf in his hand, and all of Locke's elves were sent by Ryuzaki Shinji to the Scorpion King with his own power. Defeated, and since then, Locke has also surrendered to the leader Ryuzaki Shinji.

Pierce is a quasi-king trainer specializing in ghosts. Through hard work, he was also recognized by Ryuzaki Shinji, and he was also given the status of a cadre by Ryuzaki Shinji. Since then, Pierce has also made up his mind to work in Dragon It took root in the organization created by Shinji Saki.

And after he saw Yan Kai of the same level pull Lok into the organization, he also reluctantly passed the relationship and pulled several trainers who were very unsatisfactory in the desert into the team. Unfortunately, these three people are the most powerful. The strength of high-level management does not have any outstanding ability, so it can only start from small soldiers.

Unconsciously, the shadow team framework created by Ryuzaki Shinji has been initially established.


After all the members of the elite and above had come together, Ryuzaki Shinji, who was sitting high on the throne, also began to speak, saying: "Okay, since everyone has come, let's start, today we will discuss ancient times. It's a question of human tokens."

Although the ruins are very large, it is a pity that this is not an ancient tomb group after all, and the ancient person token is obviously something that some ancient talents with special status may have, so it is far from the original idea of ​​Ryuzaki Shinji.

For such a large relic, after Pierce explored the last area of ​​the relic today, he actually found three ancient tokens for Ryuzaki Shinji, plus the four ancient tokens in Ryuzaki Shinji's original hands. , a total of seven ancient people tokens.

Seven Ancients tokens, excluding the number of soldiers in the shadow team, the members above the elite add up to seven people, which is just enough, but considering that the next recruitment is to enter the secret realm of trials, then the number of Ancients tokens It has to be more, so Ryuzaki Shinji had to convene his subordinates today to discuss how to get more ancient tokens.

"My lord, the news of the secret realm of trials has been spread for a long time, so I think those known ruins in the desert should have been explored. If we want to obtain new ancient people tokens, we must look for them. Only those ruins or ancient tombs buried under the yellow sand can be used, and my strong shield sword monster has a special sensitivity to the cold atmosphere in the ancient tomb, please leave the task of searching the ancient tomb to me." Hearing Ryuzaki Shinji raise this question, Yan Kai, who was in the first column from the left, immediately stood up and said confidently.

Since Ryuzaki Shinji said that those who contribute enough can exchange the original things from him, Yan Kai has been very active in serving Ryuzaki Shinji, thus accumulating enough contributions.

He is also well aware of the fact that the ancients' tokens are not enough and Ryuzaki Shinji seeks greater interests in the secret realm, so after Ryuzaki Shinji raised this issue, this dedicated knight immediately took the initiative. Ying please.

Although Pierce has joined the shadow team and serves Ryuzaki Shinji like Yan Kai, because he attacked and wanted to kill Yan Kai before, Yan Kai was also very unfamiliar with his "companion".

Pierce is the same, but due to the relationship between Ryuzaki Shinji, the two did not fight openly, but chose to fight **** for tat in secret.

Since the strength of the two is not much different, and the means can also be used, so a very common thing happened in the organization, led by the two, two different factions gradually emerged in the shadow team.

Seeing Yan Kai's positive performance now, Pierce immediately stepped out of the queue and said, "My lord, there is absolutely no need for me to spend so much time searching for ancient tombs in this vast sea of ​​sand. I have no idea about the distribution of ruins in the entire desert. I know very well that some of the ruins are very hidden, and the elf entrenched is also very powerful~www.readwn.com~ Ordinary people can't explore deeply. Of course, as long as you have your help, plus my archaeological ability, those The ruins can definitely be successfully conquered.”

Seeing the two speak, several elite members present also stood up to speak one after another, some supporting Yan Kai and some supporting Pierce. For a time, the smell of the hall was full of tit-for-tat.

At this time, Ryuzaki Shinji, who was sitting high on the throne, was watching the discussions of the people below with great interest, and his eyes glowing with purple awns also turned around among the people.

Ryuzaki Shinji did not stop the two of them in secret tit-for-tat situation, instead, he was somewhat happy.

He knows that the emergence of this faction is inevitable in the process of the growth of the organization, and what he needs to do as a leader is to reconcile it. As long as they do not do things that damage the interests of the organization, he will not shoot intervening.

Moreover, Ryuzaki Shinji has secretly used spiritual hints to these people many times, and it will not take long to change, he (she) will only be loyal to him alone.

To be continued.....

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