Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 8: : fly

Under the scorching sun, amid the rolling heat waves, and above the endless sand sea, a gray-black figure is flying at a low altitude, riding the wind blowing from a distance, it seems that even if it does not flap its wings, it can maintain the same height. And the speed of infinite flight goes down.

In just a few minutes, the gray-black figure flew a few kilometers away from the ruins at the initial point in the west direction.

This flying figure is the Scorpion King, and the Scorpion King is still carrying Ryuzaki Shinji at this time. At this time, he is fixing his limbs by the Scorpio King's intimate double clamps and calves, and then flying under his body. Thus protecting him from the venomous rays of the sun overhead.

The ruins are separated by more than 70 kilometers from the oasis where Bangira is located, and the Red Rock Canyon (named after Ryuzaki Shinji), which is farther west of the Bangira oasis, is almost a hundred kilometers away.

There are also several residences of heavenly kings and elves. It is not necessarily possible to reach at least by walking at night, so he decided to let the energetic Scorpio King help him greatly shorten the time to reach his goal.

At this time, the size of the Scorpio King is not as petite as the Scorpio. A pair of wings similar to gliders are close to 5 meters long, and the whole body length is also close to 3 meters long. In addition, the poison therapy gives him a strong energy, carrying Ryuzaki Zhen. Second, flying hundreds of kilometers is not a big problem.

With a sound of "咻~~", the Scorpion King's wings suddenly slammed, and the speed suddenly increased several times. A loud air-breaking sound followed, and a series of afterimages appeared in the air. The Scorpion King brought Ryuzaki Shinji plunged headlong into the huge sandstorm that was slowly moving ahead.

In the sandstorm that covered the sky and closed its eyes, the Scorpion King was like a fish entering the water. Not only did the speed decrease due to the influence of the wind and sand, but instead, the speed of the wind continued to increase with the help of the sandstorm. A straight line quickly shuttled through the sandstorm.

Not only that, in order to keep Ryuzaki Shinji under him from being affected by the sandstorm, a green energy shield opened from him. He actually wanted to keep guarding the trick all the way, carrying Ryuzaki Shinji through the journey. The whole dust storm.

"Very good, it seems that you have gained a lot of growth in the battle with other wild elves in the desert these days, Scorpio King." Ryuzaki Shinji counted secretly, and after a minute, he Praise the Scorpio King who still maintains his unique skills with telepathy.


Those who defend this move have strong versatility, and all elves can learn it. At the same time, it is a widely spread move, and it is very difficult to obtain. In addition, it has powerful effects, so almost every long-term move Trainers who are active in the wild will let their elf learn this move and enhance their life-saving ability.

Defending the trick is a powerful move that can resist almost all attacks. Of course, the damage that can be resisted by this trick is also limited. In reality, you can't let a green caterpillar's defense trick block the finishing touch of the cracking seat. , this is really too difficult for a strong person.

This trick is equivalent to the elf using the energy in the body to temporarily create a powerful shield, and the shield value of this shield is also different depending on the user, and the duration is also the same.

It is easy to learn but difficult to master. The elf who has just learned this trick can last for three or four seconds. If you want to maintain it for as long as a minute, you must work hard. No, because the condition required to maintain and defend the ultimate move is the ability to manipulate energy.

An energy shield that wraps the whole body is compared to those moves that can be used as long as they are simply shaped. The difficulty of energy control on both sides is self-evident, almost the difference between **** difficulty and simple difficulty.

This is also an important reason why it is difficult for the elf to continue to use and defend the trick. The subtle energy control must take a lot of energy, and the general elf is definitely tired enough to use it several times in a row.

In fact, the Scorpion King's training in defending the trick is a matter of the past few days. He was able to maintain the trick for such a long time, thanks to his abundant energy far exceeding that of ordinary elf. (There are also many benefits to having excess energy, such as being able to do several times what other people do during the day.)

Of course, this also has a lot to do with the fact that he has been fighting a large number of wild elves these days. No matter when, fighting is always the best way to promote growth. It’s just a matter of times or ten times, and efficiency is paramount.

Through a lot of combat training, the Scorpion King has also improved his ability to control energy to a very profound level, and coupled with abundant energy, the Scorpion King can maintain and defend his unique skills with ease.


"Scorpion scorpion~~" Hearing Ryuzaki Shinji's praise, Scorpio King also cried out with great joy, and then his wings slammed again, and the speed was raised again by a grade.

Seven or eight seconds later, the eyes suddenly widened, and the Scorpio King took Ryuzaki Shinji to fly out of the range of a sandstorm.

In the past ten minutes, the Scorpion King took Ryuzaki Shinji to fly over several desolate Gobi deserts and several almost endless sand dunes. Soon, a huge rock standing upright appeared in front of them.

The giant rock is thousands of meters tall, and its whole body is black and red. It is a little strange that this piece has a strange shape. The upper body is very huge, but the lower body is a little short.

The lower part of the rock wall between Scorpio King and Ryuzaki Shinji on the front is directly missing a large piece, as if it was hollowed out. In this hollowed out part, a small oasis appeared in the area. in.

After approaching the oasis for a few kilometers, I found a long line on the sand. The unit formed by this line is a wild elf holding various items. Among these strange items , mostly red rocks.

That's right, UU reading www.uukanshu. The oasis of com is the oasis where Ryuzaki Shinji always came here to get water before he solved the water problem.

As usual, the full-body emerald green beast was still lying on the edge of the small lake in the oasis, sleeping soundly, while the wild elves who came to fetch water were still trembling after drinking the water, and then put their hands in their hands. The tribute is placed in the big pit next to the giant beast.

After several weeks, Ryuzaki Shinji once again came to the oasis where Bangira was located, but this time the identity he represented was not a weak water fetcher, but a powerful passer-by.

After King Scorpio flew into the oasis within a kilometer range, he took Ryuzaki Shinji to gradually climb high in the sky. In the end, Scorpio King almost clinged to the rock wall of the giant rock, and took Ryuzaki Shinji over a huge rock that looked like a hill.

After crossing the huge rock, the field of vision also opened up again. In the distance, a towering figure suddenly appeared in the eyes of Ryuzaki Shinji and Scorpio King.

"Red Rock Canyon, I explore the farthest place in this desert." Looking at the huge figure in the distance, Ryuzaki Shinji murmured.

To be continued.....

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