Pokemon Dark Giant

Vol 3 Chapter 9: : High quality red rock

The Red Rock Canyon, a desolate giant canyon, used to be an extremely rare paradise in the desert.

It is a pity that since the diversion of the underground river, the turbulent river flowing through this canyon also disappeared quickly, and the canyon that lost the support of its main water source quickly became desolate.

A large number of vegetation withered, leaving some sparse and low drought-tolerant vegetation. A large number of species chose to migrate because they could not continue to survive here, and gradually evolved into an almost bare and desolate canyon.

However, due to the extremely rich mineral content of rocks in this canyon, it seems to be very beneficial for the growth of rock-type elves. Therefore, it also attracted a large number of rock-type elves in the desert, and gradually evolved into one of the few in the desert. The large rock-type elf settlement.

Since almost 99% of the soil and rocks that make up this canyon are composed of a red rock, it was also named "extremely appropriate" by Ryuzaki Shinji himself.

At the same time, this place is also the farthest place that Ryuzaki Shinji has explored in this desert.

There are many kinds of rock-type elves here, and there are almost all kinds of rock-type elves here. Among them, the Xiaoquanshi clan, the Kodola clan, the iron-clad rhino clan and the Shiwanzi clan are the four major rock series in the Red Rock Canyon. ethnic groups.

Among the four major rock-based ethnic groups, almost every ethnic group has a high-level king and a strong man sitting in town, occupying a large area of ​​the Hongyan Canyon in the four directions of the south, south, and northwest.

The speed of the Scorpion King was very fast, and it took about forty-five minutes to start from the ruins. The Scorpion King took Ryuzaki Shinji over a distance of hundreds of miles from the ruins, and then went to the east of the Red Rock Canyon. Landed at a distance of tens of meters.

Under the harshness of the scorching sun, flying for hundreds of miles continuously, and carrying him, a heavy man weighing close to 70KG, even if the Scorpio King has abundant energy, it is a bit too much to bear.

At this time, the Scorpio King was panting and pouring the physical recovery potion that Ryuzaki Shinji handed over into his mouth, slowly recovering the large amount of water and physical strength that he had consumed.

"Thank you for your hard work, Scorpio King, go back and rest." After the gasping Scorpion King drank a few bottles of stamina recovery potions, Ryuzaki Shinji also took out the Poke Ball and took the Scorpion King back, leaving him in the Poke Ball. have a good rest.

As soon as the Scorpion King disappeared, a few red rocks near Ryuzaki Shinji suddenly trembled abnormally.

Ryuzaki Shinji, who has always been on high alert, also noticed it for the first time, the purple light flashed in his eyes, and immediately took out two elf **** from the elf belt around his waist, and then threw them forward, saying loudly: " Come out, Froggrass, Poisonous Skull Frog, prepare to attack."

The next moment, the suddenly shaking rocks suddenly opened their eyes full of hostility. A dozen small fists disguised as rocks and rumbling rocks stretched out their stone arms to pull themselves out of the ground, and some of them faced Shinji Ryuzaki. The sharp edge of the rock came out, and the rest rolled on the spot one after another, using a rolling trick against Ryuzaki Shinji, who seemed to be the best to deal with.

For these creatures who trespassed into their territory, their Little Fist and Stone family gave them the treatment of returning to the embrace of Mother Earth.

These small fist stones and rumbling rocks disguised as rocks have swallowed up a lot of red rocks to grow, and the layer of stone skin covering them is also similar to the color of the surface of the red rocks.

Combined with a large number of red rocks that can be seen everywhere on the sand, it is very confusing. If it is not for Ryuzaki Shinji who has been shrouded in mental power within 100 meters of the nearby, otherwise they will not be able to see through their ambush.

But since the ambush has been seen through, the threat has been reduced to the lowest point. Seeing a large number of sharp rock blades flying around, there are a dozen green vine whips in the depths of the frog grass, and then a dozen vine whips move quickly. Up, countless whip shadows combined to form an irregular whip shadow ball.

"Papapa~~" The sound of rocks being smashed rang out, and the vine whip of the frog grass was not leaking, and the large number of small fist stones and the rock blades of Ronglongyan were all defended.

"Frog frog frog~~" On the other side, Poison Skull Frog quickly moved his hands to a few acupoints on his body, and used his acupoint skills to instantly increase his physical attack and speed to the maximum value, and glanced contemptuously at the little ones who were rolling up. Fist Stone and Rumble Rock, followed by a large amount of afterimages left in place.

"Bang bang bang~~" Whenever the poisonous frog leaves an afterimage on the spot, a small fist stone or rumbling rock will turn into afterimages and fly out in the opposite direction, and then only a hundred meters away. fell heavily to the ground.

And they all left a deep fist or footprint on their bodies, and the hard rock bodies were covered with a lot of spider-like cracks.

The remaining small fist stones and rumbling rocks who were still using falling rocks or sharp blades of rocks, after seeing their companions defeated by the same enemy, many of them showed a trace of fear on their faces, and some of them turned their heads immediately. A rolling quick retreat from the battlefield.

The first escaper appeared, and the rest of the fearful Little Fist Stone and Long Longyan followed suit and used rolling tricks to escape from the two terrifying enemies around Ryuzaki Shinji.

"Wow~~" Seeing these rock-type elves running away, the Poisonous Skull Frog, who had not fully moved his hands and feet, cried out in disappointment. The contempt on his face became stronger and stronger, and he didn't bother to pursue.

However, the frog grass that hadn't personally destroyed an enemy was a little annoyed, and a large number of swirling leaves flew out from its body, and then manipulated these swirling leaves to attack those unlucky ghosts who evacuated the battlefield at the latest.

The grass-type quadruple restraint the small fist stone and the rumbling rock with the rock type and the ground type.

After a while ~www.readwn.com~ the nearby "rocks" disappeared, and a battle that did not enter the canyon ended like this.

Ryuzaki Shinji looked at the small amount of gravel left on the battlefield, and said with some regret: "A group of guys who bully the soft and fear the hard are really not beaten, the frog grass, the poisonous frog, and collect their bodies."

These small fist stones and rumbling rocks that grew up eating red rocks, their bodies are richer in minerals than ordinary red rocks. They can be regarded as high-quality red rocks. High-quality red rocks and a dozen medium-quality red rocks of the same volume.

These high-quality red rocks are Yu Kira's favorite food at present. Basically, a dozen pieces are enough for his meal for a day.

This time, the main purpose of Ryuzaki Shinji coming to the Red Rock Canyon is to collect enough red rocks, among which high-quality red rocks like this are Ryuzaki Shinji's main goal.

After all, the space equipment in his hand is limited in volume, and he can't load as many red rocks as the next mountain at one time.

To be continued....

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